What if the Qing Dynasty Reunited Today?


The Qing Dynasty, or the Qing Empire as some people like to call it, was one of the most famous Chinese Dynasties in all of history and at its territorial height in 1820, just at the beginning of the European Age of Exploration, it controlled more than 1/3 of the whole world's population and was one of the most powerful empires at the time. Despite this, gradually as time went on, the Qing Dynasty eventually fell under the influence of many European countries in the region such as the British, the French and the Germans, weakening its power.  Furthermore, in 1894, the Japanese Empire began an invasion of the Chinese-influenced Korea, which also weakened the dynasty's power. However,  in 1911, a revolution attempting to overthrow the Imperial dynasty finally succeeded, marking the end of the Imperial Qing Dynasty and resulted in the beginning of the Republic of China.

But what if it reunited today?

Population and Land 

As always, the first thing we would need to think about the Qing Dynasty if it reunited today would be about its population, land and the cities within in it.

For starters, a total of 15 different modern-day countries would lose all or some of their territory to the new emerging country: Afghanistan, India, China, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Taiwan, Tajikistan and Vietnam, all of which would be located in Asia. (Note: This does not include the Vassal States of the empire). 

Due to so many very large countries making the empire up, its land area would also be absolutely gargantuan, much bigger than most other countries today even. To be exact, the dynasty would cover 14.7 Million Sq Km (5.68 Million Sq mi) - about 1/10 of the Earth's whole land area - and would be the 2nd largest country in the world only behind Russia. It would be well ahead of many other huge countries like Canada (9.984 Million Sq km) and the US (9.372 Million Sq Km). Despite this, China would absolutely dominate this land area and everything else we will cover, accounting for 66% of the Qing's whole area.

The population of the new country would also be gargantuan, standing at 1.52 Billion thanks to China's sweltering population, alone, of 1.45 Billion. This would easily be enough to make it the most populous country in the world, well ahead of India (1.406 Billion) and more than 4x the population that that of the US'. The population density of the empire wouldn't be that high, however, at only 103/km2 but this would vary a lot between different parts of the empire. For example, the east coast of China has a density of roughly 400/km2, whereas the Mongolian part of the empire only has a density of 2/km2.

Choosing a capital city for the Qing Dynasty would be very easy to decide on as its historic capital was Beijing, which is also the capital of China and still a bustling urban-area today. Although, Beijing would be the capital, this wouldn't be the biggest city in its borders. Instead, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen urban area would be by far the biggest, doubling Beijing's population with a huge 47,600,000.

  1. Guangzhou/Shenzhen (64,100,000)
  2. Shanghai (39,300,000)
  3. Beijing (20,500,000)
  4. Chengdu (15,200,000)
  5. Xiamen (14,100,000)
  6. Hangzhou (12,500,000)
  7. Xi'an (11,600,000)
  8. Tianjin (11,200,000)
  9. Wuhan (10,800,000)
  10. Chongqing (10,100,000)
Map of the hypothetically reunited Qing Dynasty on a world map. 

Money and Economy

In addition to the powerhouse of an empire's huge population and land, it would also have a very large economy. In total, its Nominal GDP would stand at a whopping $20.822 Trillion, which would be enough to also place it in 2nd place, just behind the US ($25.346 Trillion). This would also place it ahead of many other countries with very large economies such as Japan ($4.912 Trillion), Germany ($4.256 Trillion) and India ($3.534 Trillion). (Note: If you notice the figures of other countries changing, it just means that it is the most recent GDP. So an amount for the UK in blogs made in 2021 will have a different figure to ones made in 2022). Obviously, China would also dominate this GDP, accounting for over 95% of the entire amount.

The GDP Per Capita of the Qing Dynasty would be quite average, being slightly above the Global Average of $10,949, but still not too high, however. Standing at $13,698, this would place the empire in 82nd place, in terms of Nominal GDP Per Capita, ahead of Montserrat ($13,523) and Malaysia ($13,268), but behind Palau ($13,706) and the Maldives ($14,078).

