What if the Frankish Empire Reunited Today?


At its territorial height in the year 814 AD, the Frankish Empire was one of the most significant powers in Europe at its time, and under the rule of its glorious ruler, Charlemagne, it controlled a massive portion of Europe and stretched continuously from Brittany, in Western France, all the way to Poland. However, history was cruel to the Franks and gradually the empire began to diminish in size and power after constant threats and invasions from neighbouring external countries until the empire finally ceased to exist in 843, paving the way for other new civilizations to seize control of the region. But what if it reunited today?

Population and Land 

As always, the first thing we need to think about a reunited Frankish Empire is the population and land it would control. To start off, a total of 22 countries would lose all or some of their territory to the empire: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Poland, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Slovenia, Switzerland and Vatican City. All of these would be located in Europe.

Due to so many countries making up the empire, it would have a significant land area, specifically standing at 460,000 Square miles (1,200,000 Sq km). This would make it the 26th largest country in the world, larger than others like Colombia (1,141,000 Sq km) and Ethiopia (1,104,000 Sq km), but smaller than South Africa (1,221,000 Sq km) and Mali (1,240,000 Sq km).

Despite being smaller than South Africa by land area, the Frankish Empire would have more than 4x of its population, at a sweltering 267 Million. This is gargantuan and would be enough to make it the 5th most populous country in the world, even ahead of other very populated countries like Pakistan (221 Million), Brazil (212 Million) and Nigeria (206 Million), but behind Indonesia (273 Million) and the United States (331 Million). Germany would be the most populous country within itself with an already large population of 84 Million, accounting for 31% of the entire empire.

As well as a huge population and land area, a reunited Frankish Empire would also boast some big cities. The empire's capital city would be a hard choice to make as the historic capital was Aachen, a small city in Germany with a population of just 538,900, and has little to no significance today, which wouldn't really be a good option. So in my opinion, Berlin would be the next most obvious choice as it is already the capital city of modern-day Germany, the most powerful country within the empire, and also is a very important hub for Europe, with a moderate population of 4,750,000. Paris would be the most populous city, though, with a massive megacity population of 11,400,000. Here would be the rest of the top 10 most populous urban areas within the Frankish Empire:

  1. Paris (11,400,000)
  2. Milan (6,150,000)
  3. Barcelona (4,880,000)
  4. Berlin (4,750,000)
  5. Rome (3,500,000)
  6. Frankfurt (3,280,000)
  7. Rotterdam / The Hague (3,280,000)
  8. Hamburg (2,880,000)
  9. Brussels (2,730,000)
  10. Amsterdam (2,500,000)
Land area of a reunited Frankish Empire on a map

Money and GDP

Similar to its population and land, a reunited Frankish Empire's economy would be as equally impressive, if not more. Starting off, the empire's Nominal GDP would stand at a whopping $11.580 Trillion, which is huge and would be easily put it in 3rd place, even enough to more than double the huge economies of Japan ($5.378 Trillion), an independent Germany ($4.319 Trillion) and the United Kingdom ($3.124 Trillion), but still remaining significantly behind only the 1st and 2nd place contenders, China ($16.642 Trillion) and the United States ($22.675 Trillion).

Due to having such a large GDP, the empire's Nominal GDP Per Capita would also be very high, standing at a strong $43,370, which would be enough to secure it as a high-income country. This would also place it in 31st place, overall, ahead of the conditions in Japan ($42,928) and Andorra ($40,887), but slightly behind an independent France ($44,995) and the United Kingdom ($46,344).

The Frankish Empire would also most probably re-join the European Union, as practically all of the modern-day countries making it up are already members of the union today, including Germany and France, which are the two most powerful and dominant countries in it.

Religion and Ethnic Groups

The next topic we need to think about a reunited Frankish Empire is the religious and ethnic groups prevalent within its borders.

Starting off with Religion, Christianity would be the most followed faith in the empire, accounting for the vast majority of the population at 76%, split between 63% Catholic and 13% Protestant. Islam would be the last major religion in its borders, at 8%. The final percentage of the Frankish population would be made up of Atheists and other irreligious people at a significant 16%.

Focusing on Ethnic Groups now, Germans would be the largest ethnicity, accounting for just about 30% of the population, which isn't a clear majority of 50%, however, already giving a sense of how diverse the empire would really be. French people would be next, represented by 19%, followed by Italians at 15%, Dutch at 5%, Catalans at 2.6% and Czechs at 2.2%. The final 11.2% of the empire's population would be a mix of various other tiny ethnic groups within its borders.

Purple = Christianity

Green = Islam

Grey = Atheism

Prevailing religions in the rough area of a reunited Frankish Empire on a map


The Frankish Empire's Linguistic groups would be fairly similar to its Religious and Ethnic groups, bringing us to the next topic. German would also be the most spoken language in its borders, with 34% of the population being able to natively speak it, which would be closely trailed by French at 26.5%, being the second most spoken language. This would be followed by Italian at 16%, Dutch at 9% and Czech at 3%. The last 11.5% of the Franks would be speakers various other tiny languages spoken.

