What if the Dutch Empire Reunited Today?


During the a hundred year period between the late 16th and late 17th centuries, the Dutch Empire was at its all time territorial peak and controlled a significant chunk of the world's land area, scattered across many different continents and in all corners of the globe, with many vital colonies in possession. The empire's naval and sea power was also one of the most powerful and dominant in the world at its time which assisted it to gain its overseas territories. However, as always, the glorious territorial and power apex of the Dutch didn't last for long, though, and gradually, as the 18th and 19th centuries dawned, new powers such as the British and the French began to slowly gain influence in regions the Dutch previously held, even losing many colonies like Ceylon, Southern India, South Africa and its American territories, until finally, at the end of the Colonial Period,  the Dutch's last colony, Suriname was granted full independence in 1975, marking the official end of the empire. But what if it reunited today?

Population and Land

The first thing we need to think about a reunited Dutch Empire is the population and land it would directly control. To begin with a total of 15 modern-day countries would lose all or some of their territory to the empire: Belgium, Brazil, France (Overseas Territories and Regions), Ghana, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Taiwan and the United States. 4 of these countries would be located in Europe, 4 in Asia, 3 would be in Africa, 3 in South America, and 1 in North America.

Due to a vast number of countries making up the empire, it would have a large land area, standing at around 3,323,000 Square Kilometres (1,283,000 Sq mi). This would be huge and also enough to make it the 7th biggest country in the world, larger than other big countries like an independent India (3,287,000 Sq km) and Argentina (2,780,000 Sq km), but still very much smaller than Australia (7,692,000 Sq km) and an independent Brazil (8,515,000 Sq km).

Despite being significantly smaller than Australia in land area, the Dutch Empire would actually dwarf its population, with a gargantuan 461 Million citizens living within its borders, compared to Australia's puny 26 Million in comparison. This amount would easily make it the 3rd most populous country in the world, even having more than 100 Million people than an independent United States (331 Million) and nearly double the population of an independent Indonesia (276 Million) the amount of times I have to say  the word independent really shows how prevalent the Dutch Empire was in the world, but of course significantly behind the population mammoths of an independent India (1.38 Billion) and China (1.4 Billion).

As well as all of this, a reunited Dutch Empire would also boast some huge and impressive cities, with lot's to show for, scattered all around its territories in all different continents and cultures. If we had to choose a capital city for the empire in the real world, the most likely option to pick from would be Amsterdam, in the Netherlands itself, as not only is this city the historic capital of the Dutch in the 16th and 17th centuries, but is also still a modest-sized economic and population hub today. Even though, Amsterdam would be the most probable capital city, however, this would definitely not be the biggest city in its borders; far from it even. Instead, Jakarta, in Indonesia, would be the biggest, with a huge population of 32,100,000. Here would be the rest of the top 10 biggest urban areas in the Dutch Empire.

  1. Jakarta (32,100,000)
  2. New York City (21,800,000)
  3. Chennai (11,600,000)
  4. Taipei (9,150,000)
  5. Philadelphia (7,350,000)
  6. Surabaya (6,150,000)
  7. Abidjan (5,750,000)
  8. Accra (5,200,000)
  9. Colombo (4,830,000)
  10. Cape Town (4,175,000)
Land area of a reunited Dutch Empire on a map

Money and GDP

Bringing us to the next topic, on top of all of this, the Dutch Empire would also have a gargantuan economy, even around the same size as other notable and huge economies. With a GDP standing at $6.271 Trillion, this whopping amount would be enough to easily place the empire in 3rd place, in terms of Nominal GDP, steaming past every single economy, like even Japan ($5.378 Trillion), Germany ($4.319 Trillion) and the United Kingdom ($3.124 Trillion), but the two first and second place economic juggernauts: China ($16.642 Trillion) and the United States ($22.675 Trillion).

Despite having a massive total GDP, the Nominal GDP Per Capita of the empire wouldn't really be that impressive, mainly due to some quite impoverished areas within its borders such as Indonesia, Ghana and more. Taking all of this into consideration, and with the actual calculations done, the average yearly income of a citizen in the empire would be $13,609. This would still be enough to make it have the 76th highest per capita income in the world, even above the Global Average of $11,339 and many other countries and territories too, such as Monserrat ($13,487) and Palau ($12,850), but poorer than Panama ($13,690) and Antigua and Barbuda ($13,824).

Staying on the wealth and economy side of the Dutch Empire's statistics, it would also control a small portion of the world's oil reserves, located in Indonesia, which would make it a key player in the oil exporting industry around the world.

Religion and Ethnic Groups

The next topic we need to think about a reunited Dutch Empire is the religious and ethnic groups that would be prevalent within its borders.