As well as all of this, the empire would be placed in a very strategic and lucky position to be as most products in the world are manufactured in China, which would mean that the dynasty would inherit a gargantuan manufacturing industry to help its economy.

Religious and Ethnic Groups

The next thing we would need to think about a reunited Qing Dynasty is the demographics of its people - particularly its religious and ethnic groups in this section.

First, we begin with its Religious groups, which would be very interesting to talk about. Chinese Folk Religion, would overwhelmingly be the most followed religion in the empire with a huge 1.16 Billion people - 66% - adhering to it. Buddhism would be the next, at 15%, while Taoism would make up another 10% of the population. Other minor religions such as Islam, Christianity and Hinduism would also be present, making up 3.3%, 3.2% and 2% respectively. The final 0.5% of the population would be a mix of various other religions with tiny following.

Now focusing on Ethnic Groups now, Han Chinese would be by far the largest ethnic group in the whole empire, with 86% of the population identifying as that. However, many other small ethnicities would also be present within its borders like Tibetan, Fukien Taiwanese, Uyghurs and Mongols but just making up a tiny percentage. Including these 4 ethnic groups, the final 14% of the empire's population would be a mix of many small ethnicities in its borders.

Yellow = Buddhism

Red = Chinese Folk Religion

Green = Islam

Pink = Indigenous Religions

Orange = Hinduism

Light Green = Korean Folk

Religions prevalent in the rough area of a reunited Qing Dynasty on a map


The languages that would be spoken in a reunited Qing Dynasty would also be very diverse. Despite this, Mandarin Chinese would be the most spoken language in its borders making up a clear majority of 67%. After this, however, this is where it gets very diverse. Cantonese would be next, with a big drop down to 6% of the population. All Wu variants, including Shanghainese would collectively make up 5%, while Uyghur speakers would represent about 1%.The final 21% of the population would be a mix of hundreds of other languages with a tiny speaking. This would also include various indigenous languages.

The official language of the empire would most likely be Mandarin Chinese as that would be the language that most people within its borders can speak. Other additional languages like Taiwanese or Cantonese may also become official languages as well but this is unlikely as only a small percentage of the population would speak them.

Military Power

The final thing we need to cover about the Qing Dynasty if it reunited today is its military power.

Starting with its manpower, the empire would have a huge 2,367,700 troops, which is just a slight addition to the China's troops but would still nonetheless easily be the largest force in the world. It would be well ahead of even India (1,455,550 troops) and the United States (1,388,100 troops). However, despite how large this military is already, it would also possess another 2,982,000 troops placed in reserves, which would bring its army to a huge total of 5,349,700.

The budget to fund this military would also be very large, standing at $304 Billion, even in the triple digits. This would be the 2nd highest budget in the world, ahead of many others such as India ($76.6 Billion) and the United Kingdom ($68.4 Billion), but still well behind the United States ($801 Billion).

To further add to its immense power, the Qing Dynasty would also be in possession of a large stockpile of Nuclear weapons, inheriting all of China’s nukes (About 350 warheads). What the new country would do with these bombs of mass destruction and whether it would act defensively or aggressively, though, would both be unclear.

Strengths and Weaknesses - Conclusion

Now that we have covered all of the major topics there are that we would need to talk about a reunited Qing Dynasty, here is a brief overview of the strengths and weaknesses it would have today. 



​✔️ Huge population meaning more people for more things
​✔️ Huge military
​✔️ Huge GDP
​✔️ Able to achieve superpower status easily
​✔️ Many large cities
❌ Huge population meaning harder to govern
❌ Quite large land area meaning harder to govern
❌ Many parts of the empire would be isolated from the rest
❌ Conflicting nations within its borders
In conclusion, it’s definite that the Qing dynasty would be a huge superpower on the world stage, one with almost the same power as the United States. If you look at it all in one big picture, the whole empire would basically be just an extension of China’s power and influence. Also, whether the empire would go back to having an imperial monarchy would also be unclear in the modern world. However, one problem that the country would face would be on deciding who to rule it as there wouldn’t be any rightful ruler. Despite this, in my opinion, the only people capable of handling such a task would be none other than The Quadruple Alliance themselves. Anyway, here are the voting options this time.