One specific official language for the empire would be quite difficult to predict but I predict that there would be many different official languages, based on the most spoken of them, like German, French and a few others.

Military Size

The last topic we need to think about a reunited Frankish Empire is its military size and would be very interesting to talk about. Starting with manpower, the empire would possess a massive 636,750 active-duty personnel, which would be the 7th largest force in the world, even larger than other huge militaries like Iran (610,000 troops) and South Korea (599,000 troops), but having less troops than Pakistan (654,000 troops) and Russia (1,014,000 troops). In addition to this, the Franks' military would also possess an extra 463,200 troops, bringing its army to a total of 1,099,750.

The budget to fund this big military would also be very huge, standing at around $144 Billion, or 1.2% of the empire's entire Nominal GDP. This would be the 3rd highest budget in the world, larger than India ($71.1 Billion) and Russia's ($65.1 Billion) budgets, but unsurprisingly significantly behind the juggernauts of China ($261 Billion) and the United States ($732 Billion).

The Frankish Empire would also be a Nuclear Power, inheriting all of France's warheads which would bring its stockpile to around 300 nukes at its disposal.

Overall, if it were to reunite today, it seems as if the Frankish Empire would definitely become a very significant world superpower, both economy-wise and military-wise and would practically dominate European politics and have also have a very strong place in World politics. It would also most likely join some international organizations like the EU and NATO to boost its recognition and status to become even more powerful. The rest of the empire's future would be totally impossible to predict but as always, any theory can be possible. However, one big problem it would face in the real world would be who to rule the country. So in my opinion, the only people capable of handling such a daunting task would be none other than The Quadruple Alliance, themselves! Anyway, here are the voting options for this vote:

Brazilian Empire | A united CANZUK | Confederate States of America | Byzantine Empire

And finally, that brings us to the end of this part of the series. If you have any other new suggestions for any empires you want me to cover, that I have not yet, then please let me know in the comments. But for now, I would like to thank you all so much for reading and goodbye! :)
Level 62
Nov 16, 2021
Voting has ended! The request to reunite the Byzantine Empire has won with 7 votes. Here are the final standings:

Byzantine Empire | 7 votes | 1st Place

Brazilian Empire | 5 votes | 2nd Place

Confederate States of America | 2 votes | 3rd Place

A united CANZUK | 1 vote | 4th Place

Level 65
Nov 13, 2021
Amazing, I didn't know anything about this empire. It would be very interesting as it would be centered on the hub of the EU. It's much bigger than I thought.

I vote for Byzantines!

surprise, i have a song for it

Level 62
Nov 13, 2021
Thanks lol! And yes, a lot of people don't know about the Franks so I thought I would put it in the voting options before. I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 65
Nov 13, 2021
oh yeah, i was supposed to start commenting in different languages, i'll do it next time
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Oh lol, I totally forgot about that haha. I should add Google Translate to my favourites bar so I can get to it quicker now
Level 40
Nov 13, 2021
my vote goes to brazilian empire
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 52
Nov 13, 2021
AAH! Said the Byzantine Empire when they realized that I was going to vote for the CSA.

to be honest, i was going to vote for the byzantines, but i wanted to make that joke so much that i settled for the csa

Level 65
Nov 13, 2021
Hey Pope, wanna take back ZooTuber's vote? Come on, I know you wanna take back his vote!
Level 43
Nov 13, 2021
And the Syrian Hezbollah... I’m tired of these bombings in Aleppo and Damascus...
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Lol at the start of your comment, ZooTuber, you made it seem like you were really going to vote for the Byzantines but at the end of the comment you are actually going to vote for the CSA lol.
Level 60
Nov 13, 2021
CSA, nice blog!
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Thanks! I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 43
Nov 13, 2021
About CSA... fans of CRB just cancelled you 😅😅😅

BRASIL-SIL-SIL!!! Brazilian Empire! And amazing blog. Can you stop spending my praises please?

Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Haha thank you again, MG. I guess now what I need to do is make a really low quality blog so you don't have to make a good praise lol (I won't actually do that)

I will add your vote to the polls lol :)

Level 43
Nov 14, 2021
About the parentheses, is it about commenting on the group lol?
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Lol I replied now :)
Level 43
Nov 14, 2021
Don’t die a lot 😅
Level 59
Nov 13, 2021
OMG i literally just took my world history unit 4 test which was about the middle ages and we learned a little about the frankish empire.

i vote byzantine empire (that was my unit 3 test)

Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Lol they should have gone into much more detail about the empire since the Franks' history is very interesting :)

I'll add your vote to the polls :)

