Crane Fly vs. Harvestman vs. Cellar Spider (What is a Daddy Longleg?)



This blog is the first in a new series I’m doing (comparing three commonly mistaken things) which is a little bit like one of MG17’s series.  This blog will be comparing harvestmen, cellar spiders, and crane flies, all commonly called daddy longlegs.

A comparison between the three bugs.  crane fly (left), harvestmen (center) and cellar spider (right)


A harvestman is an arachnid that looks a lot like a spider, but is not.  A harvestman’s head, thorax, and abdomen are all fused into one, as you can see.  A cellar spider’s head, thorax, and abdomen are separated.  A crane fly, being an insect, has a merged thorax and abdomen.

A harvestman also only has two eyes compared to a cellar spider’s eight and a crane fly’s six.

Unlike cellar spiders, harvestmen can’t spin webs.


Cellar Spiders

A cellar spider is an arachnid also.  They are often confused with harvestmen, as they look pretty identical to the average person.  A cellar spider has eight legs, eight eyes, and a liking for my bathtub.

Cellar Spider

Crane Flies

Sometimes known as the mosquito hawk because it’s larvae feeds on mosquito larvae.  A crane fly is a large winged insect that behaves sort of like a moth because it’s drawn to light and comes out at night.  It has six legs and six eyes and is a insect.

Crane Fly


Thanks for reading!  This blog was pretty short, and was just meant to explain the basic differences between the three bugs.  Which one do you call a daddy longleg?  Say so in the comments!

Level 73
Feb 14, 2022
To me, all of them are useless insects which shouldn't have existed at all.
Level 60
Feb 14, 2022
Level 45
Feb 14, 2022
I agree.

Simple Math

🕷 + Me = 😫

Level 60
Feb 14, 2022
I personally love bugs and creepy crawlies, but I get that that’s not a popular opinion lol.
Level 74
Feb 15, 2022
Interesting. I never knew much about harvestmen
Level 62
Feb 15, 2022
This was very hard to see the pictures in this blog for me lol. Nonetheless, this is a great and very interesting blog :)
Level 68
Feb 15, 2022
To me, it's creepy bug vs. creepy bug vs. creepy bug with wings. Nice blog, though!
Level 60
Feb 15, 2022
Oh wow people really do hate bugs lol. Next blog, why spiders are helpful to the ecosystem.