The Philippines Blog, and Badges!


Introduction to the blog (SirPhilippines did this)

Oh boy, another collab for me! Oh right, hi! I'm SirPhilippines, back with another collab, with GeoSmartKirbyXD! This blog will not be about AFOTWIT, nor AHUSA, it is about a country! If you don't know what the country is and you're like "HmMmMmMmMmMm... WhAt Is It???"... Well, maybe inferencing clubs are for you! Obviously, it is about the Philippines, my and mom and dad's (and GeoSmartKirbyXD's) home country! Let's start! Also, this will be long! Beware...

You might be asking what the differences are between our blog and the Wikipedia page. Although a lot (I mean a lot) of information was sourced from the Wiki, we wanted to put our twist on more comical, and possibly a more navigable layout.

Introduction for the Philippines (We both did this)

If you don't know about the Philippines, we'll give you an introduction.

The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia situated on an archipelago of 7,641 islands, of which about 2,000 are inhabited. So, even though Sweden has 219,000 approximate islands, only 1,000 of those are inhabited, thus making the Philippines have more "islands" than Sweden, in terms of inhabited islands. Also, most of the Swedish islands are small and desolate. Speaking of small, the Philippines' largest island is Luzon. The second largest is Mindanao, which has a Muslim majority in the south, compared to the mostly Catholic majority on the north side of the island. The Philippines is 90% Catholic, making it the only majority Catholic country in Asia, also having the 4th greatest number of Catholics in the world. I (KirbyXD) would've been one of them, but I live in the U.S... and I (SirPhilippines) wasn't even born there. But let's stop talking about islands, let's go to the life there!

Life in the Philippines (KirbyXD did this)

In the Philippines, here are three things you need to do.

If you can't do those things, you probably would not fit in well.

  • Get used to the climate
  • Get used to the traffic in the city of Manila
  • Learn Filipino, because many people know English, but some don't speak it well. It will also show that you can flex your knowledge.

For the first thing, the climate is normally hot or rainy. There is a wet season, and a dry season. 

The dry season is very hot. During the dry season, temperatures can get to 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit! It's like a desert, but wet. The only reason it feels hotter than that is because it's so humid. Thus, because it is more humid, you sweat more often. In return, you smell like sweat (or pawis), then get so wet.

The wet season is when the typhoons come down on the country. The Philippines is typhoon central. You get even more wet than dry season sweat. LOL! So yeah, during the wet season, it rains so hard, and so much! I cannot express how much it bothers me. As someone who doesn't like getting wet with clothes on (so swimming and bathing are exempted, or excluded), I hate the wet season. Although many may consider this weird, I used to play in the rain all the time. I love getting wet in the rain, with no shirt. It feels so good. I mean, even when I am showering, it feels like playing in the rain! FUN!!!! (This one was longer than the one to the left lol)

Next thing, the traffic.

You can never get anywhere good without going through heavy traffic, well, at least in Manila. On JetPunk, Manila is considered to have 25 million people, assuming I rounded to millions, which I did. But, let me tell you, as someone who was born in Manila and grew up there, it always felt like the entire population of the world was there because it was SO PACKED. It's like going on an airplane and being packed like a can of sardines in economy class. Now imagine an entire city being like that, tenfold. What image comes to mind? Manila, for me. It is the densest city there is in the world, or at least, until I last checked, which was like a month ago.

Epifanio de los Santos Avenue, or EDSA's "sign"

And finally, the language. Not much here, just the fact that lots of people are fluent in English, and you can tell who's a Filipino by their accent if you were in the Philippines. I lost mine after being here in the USA for three years. Oof. (We will talk about the languages in Language.)






the (pronounced "duh")

Check out my quizzes on Filipino to English translations. They are here!

Also, the Never Gonna Give You Up link doesn't have "" in it, huh?


Not a RickRoll!