Level 71
Nov 13, 2021
byzantine empire
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 54
Nov 13, 2021
Amazing! Not the brazilian empire was done?
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Thanks! But I don't exactly understand what you mean by that.
Level 54
Nov 14, 2021
my vote is for Brazilian, I think i was sleeping when i saw that this series about brazilian empire has been done and MG17 was very happy but it was a dream
Level 43
Nov 14, 2021
Wow. Should I remove BGG of the Quadverse if he don’t feature BE? How do I look like on the dream!? 😐
Level 65
Nov 14, 2021
okay good im not the only one who has dreams about jetpunk

also we commented at the same time lol

Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Ah okay lol.
Level 65
Nov 14, 2021
Level 65
Nov 14, 2021
And again, an interesting, informative blog. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Thanks a lot! I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 75
Nov 14, 2021
I'm curious, how do you calculate the population that lives within the borders. Do you use figures like that of subdivisions or major settlements?
Level 65
Nov 14, 2021
He adds the major subdivisions that are mostly in the land :)
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Yes, you're correct. I do that :)
Level 73
Nov 14, 2021
Going by Thread's proposal, I have to compliment you in a different language. And the first language is Aficionadoan:

Berry badi baaaaaaaat! Ich est badi achambisch dat diz samraje ist inta bibid! Barhal, ich matdanisch für di Basint (Byzantine). 🤣

Decode this!

Level 54
Nov 14, 2021
i like that! it hurts alot that's why i don't hurt but it hurts it is strange alot! biggest, it really don't hurts alot but alot (byzantine)
Level 54
Nov 14, 2021
right am I?
Level 73
Nov 14, 2021
Um, I think not. I'll give you a hint. Most of the words in that paragraph are derived from Hindi, Urdu and German.
Level 43
Nov 14, 2021
Quí breguetes é êssi sô!? Ô trem doido!
Level 65
Nov 14, 2021
Very good bloooooooog! I am very surprised that this empire is so old! Well, I vote for the Byzantine.
Level 73
Nov 14, 2021
You've got everything correct except one word. JUST ONE WORD! ;)
Level 65
Nov 14, 2021
Is it Barhal?
Level 73
Nov 14, 2021
Level 65
Nov 14, 2021
Does bibid mean interesting?
Level 43
Nov 14, 2021
What is a bloooooooog? 😅

And the word you got wrong, was Byzantine. It’s actually “Brazilian” :)

Level 73
Nov 14, 2021
Well, bibid means diverse. I didn't know this empire spanned all the way to Germany, Czech and Italy! :)

And Basint is Byzantine. It's written in brackets too lol.

To clarify, my vote goes to the Byzantine and not Brazilian.

Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Lol I'm not even going to try and decode it because my faithful subjects Quadruple Alliance members have decoded it already lol. I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 31
Nov 14, 2021
Nice blog! Brazilian Empire
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Thanks! I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 16
Nov 14, 2021
I will vote for the Brazilians
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
I will add your vote to the polls :)
Level 65
Nov 14, 2021
Level 62
Nov 14, 2021
Lol I'm just waiting for MG to say "YESSSSS" haha
Level 43
Nov 14, 2021
Level 48
Nov 14, 2021
Byzantine pls
Level 43
Nov 14, 2021
You’re back?
Level 62
Nov 15, 2021
I’ll add that for the polls :)
Level 69
Nov 15, 2021
Great Blog! They keep getting better. Byzantine please
Level 62
Nov 15, 2021
Thank you! I’ll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 64
Nov 15, 2021
I vote Byzantine
Level 62
Nov 15, 2021
I’ll add that to the polls soon :)
Level 60
Nov 15, 2021
Byzantine obviously has the win. Brazil and CANZUK have been waiting so long… (though I want CSA, not those lol)
Level 43
Nov 15, 2021
People can stop being boring?
Level 65
Nov 15, 2021
Yes, Byzantine is winning and saving us from boring Brazilian Empire!
Level 62
Nov 15, 2021
Level 65
Nov 15, 2021
i wanna write in a language which fits the empire, but i don't know greek so i'll just have to do random languages
Level 43
Nov 16, 2021





Level 15
Nov 15, 2021
cool blog. I always wait for these to come out. My vote is for CANZUK, it's been waiting a long time.
Level 62
Nov 16, 2021
Thanks! I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 43
Nov 16, 2021
Why people are stupid? 😑
Level 25
Nov 21, 2021
I really liked this idea of recreating countries. I signed up as soon as I saw it. There's an idea to do that to Indochina, if you understand what I'm talking about. Also can do with South America or Africa
Level 62
Nov 21, 2021
Yes, I too find the concept of seeing the features of empires if they reunited in the 21st century interesting which is why I decide to do this. Also everyone seems to like it too lol.

And yes, I do understand what you mean. I'll probably implement Indochina and the other two as well into the series one day :)

Level 54
Nov 28, 2021
Great blog! I really enjoy reading these.
Level 62
Nov 28, 2021
Thanks a lot! :)