Geography Snap Statistics (February 2024)


Before the blog begins, I'd like to mention that this blog was made in collaboration with a Snap player. I see you coming, no it's not Changedaworld. It's zWallaby, an emerging Snap player who leant a hand to help collecting data for this blog. Also, aesthetic improvements were made, and new sections were added. Hope you'll enjoy !


There are three leaderboards in every game mode of Geography Snap. More precisely, the 5 fastest players per day, per week and since the beginning of Geography Snap (well, only since October 26th 2020, not 25th). Well, the player Changedaworld invented a points system according to the rank of a player in any leaderboard. Here it is :

1st place : 7 points

2nd place : 5 points

3rd place : 3 points

4th place : 2 points

5th place : 1 point

So, if we take every old game mode (game modes that were there before the November 2022 update), take the 5 best players in these All-Time leaderboards, and assign points according to their ranks, we get this leaderboard for the month of February 2024 :

Rank Player Number of Points Number of Points Evolution Rank Evolution
1st SilverDog 279 +4 =
2nd Changedaworld 261 -4 =
3rd Dagod 108 = =
4th Batman23 30 = =
5th Sammyboi 24 = =
6th pappus1232 17 +1 =
7th tamara 13 = =
8th BI 9 = =
9th KonevRokossovsky 8 = =
10th smirkymyjens 7 -1 -1
anahita 7 = =
11th MarcelVos 6 = =
12th Dontforget 5 = =
13th Chaddius 4 = =
Hageball 4 = =
yawnofthedead 4 = =
14th GameyTV 3 = =
merpell 3 = =
nimbru 3 = =
15th Albmaralb 2 = =
backstreetben 2 = =
16th hfgsy 2 = -1(TB)
PowerGuiido 2 = -1(TB)
pseudocraul 2 = -1(TB)
17th CaptWillard 1 = -1(UTB)
MarkScholten 1 = -1(UTB)
Stewart 1 = -1(UTB)
Tmnight 1 = -1(UTB)
Transvaal 1 = -1(UTB)
Yes, a lot of things changed. First of all, you may wonder why Albmaralb and backstreetben are separated from hfgsy, PowerGuiido and pseudocraul.
Well, that is the result of an idea proposed by zWallaby : a tiebreaker !
Basically, it works by taking the multiple people who have the same number of points, and looking at their ranks in the leaderboards they are in. In that case, the tiebreaker goes thus :
  • Albmaralb & backstreetben : both are 4th in one game mode each.
  • hfgsy, PowerGuiido & pseudocraul : all of them are 5th in two game modes each.
Despite hfgsy, PowerGuiido and pseudocraul being on two leaderboards each, Albmaralb and backstreetben are on higher ranks, therefore they are placed higher in the leaderboard.
Now of course, the "Rank Evolution" column will not be fair for this specific blog, that's why 2 acronyms were created :
  • TB : Ranks that were affected due to a tiebreaker involving the people in that rank
  • UTB (Unrelated Tiebreaker) : Ranks that were affected due to a tiebreaker that is not involving the people in that rank
In that case, all the people who had exactly one point got affected, and it will come back to normal next blog.
Speaking of 1-point players, a "red zone" has been instaured (symbolized by a red bar), in which players are in danger of getting ousted off the leaderboard, because of their lonely point.
Out of the new features and fixes :
  • Colours for 4th and 5th places !
  • Colours for cell borders !
  • Fixed an issue where the bottom-left cell would not have a border on it's lower side.

Ranks Stats

The player who's the 1st in the most categories is... SilverDog, being first in 27 game modes.

The player who's the 2nd in the most categories is... Changedaworld, being second in 27 game modes.

The player who's the 3rd in the most categories is... Dagod, being third in 30 game modes.

The player who's the 4th in the most categories is...  Dagod, both being fourth in 9 game modes.

The player who's the 5th in the most categories is... Sammyboi, being fifth in 10 game modes.

Now, here is the top-5 of the players who are on the most All-Time top-5s :

Rank Player Number of All-Time top-5s
1st Changedaworld 45
SilverDog 45
2nd Dagod 39
3rd Batman23 17
Sammyboi 17
4th pappus1232 9
5th tamara 8
There are currently 10 different people who are on only one leaderboard :
  • 3 of them are in 3rd place
  • 2 of them are in 4th place
  • 5 of them are in 5th place

Times Stats

Out of all 225 All-Time top-5s times, 8 were improved, including 2 World Records ! Here they are, broken down by game mode !

Game Mode Rank Improvement
Countries Easy 1st 0.2s
Flags Hard 5th 0.1s
Shapes Hard 3rd 0.9s
Countries &
Shapes Easy
2nd 0.1s
Capitals &
Shapes Hard
4th 0.3s
Flags &
Shapes Medium
2th 0.5s
Countries, Flags
& Shapes Easy
1st 0.1s
2nd 0.3s

If we add every top-5 time in every old game mode, we get to...

2132.5 seconds, or 35 minutes and 32.5 seconds !

That's 2.5 seconds that were cut off during February !

If we only take the 1st time in every All-Time, we get to...

315,2 seconds, or 5 minutes and 15.2 seconds !

That's 0.3 seconds that were cut off during February !

Ever since the first Snap Stats blog (June 2022), a total of

811.3 seconds, or 13 minutes and 31.3 seconds

have been cut off from the sum of every old top-5 times, and

198.9 seconds, or 3 minutes and 18.9 seconds

from the sum of every old 1st place.


In conclusion, this month has been fine. Seeing players like pappus1232 continuing to grind after multiple months is just what the game needs to be alive, and I appreciate that. World Records are getting broken again, which is a good sign too. Anyway I hope that you liked the new format of this blog, and I'd like to thank zWallaby for helping me finding a new and quicker way to gather data, to have tried it together and proved that it works !

SilverDog & zWallaby

Level 57
Mar 13, 2024
This Statistics blog has been made with this spreadsheet.