Physical Geography (SirPhilippines did this)


t's talk about the physical geography of the Philippines. As you heard, the Philippines is in South-East Asia, and is an archipelago of (approximately) 7,641 islands, about 2,000 of which are inhabited. So, let's do the math. There are 7,641 islands, about 2,000 are inhabited, so the equation is 7,641 - 2,000 ≈ about 5,641 which are uninhabited. Anyways, usually the Philippines' islands are divided into 3 island groups (from top to bottom), Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Then they are divided into 81 provinces, each with their own provincial capitals. The capital of the Philippines, Manila is in Luzon (obviously), but, as you probably have read the fun facts, you know Manila is not the largest city. The prize goes to Quezon City (bravo, bravo!), a part of Metro Manila. Oh, you don't know what Metro Manila is? It's just a place consisting of many cities, like Manila, and Quezon City, so visit now Americans! Anyways, the Philippines' 5 biggest islands are Luzon, Mindanao, Samar, Negros, and Palawan. The size is 300,000 (120,000 mi2) km2, surprising since it is situated on islands.

Island Sizes
Island Size (km) Size (mi)
Luzon109,965 sq km42,458 sq mi
Mindanao97,530 sq km37,657 sq mi
Samar13,429 sq km5,185 sq mi
Negros13,310 sq km5,139 sq mi
Palawan12,189 sq km4,706 sq mi

This is the table showing the (approximate) sizes of each of the islands.

The Philippines also has the autonomous region called Muslim Mindanao, which has had the ongoing conflict with the Philippines called the Moro Conflict and is a war where the belligerents started with the Moro People, then Jihadist Groups and while this was going on, then the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, or NDFP joined in! And it has been running for... Just think of it!

Philippines: We will win against the Moro People!

Philippines: Now we will win against the Jihadists... how hasn't this war ended?

Philippines: Now we will fight the NDFP... and the Jihadists... what a long 50 years...

And this isn’t even the worst of the disputes. Take the Spratly Islands, which goes like this.

Brunei: I want this land!

Malaysia: Me want land.

Vietnam: Want L A N D.

Philippines: L A N D.

China: M Y  L A N D  O R  I  W I L L  N U K E  A L L  O F  Y O U

Anyways, back to geography!


To start, the Philippines borders the South China Sea to the northwest, the Philippine Sea to the east, the Sulu Sea to the southwest (airlines lol), and the Celebes Sea to the south. But there is something more interesting... up close.

When you look at the tectonic plates, you will see two plates. The Eurasian plate where the Philippines is situated on, and the Filipino plate. Over time, the two plates collided, pushing both downwards, forming the Philippine trench, the third largest trench, with a whopping 10,545 m (34,596 ft) deep! The Mariana trench is surprisingly 439 m (1,440 ft) deeper, not even a mile, so they are close in depth!

The tectonic plates. In the border between the Filipino (red) and Eurasian (green) plate, the location of the Philippine trench is there.

History (KirbyXD did this)

Here's the history. I will give you a detailed look on the real history of the Philippines, and the players of the game. In an AFOTWIT style thing! LOL!



United States



Other Characters


Bruneian Empire

Mactan tribes

Sulu Sultanate

Back in the old days, the Bruneian Empire ruled parts of southern Mindanao. Then, when they left, a state named Maguindanao pops up in southern Mindanao. We then shift up north, to Visayas. One day, Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain, lands on a strange island, namely Cebu. He places a cross there, an iconic spot now known as the Magellan Cross. Later, he goes on to the nearby island of Mactan. But things do not end well...

Spain: Let's colonize this island!

Mactan tribes: Not on our watch!

The battle raged on and on... as if it would never come to an end. But eventually, the worst happened for the Spanish...

Spain: We're going to win!

Mactan tribes: Oh no you don't!

Magellan (Spain): Ah!!!

Magellan is hit by a spear. He dies.

Spain: Retreat!!!

