An Accomplished JetPunker?


Credit to Elboy for the thumbnail.

I do not like milestone blogs. I have already had the occasion to tell that multiple times. Of course there are some exceptions: Swat, Insaniot or even of course our dear Stewart did an awesome work at doing that. But most of the time, in my humble opinion, it's all just bland reading.

So of course, when some of you asked me if I was planning to publish a special blog as my 100th one, I immediately answered that it wouldn't be the case. However... Two main reasons changed my mind.

First of all, a very practical reason pushed me to do that. I realised that I could actually publish this special blog the day of another JetPunk special event for me: passing two million takes. Having two things to celebrate at the same moment helped to convince me that such a special blog could eventually be a good idea.

Then, and that's maybe more important, I realised that it was not only about me. For the first time, the number of blogs published by a same user will reach three digits. I guess that it would have been a shame to publish a "normal" blog for this occasion, special for me but also for the website itself in a way.

After ninety-nine blogs published and more than four years of blogging, it's time for me to give a try to milestone blogs...

P.S.: Forgive me the very poor formating of this blog. I wanted to publish it the exact day I pass 2 million takes... and it came faster than expected.

4 years of blogging

Since that's the main subject of this blog, let's start with blogging. My route as a JetPunk blogger has been pretty happy from begining to end. I have already told many thing about it over the past few years, and if you are reading these lines, you probably already know some parts of the story. However, I bet than I can surprise you with some anecdotes.

I started blogging just as a complement as my quizmaking activity, which is quite interesting to explain in a blog celebrating both blogging and quiz creation. Effectively, my two first blogs were announcements to French quiztakers about my blog series of that time. However, I quickly realised that this way of communication didn't work, especially for foreign quiz sections, almost not aware of the existence of JetPunk blogs.

My true blogger route began with my first blog, launching the very first French blog series of the site: Les raisons d'un succès. At the begining of this first blog, I wrote than I was starting blogging to "celebrate my 100,000 takes" and that I would do that only from time to time and in French. Other interesting thing, I added a few words after that: "but we never know, everything can change...". I let you judge. As most of my future series, it was JetPunk-centric. And I'm still surprised today to see that it received many positive comments... from English-speaking quizmaker. It was a true success for a Frenchy newbie on the RUB. I wrote sequels, also very well welcomed.

After this incursion on the blog section, I received encouragements to continue on this way. You may know that, at this time, there wasn't the same rules to post blogs like what we have today (level, length,...), and some much more blogs were posted... but mostly low-quality. One of the main figures of the RUB was of course Malkiboy, and so receivement encouragements from him meant a lot to me. I have already given details aboout it in my interview, but let's just say that I decided that if Malki was publishing LOAJ blogs, I would publish... IOAJ. I is a nice letter. Yeah, the story of this now iconic blog series starts with a very stupid consideration.

The rest is history: I published the first interviews, they were very well received, I continued on this way, improving the quality of my blogs, adding new regular questions and things like WITJ,... I have to admit that looking back at the quality of the first interviews, well... Uh... Have a look too, and you'll know what I mean. But it was a begining, after all. And you have to know that we didn't have yet the blog update, so the edition of the format of the blog had to be done only with HTML.

Of course I wasn't only pubishing interviews. Blogs also were a way for me to communicate about my first daily quiz series - I'll talk about it later. And I came back to quiz presentation, but in a very different formats, with the now forgotten Have You Missed These Awesome Quizzes, which, according to my calculation, helped a lot some quizzes to climb in the nomination leaderboard. Unfortunately, since the spotlights arrived and because the nomination system is, how you know, more or less broken for months, this series that I truly liked slowly lost its point. But we never know, things can change...

When came the blog update, I was very happy because sections for foreign blogs were created. It made me wanting to develop and spread the word about it. I wrote several French JetPunk-educationnal blogs and talked a lot about it on the French server. I don't know if it helped, but in the end, the French section logically became the second blog section of the site. At the same time, I continued to interview maany famous and less famous quizmakers. It was a kind of golden age in my blogging route... but I consider that I'm actually still in it nowadays.

