Military History Quizzes - Page 2

Take a Random Military History Quiz
809Famous Battles in History
784Marshalls of Napoleon Bonaparte /26/
780US Navy and USAAF Aircraft of WWII
771WWII Tanks Multiple Choice
769Napoleon's Marshals
744WWI: Central Power... or Allied Power?
737Name the 9 Battleships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet on December 7th, 1941
73650 WWII figures
732Best and Worst Generals of the American Civil War
730World War II Events on the Map
710Civil War Generals
708German Tanks of World War 2
696Impossible WW2 trivia
689Countries in the Most Military Alliances
681WW2 British planes.
675Countries with the Largest Amount of Troops in WW1
674The First World War by year - 1914
670Vietnam War Movies
653Name a Valid War
643Countries occupied by France (under Napoléon)
643Napoleon Bonaparte: True Or False?
638Cities by Conflict A-Z
636The Big Nazi Quiz
624All Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) Aircraft Carriers
596Countries where Nuclear Weapons Exploded
593Civil War General Knowledge Quiz
583World War II Movies
580Korean War participants
579Ww2 weapons
574British WW2 Aircraft by Picture
570Biggest Cities once in the Japanese Empire
568battle of WW2
532Famous WWII Generals
530World War II Battleships of the Imperial Japanese Navy
526American Revolutionary War Generals by last name
525Flags of WWI
513Countries with Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)
492American Civil War Battlefields (with map)
488US WW2 Aircraft by Picture
479Countries That Took Part In The Balkan Wars (1912-1913)
472Korean War Countries Quiz
471Ww2 events
470Countries that Controlled Former Nazi Germany
458Hard WW2 questions for the discerning historian - Aircraft
458Countries involved in WWII
454The American Civil War Quiz
451Capital Ships Sunk During WWII With Map
442WWI Countries
441American Revolution Quiz
437Famous Battles of World War II # 1
434Countries Canada Declared War On
429Countries that lost territory after WWII
429Walking Across European Borders (WW2): Portugal to Liechtenstein
425States during the US Civil War
421Main Battles of WWII
422US Navy Ships at Pearl Harbor
421Countries by Historical Battle
421World War II Basic Knowledge #1
417Failed Invasions
393Countries in World War I
391Pre-WW1 Dreadnought Battleships
384Battles of the Wars of the Roses
381Countries with Chemical Weapons
381World War 2 Word Chain
373countries that fought in the WW2
372The Syrian Civil War
363World War 2 General Knowledge Quiz
356Countries Portugal Invaded, Occupied or Fought
356The Grand Fleet
353Battles of World War Two
344WWII expert quiz
343Vietnam war
342Vietnam War Belligerents
333The Dictator Files: Kim Il-sung
331Name WWII US + Japan + UK Aircraft Carriers
329Countries that Haven't had Civil Wars
327WW2 planes review
326Countries that stayed neutral in WWI
315Napoleonic Wars- Whos Who? Extreme Quiz!
313World War 1: Nature of Trench Warfare
311WWII Country Entrance Order
306WW2 german tank quiz
304WWI Central Powers
302World War 1 Casualties
301World War 2 Trivia
301New Countries after WWI
296Weapons of the American Civil War
294Civil War
293Who Won That War?
284Countries that have Been at War with Mexico
282Countries Where Holocaust Denial is Illegal
281Click the Amendment Number
280WWII General Knowledge
278Countries That Japan Invaded In WWII
276World War 2 Facts
275Battle of Midway 1942 - Aircraft Carriers
272Countries that Preceded Nazi Germany
266Commanders of the Napoleonic Wars
264Civil War Generals
259World War II Events Map Quiz
256Countries involved in the Vietnam War
252Eastern Front WW2 - Key Battles
241WWII German Leaders/Commanders
240Central Powers-Occupied Countries of WWI
238Napoleonic Battles - 1st part
238The Doomed Voyage of Russia's 2nd Pacific Squadron
237Food of the American Civil War Soldier
234WWII War Movies Quiz
235Israel wars / מלחמות ישראל
234World War II Heavy Cruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy
234Battles in WWI
233WWI General Knowledge
230American Weapons of WWII
229Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars
228Largest Modern-Day U.S. Cities in the Former Confederacy
228Wars by Treaty
227Wars Named for Their Duration
222Countries that Got the Most Aid from the Marshall Plan
218Iraq War Countries
218WWI Quiz *hard*
217Nazi in power of Germany
215Royal Navy Cruisers of World War II
214Airplane Recognition - WWII
214Countries in the Vietnam War
214Allies of World War I
213Notable Abolitionists of the Antebellum and American Civil War
209Vietnam War Combatants Quiz
209Countries Napoleon Ruled
208World War I Decoder
200WWII Ally or Axis
200Japan Occupation During WWII
198Countries in the Korean War
190WWII Tanks - UK
190Korean War Trivia
189battles of the revolutionary war
181Countries Napoleon Fought
180Korean War Belligerents
174Normandy D-Day Beaches with a Map
174Monarchs of WWI
173Battle of Stalingrad Quiz
173People of the Vietnam War
170Napoleon I or Napoleon III?
167Napoleonic Quiz
165Axis-Occupied Countries of WWII
16510 Most Amount of Casualties By Country in WWI In 30 Seconds
16410 most devasting bombing camapaigns of WWII
162WWII US Airplane Names
154Battles of WWI (First World War) - Alps & East
151Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz
151Winston Churchill's World War II Speech
150The Deadliest Wars
149Longest Civil Wars
142Largest Cities in the Confederacy
137Songs of the American Civil War
136Marshals of the Soviet Union
135Largest Civil War Cities
135WWII ships
134Winston Churchill A-Z
132The Napoleonic Wars
132Countries Winston Churchill visited
131WWII Quiz
12610 Biggest Cities in Order: WWII Axis Countries
122WWII Quiz - The Basics
120Historical Wars Tile Select
119Countries with No-Fly Zones
117Iraq War Combatants
117Wars of Israel
116Countries that fought in WWII by Death Toll
115Did it happen? - Napoleon film
114First 3 and Last 3 Battle of the American Civil War
114famous people in WWII
113Abraham Lincoln's Civil War Cabinet
113What WWII Ship is Fake?
113Crimean War Quiz
113Vehicles of WWII
113WWII Quiz
112Countries that were in WWII
111Napoleon I Multiple Choice Quiz
111Napoleon (Hard)
111WWII 101
110Battles of World War One
110Countries Suffering Most WWII Casualties
107Life of Napoleon
107Napoleonic Wars Quiz #1
106Name the major WWII military operations
103The countries that invaded Korea
102Axis-Occupied Countries of WWII
101Countries of Brazilian Military Excursions
100WWII Aicraft by Picture (Hard!)
100Countries of WWII
94Anti-Napoleon coalitions
93Korean War Combatants
89French Marshals of Napoleonic Wars