2023-My Year in Review


2023-A Year in Review

2023 has been my biggest year on JetPunk. I created much more content than last year, began my blogging journey, and saw a huge influx in takes of my quizzes.

Timeline of 2023 Progress

2023-Greatly expanded my LGBTQ quiz series, adding 4 quizzes.

July 5-Posted Middle East by Picture, my second-most popular quiz. The quiz achieved over 560 takes as of December 23 thanks to a spotlight. (I still do not know who that was. If it was you, please tell me.)

August 26-Began my blogging journey, I now have over 20 blogs on this website.

September 5-Posted my first chart, Population of Leading Nations.

The End of 2023-Added over 20 quizzes to my Click a Valid Country series, including sequels and spin-offs.

My Middle East by Picture quiz.
A spin-off of my Click a Valid Country quizzes, with flag shapes instead of country names.

My Stats at a Glance

As of December 23, here are my basic stats of JetPunk progress.

Level-49 (I will try to get to 50 someday, I am just kind of busy right now.)

Blogs-21 (Only includes blogs that are still live.)

Quizmaker Rank-#2,002 (Trying to get in the top 2,000.)

Takes-9,700 (Almost 10,000. Really seems like I need to accomplish some stuff before the end of the year.)

Quizzes-252 (Recently reached 250.)

The following stats were accurate as of a few days ago. Some of them may have changed between when I wrote and published the blog.


Most popular quizzes: LGBTQ Terms Quiz #1, Middle East by Picture, The First Letter of the Alphabet, Click a Valid Country #1.

Most nominated quizzes: Middle East by Picture, Rachel Carson. (The first is much better.)

Most popular new quiz: Middle East by Picture.

Most recommended quiz: Guess These Language Passages.

Guess These Language Passages.

Quiz Series

Most popular series: LGBTQ Quizzes, 980 takes.

Highest rated series: Click a Valid Country, rated 4.20.

Longest series: Click a Valid Country, 25 quizzes. Second-longest is Politics and Current Events with 20 quizzes.

Most recommended series: Countries by AI Animal Avatar.

Countries by AI Animal Avatar #1.


First blog: Alpha Codes for JetPunk Users.

Latest blog: The RUB is changing.

Most commented blog: Guess the American President #1.

Best series: Debate Night, Mystery Challenge (Includes Mystery Country and Mystery President).

Favorite new bloggers: Quizbyquiz, Brainstorm.

The premier of my Debate Night series.


Number of charts: 4 charts.

First chart: Population of Leading Nations.

Latest chart: Distribution of Quiz Takes on JetPunk.

Most informative chart: The Most and Least Expensive States to Live.

Most common chart category: Random JetPunk-related stuff.

The Most and Least Expensive States to Live.

2023 was a great year for me! Looking forward to next year.

What Will 2024 Be Like?

In 2024, I plan to make more quizzes on JetPunk. I hope there are new formats for quizzes, blogs, and charts. I want to post many more blogs next year and expand my chart library. I hope to come up with more ideas for quizzes and maybe even get a feature. (Your nominations always help!) But I should also control my JetPunk addiction and spend less time on this site, and instead do some other things that are worthwhile, like seeing my friends and family and not stare at a computer screen so much.

Level 43
Dec 31, 2023
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉

(Also happy new year).

Level 50
Jan 1, 2024
Thanks. I am glad to leave 2023 behind me. It was the worst.
Level 65
Dec 31, 2023
This is a good summary Astana. I found it interesting and informative
Level 65
Dec 31, 2023
But I'm pretty sure anything less than 8 hours of JetPunk a day is heresy XD