Blaze Empire #3


This blog is set shortly after the events of Dawn of the JetPunk Empires : Episode XII

Nuclear Facility

Near Baghdad, Blaze Empire

Solomon Blaze and his entourage arrive at the nuclear facility for Solomon's meeting with Ali Khalif, the head of the nuclear program. Ali bows to Solomon.

Solomon : Arise.

Ali : Greetings, sir.

Solomon : It is good to be here. How is the nuclear program coming along?

Ali : Very well, sir. We have all the nuclear weapons that we received from the Veggie Caliphate in exchange for the super-carrots, and the 4,998 centrifuges in Iran have been running constantly to produce more.

Solomon : I thought we had five thousand centrifuges.

Ali : Two were sabotaged by Israeli agents before the rise of the great Blaze Empire, sir. The remaining 4,998 are all operational and in good condition.

Solomon : Excellent. We must be prepared to defend ourselves. The Blaze Empire is officially providing military assistance to the Macedonians, and though I don't plan on nuking them, you never know what could happen...

Ali : Indeed, sir. Just last week we caught someone trying to steal some plutonium.

Solomon : What?? Why was I not notified??!!

Ali : Well, the Black Chamber classified the entire situation as Level E, sir.

Government Official Riechshling next to Solomon : Level E : Did not happen. Anything about the situation was purely a byproduct of your imagination. Mr Khalif, you have violated the Official Secrets Act, we will have to-

Solomon interrupts : Never mind about that. You will not be punished, Ali. I like hearing about Level E situations. But you tell to anyone else and you will become a Level E situation. Understand?

Ali : Yes, sir.

Official Riechshling: Sir, we have just received a request from the Macedonians. They would like us to take the cities of Volgograd and Vinnytsia for them.

Solomon : I have never even heard of those places, but I'm sure my army commanders know where they are. Wait - this order didn't come from Alexander the Greater, did it?

Official Riechshling: No, it came from Goaty, with orders not to reply under any circumstances.

Solomon : I wonder why? Hmm - who currently has those cities, Vinnytsia and Volgo-glo-gro...

Official Riechshling: Volgograd. The Vampires, sir.

Solomon : Of course. The letter V. More countries getting sucked into this war... Ali! How many nuclear weapons did we get from the Veggies?

Ali : 199.

Solomon : I want 20 nuclear warheads on missiles at hair-trigger alert levels. Better be safe than sorry during times like these.

Ali : Done.

Solomon : If Blaze is going to be a player in WWIII, then we need to be prepared. It is unlikely that there will be no fighting on home turf. Mr Riechshling?

Official Riechshling : Yes sir?

Solomon : Send out an order : Prepare the armed forces. But keep it on the down-low for now, we dont want to go all-out wartime unless this situation escalates more and we have to...

Level 60
Aug 5, 2022
Cool. I hate to admit it, but I’m in pretty desperate help. I’ve been forced into the war by the Yemeni People’s Republic, and by doing that they’ve effectively split my army between offense and defense. I don’t have the numbers to drive them out of Arabia. If you and goaty help me gain the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula back, I’m sure some land and goods exchanges could happen.
Level 65
Aug 5, 2022
Hmm that sounds good. I'd really like Syria but I don't know what I could give you in exchange. Qatar?
Level 60
Aug 5, 2022
Macedonian has Syria. And helping me get red of Viniga should be good enough. I could probably give you parts of Yemen, and maybe give goaty the rest of Israel and Lebanon
Level 65
Aug 5, 2022
OK. I'd be happy with that. I can help you rid the world of Viniga.
Level 68
Aug 15, 2022
How is Tanzania doin?