Quizzes by xJoosh

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user xJoosh.
# of Quizzes 54
# Subscribers 6
Times taken 6,139
Quizmaker Rank # 3,206
1,5442022-05-06Countries With a U in Their Name
3622022-05-02Countries with the Letter B in Their Name
2142022-04-26Asian Countries by First Two Letters
1682022-05-04Countries with a C in Their Name
1572022-04-09US States in Order of Size by Borders
1392022-05-06Countries With a P in Their Name
1362022-05-03Countries With a D in Their Name
1262022-05-07Countries With a Y in Their Name
1242022-05-06Countries With a V in Their Name
1232022-05-10Countries with a Z in Their Name
1232022-05-05Countries With an O in Their Name
1222022-05-07Countries With a W in Their Name
1212022-05-04Countries With a J in Their Name
1202022-05-04Countries With a G in Their Name
1132022-05-06Countries With a Q in Their Name
1122022-05-03Countries with an F in Their Name
1122022-05-07Countries With a T in Their Name
1082022-05-04Countries With an E in Their Name
1082022-05-31Countries With an I in Their Name
1072022-04-01Official Country Names with "United" In the Name
1052022-05-05Countries with a K in Their Name
1042022-05-04Countries With an H in Their Name
1042022-05-05Countries With an M in Their Name
972022-05-05Countries With an L in Their Name
952022-03-30Countries of the World in Reverse Alphabetical Order
942022-05-02Countries with the Letter A in their name
932022-05-06Countries With an R in Their Name
892022-05-06Countries With an S in Their Name
892022-03-26Longest Country Names
882022-05-06Countries With an X in Their Name
812022-05-05Countries with an N in Their Name
742022-03-31Countries Where Homosexuality is Illegal
582022-03-29Countries that Produce the Most Cars
562022-03-29USA States in Reverse Alphabetical Order
562022-03-28States by Abbreviations One Minute Sprint
562022-04-28Countries With "me" in the Name
542022-03-28Countries with 11 letters
412022-04-27Countries With "ru" in the Name
392022-04-27Countries With "and" in the Name
382022-04-01Official Country Names With "People" In the Name
372022-03-28Fast Food per Capita by State
362022-04-01Official Country Names with "Kingdom" In the Name
362022-04-2510 Southernmost Countries in Oceania
342022-05-11US States by Coastline
312022-03-30Seas in and Around Asia
292022-04-27Southermost Countries in North America
272022-04-19Least Guessed Countries on JetPunk
262022-04-27Countries With "and" in the Name With Exeptions
262022-04-04Official Country Names with "State" in the Name
252022-03-29Cities in the US by Chick-fil-a Locations
242022-04-1210 Smallest Economies in the Americas
212022-04-12Countries in the Western Hemisphere With Exeptions
192022-04-01Official Country Names With "Democratic" In the Name
182022-04-12Countries that Start with M by GDP