Quiz Creation Challenge #05R: The Most Christmassy Quizzes on JetPunk!


Feeling festive in January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March April May June July August September October November December?

Wait… that’s normal. Did I seriously take two whole years to finish the contest results?

Uhhhh anyways… two years ago I challenged JetPunk users to make quizzes relating to a holiday. I’ve chosen my three favourites quizzes and compiled my thoughts here in this blog for you. Check ‘em out!!

Quiz 1

Countries That Beat the United States - Christmas Edition by baptistegorce

To start things off, we have a quiz done in a very well-known and popular format. Xs that beat Y are always a joyous time, but I think this may be one of my favourite takes on the genre. My main gripe with these types of quizzes is that the categories chosen often have little to no relation to each other. But each of the questions in this quiz are all themed around Christmas which makes them all feel more connected and cohesive. My personal favourites are highest chimney and biggest salmon importer. There are a few categories with slightly more... questionable links to Christmas, but it's still a charming quiz nonetheless. Nice work!

Quiz 2

Save Christmas by guessing questions! by MG17

Oh no! The Grinch has stolen Christmas and will only give it back if you can solve… a Christmas trivia quiz? Well, I guess I’ve seen weirder. The quiz has a nice variety of common knowledge and more obscure questions. This type of balance can be hard to do without tipping too far one way or the other from boringly easy to insanely insane. Most quizmakers get the hang of this at one point or another but it’s worth pointing out whenever I see it done well.

Also, yes, the Grinch stealing Christmas is the plot of the quiz. Also also, the quiz has a plot. This little bit of backstory is perfectly cheesy and engages me with the quiz just a little more. It’s definitely my favourite part of the quiz.

A perfect quiz for a holiday know-it-all. Wonderful!

Quiz 3

Decorate Your Tree by Unscrambling Christmas Words by ThatOneGuy25

One of the best parts of Christmas is decorating the tree. How about livening it up a little by incorporating a JetPunk quiz? …ok, ok. It’s not really the same thing. But one plus side is that you're able to decorate this quiz-sized tree year-round without people thinking you're weird. :D

The title of this quiz pretty accurately sums up what you do in this quiz. You're given a list of scrambled words relating to Christmas and every time you unscramble one of them a new decoration is added to the tree. Adding an SVG is basically a shortcut to making an awesome quiz and the fact that the drawing looks great too is a major plus. A neat detail I like is that unscrambling a word that represents a decoration on the tree will actually reveal that decoration on the SVG. It's tough to explain without spoiling any of the answers but when you take the quiz you'll understand what I'm talking about. Jolly good quiz!

Conclusion + Other Quizzes

To start wrapping things up, this was an excellent showing of quizzes from everybody. A lot of creative ideas as usual (though I would like to point out that I specifically said that you could make a quiz about any holiday you wish and yet there were only quizzes about Christmas...), but alas I can only feature so many in this blog. So while these quizzes may not have made the top 10, they definitely made this challenge's nice list.

That’s all for now! © Me
Level 60
Dec 5, 2022
Wow, you’re late.
Level 60
Dec 5, 2022
Anyway, these quizzes are great! I just took them all.
Level 43
Dec 5, 2022
Bro literally got one of my worst quizzes 💀

Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone!

when qcc

Level 67
Dec 5, 2022
Nice, sorry I missed it 2 years ago :)
Level 69
Dec 5, 2022
How about hosting the challenge again? I have a few Christmas ideas.
Level 60
Dec 5, 2022
I don't like repeating themes very often but I'll consider it if I can come up with a cool twist.
Level 69
Dec 6, 2022
Perhaps Christmas picture quizzes? Christmas mega quizzes (100+ answers)?
Level 54
Dec 5, 2022
Haha! (Or should I say "Ho ho!"?) Glad to see you back on the RUB, my dear Insaniot, and merry Christmas to you and your family!

Thank you very much for both the compliments about my quiz and the details about the other ones. As always, your "QCC Report" is very interesting. I hope we will have the chance to participate in some other challenges like this one and all the previous ones (but of course, take your time).

Level 60
Dec 5, 2022
I wanna catch up on my backlog first before starting a new QCC. Surprisingly I've actually made pretty good headway towards that so the next QCC might not be TOO too far away (knock on wood lol).
Level 54
Dec 6, 2022
Wow! Good news, it will be awesome. Thanks again for your implication, and good luck with the next results blogs.
Level 26
Dec 16, 2022
Level 26
Dec 16, 2022
Merry Christmas Everyone, Happy Holidays