Starting with Religion, Islam, quite surprisingly would actually be the faith with the most followers in the empire mainly due to the huge population growth and spread of the religion across the Indonesian part of its borders which would in total make just over half of the population 57% to be precise) adhere to it. Having a massive 242 Million Muslims in the country would also actually make it the largest Muslim country by people as well which would be quite interesting. Following behind 19% would be Christians, which would be closely trailed by Hindus at 17% and Buddhists at 3.1%. The final 3.7% of the population would be a mix of various different small religions prevalent in the empire and Atheists.

Looking at Ethnic Groups now, first up would be Dravidian ethnicities, with the majority of them being located in the country's territories in the Indian subcontinent, which would altogether be collectively the largest in the empire representing 25%  Next, following extremely closely behind, being the second largest ethnic group in the empire, would be Javanese people, native to Indonesia, representing 24%.This would be trailed by people that identify as exclusively Black at 10.8% and people that identify as exclusively White making up a further 5%. Ironically, Dutch people would actually only be the 5th largest ethnic group, representing just 2.3% of the population. The final 38.9% would be a mix of various other different ethnicities in the empire.

Green = Islam

Pink = Indigenous Religions

Purple = Christianity

Yellow = Buddhism

Prevailing religions in the Indonesian part of a reunited Dutch Empire


Similar to its religious and ethnic groups, the languages spoken among the Dutch Empire's citizens would also be very interesting. First of all, various different languages native to Indonesia, such as Javanese, Sundanese and Indonesian, would collectively be the most spoken languages in the empire, with 57% of the population natively speaking them altogether. Next, at 13%, would be Tamil speakers mainly focused around the empire's land in Tamil Nadu, which would be followed by Malayalam at 7.1%, English at 4.7%, Sinhala at 4.1% and Dutch at 3.6%. The final 10.5% of the population would be a mi of various other small languages in the empire's borders.

One specific official languages for a reunited Dutch Empire would be very difficult to predict mainly due to the wide variety of different languages spoken within it but I suspect that there would be many official languages, depending on the most spoken of them.

Military Size

Finally, the last thing we need to think about a reunited Dutch Empire is its military, which would definitely be as impressive as any other of its statistics. Beginning with manpower, the empire would possess a huge 837,200 active-duty personnel, which would actually be the 6th largest force in the world even significantly larger than many other formidable armies such as Pakistan (654,000 troops) and Iran (610,000 troops), but behind the amount of Russia (1,014,000 troops) and North Korea's (1,280,000 troops). In addition to this, the empire would also find in possession a further 2,142,000 troops placed in reserves, which would bring its army to a massive total of 2,979,200.

The budget to fund this enormous military would also stand at a large amount of $55.9 Billion, which would become the 6th highest budget in the world, ahead of the budgets of France ($50.1 Billion) and Germany ($49.3 Billion) but behind the budgets of Saudi Arabia ($61.9 Billion) and Russia ($65.1 Billion).

Overall, if it were to reunite today, the Dutch Empire would definitely become a major and key world power but economically and militarily with a huge economy to rival with others on the world stage and a massive military, capable of being fairly compared to Russia's. It is unclear whether it would become a world superpower like other countries that have reached this status, however, but the empire would definitely have the capability of one day becoming one. Despite this, like all empires, this one would face many problems after its creation such as its extreme diversity throughout its borders, the isolation of its territory with other parts of the empire and its noticeable poverty. The rest of the Dutch Empire's future in the real world would be completely impossible to accurately predict but as always, any theory can be possible. Another significant problem the empire my face, though, would be who to rule the country so in my opinion, the only people capable of doing so would be none other than The Quadruple Alliance themselves! Anyway, here are the voting options for this vote:

Confederate States of America | Qing Dynasty | Belgian Colonial Empire | A united Latin America

And finally, that brings us to the end of this part of the series. If you have any other new suggestions for any empires you want me to cover, that I have not yet, then please let me know in the comments. But for now, I would like to thank you all so much for reading and goodbye! :)
Level 62
Dec 30, 2021
Voting has ended! The request to reunite the Confederate States of America has won with 5 votes. Here are the final standings:

Confederate States of America | 5 votes | 1st Place

A united Latin America | 4 votes | 2nd Place

Qing Dynasty | 1 vote | 3rd Place

Belgian Colonial Empire | 0 votes

Once again, I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year! :)

Level 73
Dec 25, 2021
First comment after a long time!

Ik kan Nederlands spreken. Gewoon een klein beetje.

Don't know any other sentence besides a couple of introductory ones lol

I was honesty surprised by how the Indo-Aryans are the largest people within this empire! I thought Indonesians would be the largest. But anyway, I vote for a united Latin America.