Hunnic Empire | First French Empire | Gupta Empire | A United Arab Union

Anyway, that will be the end of this blog in the series. If you have any suggestions or ideas for any major empires or unions that you want me to cover then please let me know and I will add it to the voting options straight away. Thanks for reading and goodbye! :)
Level 62
Jun 3, 2022
Voting has ended! The request to reunite the Hunnic Empire has won with 5 votes. Here are the final standings:

Hunnic Empire | 5 votes | 1st Place

Arab Union | 4 votes | 2nd Place

Gupta Empire | 2 votes | 3rd Place

First French Empire | 1 vote | 4th Place

Level 65
May 30, 2022
Amazing blog! I think some more land would just give China a small boost to overtake the US lol


Also, can you tell in the group which countries you've done statistics for and which ones you're using Metric system for?

Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Thanks, Thread! I'll add your vote to the polls :)

Sorry I've been leaving the statistics for so long. I'll start getting back to work on it now and I'll show you the ones I've been doing metric and imperial for :)

Level 65
Jun 2, 2022
Thanks! I hope it's not too hard. Since I'm pretty much done with the map (still making small revisions) I could start helping with the statistics you haven't already done or I could start writing. Currently I'm making another version with 1M speakers as the threshold instead of 10M just for fun. Maybe we can make a V2 in a few years with 1M lol
Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Haha a crazy but great idea! I'm in it as long as I'll be on JetPunk for that long lol.
Level 65
Jun 2, 2022
Let's discuss in the group :)
Level 43
May 30, 2022
FFE or Arab Union. Amazing as always!
Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Thanks MG! I'll add your votes to the polls :)
Level 71
May 30, 2022
Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 55
May 30, 2022
Didnt know that the Qing had influence in Nepal! Great Blog!
Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Level 60
May 30, 2022
Im’ma vote for the Huns anyone else watched Mulan?
Level 57
May 30, 2022
"I'll make a man out of you!..."
Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
I'll add your vote to the polls. Unfortunately I haven't watched Mulan lol.
Level 75
May 30, 2022
Few nitpicks

- 1644 was the year Qing took control of Beijing, not that of its territorial height.

- The Second Sino-Japanese War was irrelevant to Qing. While that doesn't really matter, the way you put it in the introduction made it sound like it occurred before the Xinhai Revolution and contributed to the downfall of Qing.

- Uyghur speakers make up less than 1 percent of the modern-day Chinese population. It wouldn't be any close to 5%.

- Same case for Shanghainese. Although, if you meant Wu as a whole, then the figures would be much closer. (at roughly 5%)

- You're using PPP for the US economy but not the Qing. In terms of PPP, China's economy is already larger than that of the US (needless to say for Qing).

- It looks like you took old cp.de agglomeration data. Guangzhou area was updated to 65.1M.

- The Italians had little to do with the Qing. Afaik, the most they did was trying to occupy areas around Shanghai and had a concession in Tianjin. Russians were much bigger of a deal.

Level 75
May 30, 2022
Oh and lastly, you missed a space between the tick and "Huge GDP" in the Strengths section.

Think that's all I can spot for now.

Sorry I really like to nitpick hard when it's my topic.

I vote for the not so United Arab Union.

Level 75
May 31, 2022
I just noticed, that map you used was not Qing at its greatest extent. Western China was more than that and Lake Balkhash used the be shared between Qing and the Russian Empire.

Here's a map that better depicts it.