The Spanish lost. However, they eventually conquered the Philippines. A state named the Sulu Sultanate became a protectorate of Spain. However, a group called the Katipunan were not happy with Spanish rule. In 1896, Jose Rizal was executed. However, soon, just two years after that, Commodore George Dewey of the United States sailed into Manila Bay.

Spain: Who are you?

US: You took down our ship! The U.S.S. Maine! Time to defeat you!

Spain: WE DID NOT!

US: Don't care! Give me this land!

(By the way it is not clear who took down the U.S.S. Maine, this is trying to reference the Bill Wurtz joke "Let's blame the Maine on Spain" thing blah blah blah)

Spain: NO!!!

Katipunan: Umalis ka na mga Español! (Get out of here, Spaniards!)

Spain: Oh shoot.

And so, the Spanish lost, again, and they also lost the Philippines to America. Jump 40 or so years, and we have WW2. So now, Japan comes along, wrecks Pearl Harbor, captures the Philippines, and the Filipinos now have a hard life.

Japan: There's no way you can defeat me!

Douglas MacArthur's famous quote was, "I shall return." It's simple, but iconic. Eventually, in three years, he did return, and they sent the Japanese soldiers packing their bags for Japanese occupied Taiwan.

Japan: No!!! My carriers!!

US: Surrender now.

Japan: Never!

US: Fine.

*Battle of Manila*

The Japanese commander of the garrison in Manila was killed in the action. The Americans retook Manila, and in 1946, the Filipinos were independent. And the rest is history...

But don't forget Ferdinand Marcos. Also, the Philippines isn't such a happily ever after. Drug abuse and Islamic terrorism has been a prominent problem in the Philippines, and it is yet to be solved.

The End.

Diplomacy (KirbyXD did this)

Historically, when looking at it, the United States is one of the main allies of the Philippines. But, let's look at the relations of the Philippines with their fellow ASEAN members and East Timor.

Brunei (Diplomacy)

Their relations are pretty strong. There was a diplomatic relations issue in 1993, which you can look up yourself. Other than that, it's pretty strong.

Cambodia (Diplomacy)

Their relations are also strong. Even though China as a close ally of Cambodia, the two countries' relations stay strong.

East Timor (Diplomacy)

Relations between the two are very strong, with both being predominantly Catholic in religion. Since East Timor was only a country since 2002, the Philippine Army is helping train East Timor's army. Their relations are great, to say the least.

Indonesia (Diplomacy)

Like East Timor, Indonesia's relations with the Philippines are quite frankly, very great. Both are island nations, reject China's claims to territory in the region, and are both common members of some organizations. Overall, they have a very great relationship.

Laos (Diplomacy)

The relationship with Laos is good. Here's something shocking. Filipinos in Laos often get lower fares on auto rickshaws. (or tuktuks, they remind me of tricycles in the Philippines) Wow! Overall, they're not bad, but also not great.

Malaysia (Diplomacy)

Although the Sabah dispute rages on like crazy, which take away a few points, their relations are still okay. The Philippines tried invading Sabah to take it back, and failed horribly. Again, this takes away more points. Probably the worst one here, but still okay, at best.

Myanmar (Diplomacy)

Their relations are good. The Philippines is taking in refugees from the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar, so read about it yourself. Other than that, it's okay. That crisis though is internal in Myanmar, so no points taken away.

Singapore (Diplomacy)

The Philippines and Singapore have great relations too. Mostly though, the Philippines supplies lots of OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) to Singapore. The relations are still good though.

Thailand (Diplomacy)

Diplomacy started all the way back when the kingdom of Tondo traded with Siam, which you should know, is Thailand. Things are still going pretty well, and I think it will stay that way.

Vietnam (Diplomacy)

Oh god. Let us see, Vietnam War, Filipino soldiers go there, everything is good now, and so is Vietnam's food. Go try it, this is secretly a travel ad for visit Vietnam. Their relations have been damaged, but the scars have healed.

