Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 20: Ads


A silly little self-aware issue

Ads can be insanely stupid. I say this as someone who works as the advertisement manager for my student newspaper, and dealing with advertisers is literally my entire job. I strongly believe that, when done correctly, they can be a tasteful and effective way to get a product, message, or idea out into the world. However, in today's commercial world, horribly disgusting advertisements are completely unavoidable. Here are some highlights (if you want to call them that) of types of ads that drive me crazy, as many things do. 1/10 = I like it, 10/10 = most annoying thing possible.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

I know its the wrong type of lollypop, i do not care

How many times does this commercial have to play to make my brain explode? I theory, commercials that have a unique theme or bit that is memorable, but when they use the same theme for years on end, it gets stale, and borderline annoying.

Repetitive annoyance: 6/10 irritating

Welp... this song is ruined now...

When a song is so often played with a certain company's ad, the two become synonymous in my brain. If a song comes on the radio and I say to myself "Oh, its the song from the Target ad!" I will get mad. It does not make me want to go to that store, it just makes me hate the song. 
Takes away the fun: 5/10 irritating
I'm looking at you Meghan Trainer

Wait... this is an ad?

Less common for TV and print than the things above, this becomes an issue on social media. Influencers promote products that they are paid to "like", and often do not disclose biases. THIS MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL!!!!!!!! I am a fairly honest person and the amount of shady lies that get caught up from this.

NONONONONONONO and if i wasnt clear enough... NO: 10/10 irritating

thats not an ad... thats a bright color

enough said

why is advertising often so bright? Apparently its supposed to be attention getting, and I guess its working because I'm complaining about it, but I hate when an ad on a newspaper page is just an unreadable neon blob on an otherwise unsaturated page.

Yike... that color is unnatural: 8/10 irritation

Okay so...

There are some thoughts. I hope this makes some sort of sense, but I honestly dont care because I am so tired (but since when do I ever care?). Please give me a topic and I will find a way to rant about it. I need ideas that I am not particularly passionate about, or these blogs become a chore to write because I want them to be perfect. If I have no personal connection to the subject matter, it is easier to do at 3am when I cant sleep, aka my current situation. I will forever maintain a chaotic posting schedule of no schedule, and i will never apologize for that. I am an agent of chaos and will forever embrace that. Comments, what is the advertisement/commercial that annoys you the most?

For now, this is the sleep deprived, opinionated rambler of JetPunk signing off.

As always, thank you for your cooperation,


Level 54
Nov 17, 2023
Informative! Was a good read.
Level 74
Nov 17, 2023
Lately, I've been laughing at all the ads that come up when I go on

Today I saw an ad with a normal photo of a 30-something old man for an ad for hearing aids about how if you were born before 1969, it may be time to consider hearing aids

Level 59
Nov 19, 2023
I saw an add saying ringing a spoon on your ear would solve hearing problems. 5 minutes later I saw the same actor ringing a spoon on his eye to solve eye problems.
Level 65
Nov 20, 2023
Wait ringing a spoon? On your eye?
Level 65
Nov 18, 2023
I often think 'you can advertise anything with anything'. Doesn't have to be relevant. For instance, an ad came on yesterday that opened with a beautiful sunset shot. I thought to myself, "this is probably an ad for insurance. Or a car. Or KFC. Possibly a toy or some chocolate. Wait, this is actually an ad for a mobile data plan?" Point being, ads are indifferent an/or annoying. And that bright color... mate, that color can't even be replicated in the real world! It's an often used trick to just use the literal brightness of each physical pixel to make the color seem brighter. Anyway, good blog @HeyItsRose18!

ps. it's Meghan Trainor btw.

Level 60
Nov 18, 2023
Ya’ll should buy my pill, or at least talk to your doctor about it today

You might die, but like yk, it’ll help with diarrhea and indigestion.

Level 60
Dec 6, 2023
Dead people don't have diarrhea. And have you ever heard them complain about indigestion?
Level 43
Dec 6, 2023
They always show a happy couple or someone running with a dog, while happy music plays in the background. Then the guy starts talking about the possible side effects of cancer, severe diarrhea, severe pain, and a 50% fatality rate.
Level 69
Nov 18, 2023
This blog might actually be an ad
Level 43
Dec 6, 2023
Or it could just be the government brainwashing us all so that we complain about the ads instead of them.
Level 48
Dec 7, 2023
you never really know...
Level 73
Dec 30, 2023
Interesting choice of topic for a rant blog, Rosie!

The type of ads I find the most annoying are the ones based on my recent searches. I search for a laptop online and get blasted with ads! And pop-ups, of course.