Level 73
May 31, 2022
Gotta agree with the third point. And that number is declining even more because of the genocide being committed by the brutal, inhuman and undemocratic government in Beijing.
Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Thanks for letting me know. I'll make sure I'll make the changes as quick as possible. One thing with the GDP though, I didn't use PPP for the US economy. I got all of the statistics on economy from this Wikipedia article which shows the US Nominal GDP as $25.346 Trillion.
Level 60
May 30, 2022
Nice! Hunnic Empire for the next one
Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Thanks, Geopro! I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 48
May 30, 2022
The Guangzhou/Shenzhen metro pop is around 65 mil now

Also i vote hun

Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Yes I know. I think my statistics are slightly outdated. I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 57
May 30, 2022
United Arab Nation. Amazing blog as always!
Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Thanks! I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 54
May 31, 2022
What if jetpunkers reunited today as a country
Level 54
May 31, 2022
Gupta empire
Level 57
May 31, 2022
We would be a very large world power, and the capital would be Seattle.
Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Lol nice idea. I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 65
Jun 2, 2022
If it reunited today, a portion of around 79 modern day countries would have territory ever be part of JetPunk. Despite this, it would be quite small as it would only include the computer screens and other devices that are currently on the JetPunk website, meaning its territory would fluctuate often. This would obviously make it difficult to measure it's largest cities, but the best metric would be to measure the largest cities in the countries which use it the most, and would therefore be most often part of the empire.

1. London 14.8M

2. Paris 11.4M

3. Sydney 5.45M

4. Melbourne 5.15M

5. Brisbane 3.3M

6. Birmingham 3.15M

7. Manchester 3.1M

8. Warsaw 2.375M

9. Leeds 2.175M

10. Perth 2.125M

Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Where's all of the US cities lol?
Level 65
Jun 2, 2022
We don’t use JetPunk enough :(

Actually Brazil. Poland, and France are the only countries which use JetPunk more than… any other quiz site that may exist. I shared some JetPunk statistics in the group a few months ago, I could make a blog about it.

Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Oh yes, I remember the statistics. That would be a very good blog idea - you're right :)
Level 65
Jun 2, 2022
Yeah! I'm focusing on my video for now. any by focusing i mean saying "i'm focusing on my video" as an excuse to not do anything else

Continuing: JetPunk would have money but it would remain unknown how much. We can only assume they would be the largest economy in the world.

The Top 8 most JetPunk using countries would all be Christian majority so it's safe to assume JetPunk would be Christian-majority without doing any math.

Germanic people would probably have a slight majority on JetPunk, with Germans or German-descendants possibly being the largest still not doing any math lol

The largest language would obviously be English, followed by French, Polish, German, and Portuguese. The official language would definitely be English, while German, Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch, Polish, Finnish, and Portuguese would be either co-official or recognized languages.

Level 65
Jun 2, 2022
With so many people, JetPunk would probably have at least 1 user who's part of an actual military, so we would have a military maybe! We wouldn't have nukes though, but if we got a fraction of each country we have's nukes, we might be able to assemble them into a new weapon! Of course, JetPunk would be ruled by the President Quizmaster and Prime Minister Stewart, with many different government positions occupied. But the most important would be held by the Quadruple Alliance! With Aficionado being the head Vexillographer, TheNatureThread being the head cartographer, BigGeographyGuy being the head census-taker, and ZooTuber3000 being the head zoologist. These people would also be part of the blogging department, which is led by MG17, the final Quad member! In conclusion, JetPunk has no weaknesses and this should happen immediately.
Level 73
Jun 2, 2022
Yes, the President and PM are only nominal. In reality, it is the Quadruple Alliance that rules this world!

All hail the Quadruple Alliance now!

Level 73
May 31, 2022
I'll probably vote for Gupta or Huns

Also, awesome blog as always! I didn't know they had that much tributary states..

Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
Thanks, Aficionado! The Qing Dynasty really did control and had influence over a big area. I'll add your votes to the polls :)