Our Former Masters: United States (Diplomacy)

AmErIcA!!! The former colonizers of the Philippines before Japan (1898-1941), after Japan (1945-1946) and after Spain (1898-1941), a special relationship has developed between the two. Their relations are awesome, but not too awesome. It's very healthy though.

1-100 Relation Scale (Diplomacy)

Brunei: 68~71

Cambodia: 75~78

East Timor: 81~84

Indonesia: 90~94

Laos: 70~72

Malaysia: 54~58

Myanmar: 67~70

Singapore: 85~87

Thailand: 79~83

Vietnam: 70~80

For good measure: United States (benchmark): 95~100

Countries not included with healthy relations with Philippines: Mexico, South Korea.

Government (KirbyXD did this)

Speaking of diplomacy, you can't have diplomacy without a government. So here's the Constitution explained, for starters.

There are 18 articles explained here.

Constitution of the Philippines

Here's an overview of the Constitution of the Philippines, with simple version in parentheses and italics.


We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.

Article 1: National Territory

The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines. (The territory of the Philippines is made up of the islands in the Philippine archipelago, and all of the waters in the archipelago, and all the territory that the Philippines governs, and its land, water and airspace, including the sea around it, the sea floor, the subsoil, and the continental shelves and other submarine areas. The water around, inside and joining the islands regardless of their depth and size, width, etc. form the internal waters of the Philippines.)

Article 2: Declaration of Principles and State Policies

Article 2 lays out the basic social and political creed of the Philippines, particularly the implementation of the constitution and sets forth the objectives of the government. Some essential provisions are:

The Philippines is a democratic republic,

Renunciation of war as a form of national policy,

Supremacy of civilian over military authority,

Separation of church and state (inviolable),

Pursuit of an independent foreign policy,

Abrogation of nuclear weaponry,

Family as the basic unit of the state,

Role of youth and women in nation-building,

Autonomy of local government,

and equal opportunity for public services and the prohibition of political dynasties.

(Article 2 lays out the basic social and political values of the Philippines, and the interpretation of the Constitution, along with setting forth the objectives of the government. Some essential values are:

The Philippines is a democracy and a republic,

The abandonment of war as a national policy,

The supremacy of the people over the military authority,

Separation of church and the government (cannot be violated),

Pursuit of a separate foreign policy,

Banning nuclear weaponry,

Family as the basic unit of government,

Role of youth and women in politics,

Autonomy of local government,

and equal opportunity for public services and the prohibition of dictatorships (clearly violated by Ferdinand Marcos).

Article 3: Bill of Rights

Article 3 enumerates specific protections against the abuse of state power, most of which are similar to the provisions of the U.S. Constitution. Some essential provisions are:

A right to due process and equal protection of law,

A right against searches and seizures without a warrant issued by a judge,

A right to privacy,

The right to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the right to petition,

The free exercise of religion,

A right of abode and the right to travel,

A right to information on matters of public concern,

A right to form associations,

A right of free access to courts,

The right to remain silent and to have competent legal counsel,

A right to bail and against excessive bail conditions,

A right to habeas corpus,

The right to a speedy trial,

The right against self-incrimination,

The right to political beliefs and aspirations,

A prohibition against cruel, degrading, or inhuman punishment,

Protection providing for no imprisonment for debt,

The right against double jeopardy,

and prohibition of ex post facto laws and bills of attainder.

Similar to U.S. jurisprudence and other common law jurisdictions, the scope and limitation of these rights have largely been determined by the Supreme court through case law.

The rest of the articles

Here are the other 15 articles explained in simple version:

Article 4:

It defines the citizenship of Filipinos.

Article 5:

It defines suffrage, along with the procedures for overseas, disabled and illiterate Filipinos to vote.

Article 6:

It explains the Legislative Department.

Article 7:

It explains the Executive Department.

Article 8:

It explains the Judicial Department.

Article 9:

It defines the Constitutional Commissions.

