North Korea Quizzes

Take a Random North Korea Quiz
Can you name the countries who are geographically closest to North Korea.
For each statement, guess whether it applies to North Korea, South Korea, or both.
For each selected category, name any of the countries that ranks higher than North Korea.
94,983 Closest Countries to North Korea
69,384 North Korea... or South Korea?
26,304 Countries that Beat North Korea
26,019 North Korea Country Quiz
4,177Countries Kim Jong-un has been to
2,701Biggest Trading Partners - North Korea
2,058Provinces Of North Korea On A Map
1,153Countries with Embassies in North Korea
1,013North Korea Country Quiz
853Countries Kim Jong-un has visited
833countries not in north koreas missile range
740Countries Closest to North Korea
737The North Korea Quiz
616North Korea Ally Countries
517Countries Bordering North Korea
469Countries that don't need a Visa for North Korea
431Cities from Where You Can Fly into North Korea
369Allies of North Korea
356Everything North Korea Quiz
333The Dictator Files: Kim Il-sung
323US States Within North Korea's Missile Range
298Regions Bordering North Korea Map Quiz
283Countries with No Relations with North Korea
277The Supreme and Glorious Leaders of the proud and plentiful nation of North Korea.
221Geography of North Korea Quiz
193North or South Korea?
183North Korea's Biggest Import Partners
168Countries voting against condemning North Korea
158The Dictator Files: Kim Jong-un
1585 Largest cities in North Korea
158Quiz about North Korea-Multiple choice
154Leaders of North Korea
152Countries North Korea hates
140Countries That Do Not Recognize North Korea
127Countries That Can Visit North Korea Without A Visa
126North Korea... Or South Korea
122North Korea Multiple Choice
96North Korea A-Z
95Supreme Leaders of North Korea
94Leaders of South Korea and North Korea
86Countries with North Korean embassies
82Countries Closest to North Korea - One Minute Sprint
81Top 10 North Korean cities by population
77Full name of North Korea
73Countries with North Korean workers
65Quiz about North Korea
60History of North Korea Quiz
54North Korea Country Quiz
395 Biggest Cities : North Korea
38Countries without relations to North Korea
3310 Biggest Cities in North Korea
21Top 10 Largest Cities in North Korea
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