A History of Green: Chapter 4


Chapter 4: Rebirth

As we've seen in the last blog, culture and knowledge took a massive drop in the ransacking if Rome in 476, but if you are using any form of computer to read this, the world did recover, eventually. Though, it did take a lot of effort and ingenuity.

Middle Ages: As I said before, in the Middle Ages, art was no one's priority, which is why there is not many pieces painted in the Middle Ages. There was still a few famous artists such as,Giotto who made very detailed and magnificent art, but still, green is not used much in this painting.

Lamentation(The Mourning of Christ)-Giotto c.1304-1306

Renaissance: Ah, now we have come to the Renaissance, where art and literature dominated, where green was starting to finally get its piece of the global art pie. We all know that the Renaissance was a very important art movement, but do we know how it happened? Most sources say that it was two main factors, 1: The fall of Constantinople, which sent many scholars to Italy to flee from the Ottoman invaders. 2: The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg which let ideas be sent all over the world much faster. Main artists in the Renaissance include, Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and last but not least Carravagio, who painted striking religious scenes. I am going to make a part 2 of the Renaissance as this is taking a lot of words up, don't worry, I will make this one a lot quicker.

Level 59
May 18, 2024
Nice, but a bit short