Article 10:

It defines the local government.

Article 11:

It explains the accountability of public officers.

Article 12:

It explains the national economy. (more on that later)

Article 13:

It explains social justice and the human rights.

Article 14:

It explains education, science, technology, arts, culture and sports.

Article 15:

It defines the family.

Article 16:

It defines the general provisions.

Article 17:

It establishes the methods of amending the constitution.

Article 18:

It defines the transitory provisions.

There are also other provisions not listed here.

Presidents of the Philippines

In order from one through sixteen:

Emilio Aguinaldo

Manuel Quezon

Jose Laurel

Sergio Osmena

Manuel Roxas

Elpidio Quirino

Ramon Magsaysay

Carlos Garcia

Diosdado Macapagal

Ferdinand Marcos

Corazon Aquino

Fidel Ramos

Joseph Estrada

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

Benigno Aquino

Rodrigo Duterte

Language (SirPhilippines did this)

Here is a much used misconception about the language of the Philippines that even I, SirPhilippines, believed in.

"Tagalog just means Filipino in Filipino."

wrong Wrong WRONG WRONG W R O N G!!! (Has stroke)

It is oh so commonly used, everyone who even has heard of Filipino believes in this misconception. It is truly crazy! Wait, so what is the language... anyways? And what is the actual answer to this quote?

Well, to start, let's explain why this is wrong. Filipino is not a language, it is a standardized form of Tagalog, because saying that Tagalog is a dialect of Filipino is also a misconception. So, what are the Philippine languages?

There are about 120 to 187 spoken languages in the Philippines, most being Malayo-Polynesian languages, and some Spanish Creole, the group being called Chavacano. Most native languages uses the Latin script, using the Abakada alphabet, but there is a historic language, Baybayin.

Some of the most notable languages in the Philippines are:

Tagalog (contains the Filipino we know),

Cebuano (Has the second most Wikipedia pages of any language, mostly because of a bot called Lsjbot),







and Pangasinan.

The national language, Filipino (standardized Tagalog) , is mostly spoken in the Philippines, the United States, and surprisingly, Saudi Arabia, and their (Philippines) official languages are Filipino and English.

Some other stuff is that they use the QWERTY keyboard, but they use the Spanish keyboard. Lastly, their official sign language is the Filipino Sign Language. 

Wait! This is the Abakada alphabet!

A (ah)

B (ba)

K (ka)

D (da)

E (eh)

G (ga)

H (ha)

I (ih)

L (la)

M (ma)

N (na)

Ng (nga)

Ñ (n-yeh)

O (oh)

P (pa)

R (ra)

S (sa)

T (ta)

U (ooh)

W (wa)

Y (ya)

Last but not least, the ANSWER!!!

Answer: Pilipino (because there is no "F" in the alphabet)

A little anticlimactic, isn't it? Anyways, to the stats!

The Stats (SirPhilippines did this)

This category is aimed for size, population, etc. to other countries, so let's see the stats!

Comparison of Countries to the Philippines -Size-
Country Size (km) Size (mi)
Italy301,339 sq km116,348 sq mi
Philippines (72nd)300,000 sq km120,000 sq mi
Ecuador276,841 sq km106,889 sq mi
Comparison of Countries to the Philippines -Population and % of world-
Country Population (mil) % of world pop
Ethiopia117.9 mil1.50%
Philippines (13th)110,302,925 mil1.40%
Egypt101,872,293 mil1.29%

-------------------------------------Population of the Philippines since 1960 to 2015---------------------------------

Loading Chart

Chart made by SirPhilippines (I would say the more accurate population growth)

Comparison of Countries to the Philippines -Population Density-
Country Density (km) Density (mi)
Belgium376 per sq km974 sq mi
Philippines (36th)356 sq km921 sq mi
Sri Lanka324 sq km838 sq mi
Comparison of Countries to the Philippines -GDP and per capita-
Country GDP (IMF '19) GDP per Capita
Singapore391.88 Bn dollars$66,457 per capita
Philippines (37th)389.05 Bn dollars$3,503 per capita
South Africa386.73 Bn dollars$6,441 per capita
Loading Chart

Chart made by KirbyXD (including live births and deaths)

Culture (Both of us did this)

This is Pancit Canton, the most popular type of pancit in the Philippines. That's Interesting Fact No. 10,947,657!