At the beginning of this year, I decided to make the development of the foreign blog sections one of my objective. I knew how  to do, thanks to my experience with the French section several years before: creating a server, welcoming influent bloggers speaking different languages, having clear and ambitious but reachable objectives,... And it worked quite well! If it has slowed down a lot during the second half of the year, we accomplished many awesome things together and I'm sure that we will have new goals next year.

Anecdote moment: blogging on JetPunk also helped me on other websites too. That's here that I posted my writings online for the first time. It made me gaining in self-confidence and encourage to do that more often. In mid-2020, I started to write video game tests on jeuxvidé, the biggest European video game website. My tests got accepted by the moderation of the site and I gained visibility. Several months later, in December 2021, a small website who read these tests contacted me to become its video game redactor. I worked for them until the end of the year. I wrote for them many articles about video games but also cinema, literature,... After that I changed and started working for a bigger website, and it's still a thing today. I truly love it, and have the chance to be able todo that along with my higher studies. And it allows me to earn a bit of money, what is of course a nice bonus. A funny anecdote about it is that one of the articles I published is used as a source for the JetPunk English Wikipedia page. La boucle est bouclée, as we say in French.

I still have many projects for future as a blogger. I have tons of drafts for French blogs but almost never find time to work on them. And of course interviews are still a thing. After having published 30 blogs in the series, that's still a pleasure to interview users of my very favourite website, so let's continue on this way! Here I am in my blogging route today.

A few records...

-Most blogs published (100)

-Most French blogs published (

-Second French blog posted ever (behind Mewthree)

-Blogs published in the most languages (tied with cathlete)

-Most liked French blog (22 likes)

-Blog series running for the most time (3,1 years)

-Second longest blog series (30 blogs, behind MrBlogger)

-Most liked blog series (516 likes)

- First multi-blogger blog series

7 years of quizmaking

Well... Actually more 6.5 than 7, but it would have been weird to write it like that.

If I have very clear memories about my first quiztake - as explained in my interview - and the redaction of my first blog post, that's much more complicated for me to remember how I came to quizmaking. But I guess it was just an evidence for me after a few days taking quizzes on the site.

I started quizmaking about everything but geography: video games (mostly Nintendo), TV shows (my second quiz was about Wakfu), lingusistic (latin in first place), currencies,... A few months later, I started a series which wasn't that popular at that time but played a very important role in my JetPunk life Focus sur: Pays. It's the one who inspired me my daily series Focus sur: Harry Potter and later its Tolkien equivalent. During this first period of my quizmaking route, I was creating my own quizzes. They were for most of them average or even not that good at all, but they were representative of the JetPunker I was at that time.

Then began the only period I regret in my JetPunk life. The one during I translated quizzes without even crediting their creators. It lasted only a few months, between 2019 and early 2020, but it still marks me today. I remember very clearly that, at the begining, my intention was to enrich the variety of quizzes proposed on the French section. But then it turned into a stupid takes obsession. That's thus I reached top 200 - it was "only" about 40k takes at this time - and I'm actually not that proud of this.

Fortunately Covid arrived - yeah, it may seem weird to say that. And with Covid lockdown. And with lockdown more free time. Free time to devote to JetPunk. And by spending more time on the site, I finally discovered the JetPunk Discord server. I met very nice people there, but most of all, I realised that my quizmaker behaviour wasn't actually good. So I changed. I decided to only create quizzes which would be my own ones, completely. And it quickly paid, since I got just after my very first English featured quiz.

That's also during this period that I started my first daily series which lasted one whole year. I created the French Discord server as well. It was a kind of first golden age for me. Of course everything wasn't perfect. For example, that's also during this period that happened the "unfriendly discussion", as KingEureka called it. But that's definitely in 2020 that I started to enjoy JetPunk the same way I enjoy it today.

It continued like that during the following years. The French server motivated me to create more unique quizzes. I continued on this way, and it paid, like with the excellent reception of my Scrabble quizzes, which I'm very proud of and which definitely helped a lot to reach the symbolic number of 2 million takes, less than 11 months after having passed 1 million.