Level 62
Dec 25, 2021
Thanks, Aficionado! I was actually meant to put Dravidians instead of Indo-Aryans but yes, the Dravidians would be the largest ethnic group since there are many ethnicities in Indonesia, with the largest being the Javanese people with 110 million people, it still wouldn't be more than the Dravidian people in the empire, having 115 Million people. They would be very close, but Dravidians would have slightly more people :)
Level 73
Dec 25, 2021
Does it mean that instead of Indo-Aryans there should have been Dravidians, right?
Level 62
Dec 25, 2021
Yes, it does. I've changed it now so it should make more sense :)
Level 43
Dec 25, 2021
A Christmas gift. A new BGG blog. Amazing as always!

Btw, there happened Dutch invasions in Northeast of Brazil. They wanted slaves, and the control of sugarcane. The invasions were from 1624, to 1654. Here you can read more about it: https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasões_holandesas_no_Brasil

And I need to repeat. This blog is amazing.

Level 62
Dec 28, 2021
Thanks MG! Merry Christmas to you :)
Level 71
Dec 25, 2021
CSA, nice blog
Level 43
Dec 25, 2021
...Pela pátria, na vida esportiva

É que vamos sempre conquistar

Nossa glória da luta deriva

É o campeão dos campeões CSA...

I’m still gonna rate this anthem. Maybe on Part 3 or 4. I think Part 3 :)

Level 62
Dec 28, 2021
Thanks Goaty! I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 60
Dec 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

Level 62
Dec 28, 2021
Merry Christmas to you too! I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 65
Dec 25, 2021
Great, Latinamerica!
Level 43
Dec 25, 2021
ARRIBA! Me too

I wonder about a G-7 or G-20 united also :)

Level 62
Dec 28, 2021
@Thread, Thanks! I was going to say I'll add your vote to the polls but Aficionado has already counted them lol.

@MG, That's a good idea actually. I'll take that into consideration :)

Level 52
Dec 25, 2021
I believe you made a mistake. 430 million is not the Dutch empire’s population, but rather the score of this blog on a scale of 1 to 430,000,001, 1 being abysmal and 430,000,001 being sublime to riveting standards.

I vote for CSA once more.

Level 62
Dec 28, 2021
Haha thanks ZooTuber! :)

On the same scale, your comment makes me feel delighted 430,000,001/430,000,001 with 1 being extremely sad and 430,000,001 being jubilant lol.

Level 43
Dec 26, 2021
For those who don’t know, BGG will be back only on 28, as he is traveling to Cornwall.
Level 73
Dec 27, 2021
Yes, that's correct. Here's the total number of votes received until now:

Confederate States of America - 3 votes

Qing Dynasty - 1 vote

United Latin America - 4 votes

Level 62
Dec 28, 2021
@MG, Yes, that is true lol. I'm back now anyway so I can read all of the comments :)

@Aficionado, Thanks for counting up the polls while I was gone, I'll take it over from here lol :)

Level 15
Dec 26, 2021
Cool. My vote goes to Latin America.
Level 62
Dec 28, 2021
Level 31
Dec 27, 2021
I'll vote for the Qing Dynasty :)
Level 62
Dec 28, 2021
Your vote has been added to the polls :)
Level 68
Dec 28, 2021
Yay, new blog! I completely forgot that NYC was once controlled by the Dutch haha

I vote CSA

Level 62
Dec 28, 2021
Thanks lol! It's quite surprising how much the Dutch actually controlled. Even I didn't know about some places until I researched information for this blog like Taiwan lol.
Level 16
Dec 29, 2021
I will vote for CSA
Level 62
Dec 29, 2021
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 55
Jan 6, 2022
While I get this is hypothetical, there was no point in Dutch history where all the "modern-day" countries mentioned were under our control at the same time nor was our territorial peak ever like that.

The map used also contains many errors, including the portrayal of Dutch control of southern India, which simply said never happened aside from a few coastal possessions. We also never had full control over Taiwan nor nearly full control over Ceylon.

To me, it just looks like you didn't do enough research on the topic to present the information in the blog accurately.

Level 62
Jan 6, 2022
Sorry, I was meant to say that the land mentioned is every territory the Dutch has ever controlled, not at its territorial peak. Apart from that, I got the map from Wikipedia from this main article about the Dutch Empire.
Level 25
Jan 22, 2022
Cool, my idea with South America here. I remember asking you to add this idea to the vote.
Level 59
Mar 21, 2022
I vote Qing dynasty
Level 62
Mar 21, 2022
Sorry lol, but the voting is already over.