As Barbs said on Geography Now, Filipino food is like a fairy exploding. We have all types of foods and dishes. The 3 most popular are Adobo (chicken, rice, eggs, and garlic, doused in vinegar and soy sauce), Pancit (pretty much pad thai but tastes different) which originated from Luzon, And lechon (which is literally a baby pig) which originated from Mindanao. There are also many others which include...

(and should try them all says KirbyXD)

SirPhilippines' must trys:

Longganisa (The best sausage you'll eat)

Lumpia (Spring rolls but better)

Kare-Kare (Ox and vegetables cooked in peanut sauce -allergic people beware- )

Sinigang (Meat and vegetables in sour broth)

Afritada (Meat and veggies in tomato sauce)

KirbyXD's must trys:

Menudo (Liver and other vegetables, usually potatoes and carrots in tomato sauce)

Giniling (Ground beef, mixed with potatoes, carrots, bell peppers and.... eww.... RAISINS cooked in tomato sauce)

HALO-HALO! (A special Filipino dessert. Made with ube (purple yam) ice cream, mung beans, chick peas, kaong (a red gelatin) and stirred in milk)

And GULAMAN! (A special Filipino drink! Basically gulaman (a green gelatin) in a green liquid, you can drink the liquid and eat the gulaman! Food and drink combined! It's PERFECT)

Since colonization somehow happened, and the "land of freedom" colonized us for 40 years, there is a Filipino fast food place. It is called Jollibee. It served Filipino fast food (somehow possible) and has really sweet spaghetti which I don't get how that is even still up because it is so bad tasting. Exactly, says KirbyXD. Maybe the reason they like this sweet spaghetti swing is because Filipinos do have their sweet tooth. We love ube (purple yam)! You'll find any ube food, and in my opinion, they taste GREAT! Not for me, says KirbyXD. You should try mango ice cream or CHEESE ICE CREAM!!!!!!, says KirbyXD. "NO!", says SirPhilippines, "The best is Halo-Halo! The mix of ube ice cream and jellies and all those amazing flavors!"

"Oh well. Just try Jollibee either way." says Kirby XD.

"Yeah, don't eat the unholy spaghetti there too." says SirPhilippines.

KirbyXD agrees.

And then the evil Jollibee comes to feed us all poisoned chickens and James Bond comes and saves us all-

Jollibee restaurant with logo, which is a bee.
Look! It's bamboo, the GRASS they use to make the poles! Bamboo is a grass by the way! Interesting Fact #10,947,658!


Tinikling is a special dance in which people alternate their feet in and out of bamboo poles. The bamboo poles are clapped against each other, in a rhythm, along with music, and the dancers must get their feet out in time with the rhythm or face a severe foot injury. Ouch. It takes months, years or even decades of experience to do this successfully. If you see on of these, take the time to appreciate the hard work they put in to this. Anyways, as the song goes on, the music (and rhythm) gets faster. Thus, the dancers have to be even  quicker on their feet, because once it starts to get faster, the bamboo pole people have to clap them faster, thus more pain could happen if the dancers do not get their feet out in time. This compels them to get it right the first time. If you want, here's a link to a YouTube video of tinikling. Check it out: here.

Also, please do not confuse it with tinkling.

(A PSA from the Philippine National Dance Commission and Public Safety Department)

The barong Tagalog, the proposed national clothing, is a formal dress worn at ceremonial events. The barong saya is the female equivalent.