At the very begining of this year, I started featuring quizzes on the French section daily, thanks to my dear Stewart's confidence. I'm still doing that currently. That's a time-consuming task, and for a few months, I actually spend more time working on other's quizzes to make them featurable than on my own creations. But that's a way of quizmaking I enjoy too. I feel like I contribute to the well-being of my beloved French section, and it means a lot to me.

I of course continue working on my own quizzes too. Starting higher education made me spending less time to create SVG quizzes, but I try to continue to come up with some interesting ideas that I personally like, from time to time, and that's what I enjoy. Here I am in my quizmaking route today.

To finish this short even-for-me-unexpected milestone blog, I would like to try to answer a question that I often ask myself: am I more a quizmaker or a blogger? I have already told several times that, although being a kind of figure of the JetPunk blog section, I conider myself as a quizmaker before all. But... I think that I have to correct my previous statement. I am neither a quizmaker nor a blogger. I'm a JetPunker. I like my use of every aspect of the site: I love creating quizzes and writing blogs, but also commenting, publishing charts, taking quizzes, administrating the French JetPunk Dicord server, playing minigames, reading interesting facts and anecdotes, talking on the JetPunk Discord server, featuring French quizzes,... I can't chose only one of this dimension to describe my experience on our favourite website. That's what I tried to do before, but it was a stupid mistake. I'm a JetPunker, and proud to be.

That's all for this special blog. I'm not confident about its interest, but well... It was the occaion to try such a thing, at least. No regret. But before ending this post, I would like to tell you all that this is just the begining of my JetPunk adventure. Make ssure I'll continue publishing quizzes of any type. Make sure I'll continue to publish blogs, and especially interview. And finally be sure that I won't be leaving the site any time soon.

Thank you for reading for the hundredth time, and thank you all for your support and your attention! Un immense merci à tous!

Level 27
Oct 23, 2023
Congrats, you’re doing a great job with both blogs and quizzes!
Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Thank you very much!
Level 59
Oct 23, 2023
Great milestone blog! Surprised such a great and influential JetPunker hasn't had one yet!

" I wanted to publish it the exact day I pass 2 million takes... and it came faster than expected."

DJ Baptiste, suffering from success

Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Haha! I got two excellent days in a row, so what I expected for the end of the month came... yesterday. So yeah, I may me one of these supermegastars for who success is such that it becomes a pain.

Anyway, thank you for your compliment!

Level 68
Oct 23, 2023
An excellent commemoration to a fantastic individual and JetPunker :)
Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
And an excellent comment from Stewart, the one and only one. Thank you, it means a lot, especially from you!
Level 43
Oct 23, 2023
Big GG’s Poirot! Very well-deserved
Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Big GG's MG for this very kind comment! Thank you a lot.
Level 70
Oct 23, 2023
Great! That's impressive... 100 blogs!

Your contributions improved JetPunk, not only the French sections, but the others as well. Let's celebrate! 💯

All the support to a fantastic detective 🧐.


Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Haha! Merci beaucoup!

I wasn't even hoping to reach that when I start blogging, but well... Thanks again!

Level 66
Oct 23, 2023
Congratulations for everything you've achieved so far, I wish you the best for all that is coming next ;-)
Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Thank you very much, and let's see ce que le futur me réserve...
Level 68
Oct 23, 2023
Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Level 58
Oct 23, 2023
Happy 4th birthday! Uh, no, wait... Merry Christmas! Hmm, that's still not that... Well, congrats for these two significant milestones then!

While you say that blog would not be "that interesting", I would personnally say that it's the opposite. It's always a great pleasure to read and know more about this truly "Life of a JetPunker"!

After all, you're probably one of the persons who made me enjoy this website enough to spend more time on it, by starting to create quizzes and enjoying the Discord community :)

I'm glad that we both agree that you're not a blogger more than a quizmaker, and vice-versa. Why trying to rank those two activities when you truly like both of them? You surely made enough on both sides to belong to them.