Also, women sometimes wear Maria Clara gowns, almost a more royal version of another dress, the baro't saya. The name comes from Maria Clara de Los Santos, a heroine in famous Filipino "nationalist" Jose Rizal.

In normal clothing, people prefer loose, light colored clothing. This is because of the climate. It's hot and rainy or hot and dry, or hot and hot.

The barong Tagalog

The National Symbols! (KirbyXD did this)

The national symbols of the Philippines come in a variety of things. Here are the national symbols of the Philippines. Everything here is official. Enjoy the culture, people of culture.

Official Symbols, as Enacted by Philippine Law (Symbols)

The Coat of Arms

The coat of arms is a shield with three stars on the top part, colored white, then a white colored circle with the sun inside, then a blue bottom stripe and a red bottom stripe, like the flag. The blue stripe has the Great Seal of the United States (in some form), representing the American colonial period. The red stripe has the Spanish lion, representing the country's 300 years of Spanish rule. The bottom has an inscription reading "Republika ng Pilipinas", or Republic of the Philippines in Tagalog.

The coat of arms.
The Great Seal.

The Great Seal of the Philippines and National Motto of the Philippines

The great seal of the Philippines is just the same as the Coat of Arms, but with one exception. The inscription is at the outside of the inner circle, and another inscription reads as the country's national motto. Translated in English, it means "For God, for people, for nature, and for country."

The National Anthem

Lupang Hinirang

No, the first verse is not always the title of the anthem.

Here it is, in bold (and italics):

Verse 1

Bayang magiliw,

Perlas ng sinalangan.

Alab ng puso,

Sa dibdib mo'y buhay.

Verse 2

Lupang hinirang,

Duyang ka ng magitiw.

Sa manluluping,

Di ka pasisiil.

Verse 3

Sa dagat ant bundok,

Sa simoy at sa langit mo'y bughaw.

May dilag ang tula at awit sa paglayang minamahal.

Ang kislat ng watawat mo'y tagumpay,

Na nagniningning.

Ang bituin at araw,

Nya'y kailan pa

Ma'y dimagdidilim.

Verse 4

Lupa ng araw,

Na luwalhati't pag sinta,

Buhay ay langit sa piling mo.

Aming ligaya na pag may mag-aapi,

Ang mamatay ng dahil sa'yo.

Sheet music for Lupang Hinirang.
Flag of the Philippines.

The Flag of the Philippines

The flag of the Philippines is a unique flag. But first, let us explain it. The white triangle stands for liberty, equality and fraternity. *french revolution vibes increase by 1798%* The blue stands for peace, and the red for war, courage and sacrifice. The eight rays stand for one of the eight provinces that revolted against the Spanish, and the three stars stand for the three island groups: Luzon, Visayas (originally referring to the island of Panay) and Mindanao. The unique thing about this is if you flip it upside-down, the red goes on top, indicating a state of war.

The Official Language

Tagalog (see Language for more information)

Filipino is a standardized version of Tagalog, and both languages are Austronesian languages. They come from the Malayo-Polynesian branch, which includes languages from Indonesia and Malaysia. The group of languages is the Philippine, then the subgroup is Central Philippine, and finally, Tagalog. Stemming from that is Filipino, the standardized version. Also, here's "Wikang Tagalog", which is "Filipino language" in Tagalog, in the former Baybayin script, which was used before the Latin script today of Filipino. Here it is below.

Note that the bottom of this parking sign in San Francisco is in Filipino. The fourth bullet in each step is in Filipino.
Baybayin script.

Declared through executive orders and other Republic Acts 

National bird: the Philippine Eagle

The Philippine eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) is an eagle, as the name implies.

Philippine eagle. His name is Jeffery.
Range of the Philippine eagle.

The Philippine eagle is distributed throughout eastern Luzon, the islands of Samar and Leyte in the Visayas, and the island of Mindanao.