That said, congrats again, Happy Easter and let's see who will reach the 3M first 👀😇

Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
What a beautiful comment! Happy Halloween!

More seriously, thank you very much for your words. It's an honour to read that I helped, at least a little beat, one of the quizmaker with the highest potential right now. It means a lot.

Glad you enjoyed my work as a JetPunker! I wish you all the best.And who knows, maybe you'll write such a blog, one day...

Level 66
Oct 23, 2023
Someone should compile a list of JetPunk records!
Level 60
Oct 23, 2023
Congratulations! 100 blogs is no small feat. I haven't read them all (and probably never will on account of not being able to speak French) but the ones I have read are all very good, and I love the sense of community your interviews create. Even your milestone blog is excellent!
Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Thank you very much for this comment and its compliments!

I guess that nobody read and will ever read all my blogs, even me. And actually not sure if it would be a good thing to do. But knowing you enjoyed the ones you read is the most important for me.

I wasn't sure at all about this blog... I didn't think that it could interest anyone to talk that much about myself. Glad to see it's finally well-received!

Level 77
Oct 23, 2023
Congratulations on 2,000,000 and 100! Learning about other JetPunkers in your interview blog series drastically increased my interest in quiz making and JetPunk in general. Thank you for that, and of course your many other contributions.
Level 82
Oct 23, 2023
I strongly second these congratulations! Many of your blogs have kept me entertained when I'm bored, and I always enjoy reading your IOAJ series. Best of wishes to any of your future endeavors on JetPunk and beyond, and I can't wait to see what they bring!
Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Thank you very much to both! Entertaining people on their favourite website is definitely the point of most of my publications, so that's a true pleasure to read it was an accomplismhment, at least with a few users.

Glad to have raised your interest in JetPunk, I hope that it will continue in the future!

Level 74
Oct 23, 2023
Congratulations to my favorite JetPunker!

It's been a pleasure watching your efforts in JetPunk over the years and even more of a pleasure to join you in the blogging project(s) of this year!

Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Haha! Thank you so much!

I'm sure that we will continue on this way next year too. The only "problem" for this end of year is just that we accomplished our objectives too fast. So... let's find more ambitious onesfor 2024. ;-)

Level 71
Oct 23, 2023
Congrats Poirot! All of your accomplishments are very well deserved. Here's to another 2 million takes and 100 blogs!
Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Thank you very much! From a JetPunker I really like and estimate, it means a lot.
Level 24
Oct 24, 2023
Congrats and well done on this blog!!! It's done to perfection.
Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Haha! Thank you very much, although I'm not sure if it's a that good one.
Level 78
Oct 24, 2023
Félicitations Poirot. Please continue the interviews, they are your trademark. looking forward to the next 100 !

p.s I had to look how many blogs I have written and at the moment I am on 76, so I have a little catching up to do.

Level 54
Oct 24, 2023
Thank you very much, it means a lot, from a qualitative blogger and quizmaker like you.

And haha, you will surely catch up soonner than what you could expect. But let's see, I guess... That's at least what I wish for you. ;-)

Level 55
Oct 25, 2023
Congrats! I am not far behind you and I will also pass the 2 million milestone pretty soon!
Level 54
Oct 25, 2023
Thank you very much!

Yeah, I saw that I passed you pretty recently. Congratulations in advance for this achievment!

Level 70
Oct 26, 2023
Well done Poirot! Quizzes, blogs: a real relentless production on JetPunk, both in quantity and quality!

Let me congrat you for all the work you have put into JetPunk over the years, whether for the French or English sections, which owe you a lot.

On a more personal note, I'll also add that I wouldn't be where I am without your kind words and encouragement at the start of my adventure on JetPunk, so thank you for everything you do here!

Encore bravo !

Level 54
Oct 28, 2023
Thank you for this very kind comment, it means a lot. I'm proud of my JetPunk route, but even more if I have helped users during it. Glad it was the case for you, and congratulations as well for all your success and your excellent quizzes which gave its lettres de noblesse to the French section and even the English one.
Level 33
Oct 28, 2023
Congratulations !
Level 54
Oct 28, 2023
Thank you very much!