The diet of this eagle includes small bats, Philippine deer, Philippine flying lemurs, the northern Luzon giant cloud rat, large snakes, lizards, animals short of adult ungulates and humans (they don't eat humans though), Asian palm civets, macaques, flying squirrels, tree squirrels, fruit bats, rats, owls, hornbills, snakes, monitor lizards, other birds of prey, young pigs and small dogs.

A Philippine eagle kept in captivity in London from 1909-1910.
National flower: Sampaguita

Sampaguita (Jasminium sambac) is a nice smelling flower that is found in the Philippines. You can find some flowers outside the Philippines that you can buy in Filipino stores. Even though my sense of smell is horrible, it still smells very good. You should smell it.

National gem: Philippine pearl

The Philippine pearl (Pinctada maxima) is a pearl that comes from an oyster that lives in the Philippine Sea, South China Sea and other marine environments. You can tell if it is genuine or fake if you see if it is round or not. a perfectly formed pearl takes years to develop. However, by forcing huge amounts of mother-of-pearl, which, as the name implies, the thing oysters place around, say, a grain of sand that gets stuck in them to form a pearl. By forcing huge amounts into the oyster, you can speed up the process by a lot, although it will be bent and curved.

A gold lipped version of the pearl oyster that produces this gem.

National sign language: Filipino Sign Language

Not much, just the sign language.

Arnis training center thingamabob

National sport: Arnis

Originating from the Old Spanish word arnes, which means armor, arnis is a type of martial arts originating from fencing. Not much else to say, it's like fencing but different.

National tree: Narra

The narra (Pterocarpus indicus) is the national tree of the Philippines. Located in the Philippines, Borneo and the Malay Peninsula (so all of Malaysia too), it flowers from February to May in the said countries.

And it has flowers!

That's it for the symbols.

A narra tree found in the wild.

Important Images of the Philippines! (SirPhilippines did this)

Lapu Lapu (Mactan Tribe) vs Ferdinand Magellan (Spanish Empire). Lapu Lapu later kills Magellan, resulting in Mactan victory.
Douglas MacArthur landing at Leyte during WW2 to kick the Japanese out of the Philippines. The famous "I have returned" was said here.
Picture of Emilio Aguinaldo, leader of the Katipunan. After American victory in the Spanish-American war, he was the first ever Filipino president for 2 years from 1899-1901. The Philippines was ceded to America after his rule.
Flags of the Katipunan. The "KKK" does not mean the white supremacist group Ku Klux Klan, The KKK means the full name of the Katipunan, "Kataas-taasang, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan".
Battle of Quingua during the Philippine-American war, this resulted in American victory.
Pinatubo 1991 Eruption, the second biggest eruption in the 20th century. My (KirbyXD) mother was in Pampanga during the time of the eruption. Since the volcano was in Pampanga, lots of ash and lahar spread across the area. My (KirbyXD) mom and her family had to evacuate to Manila.
Ferdinand Marcos, the 10th president of the Philippines. He established himself dictator until 1986 before being exiled to Hawaii. He was infamously known for corruption.
Duterte talking about the ongoing Philippine drug war to fight drug cartels. His action has been disputed if he is doing well on the problem or not because of... (say politics say politics)  ...opinions
The Laguna Copperplate Inscription dating back to 822. It uses the Baybayin script.
Philip II. He was not known for impacting the Philippines that much, but the Spaniards named the Philippines after him.
Flag of the Sultanate of Sulu, a kingdom that lasted until the 1800s. A very Hindu area, and possibly a reason why Muslim Mindanao is a thing.
Benigno Aquino Jr. He was the senator of the Philippines and was favorable to Marcos. He was exiled and sent to jail, and when he returned, he was assassinated.

The Unofficial Philippines Badge! Checkboxes do not work.

Philippines Badge

2 users have earned this badge

QuizRequired Score
Random Filipino Words10/14
Philippines A-Z20/24
Ultimate Philippines Country Quiz23/23
People on the Philippines Peso Banknotes5/9

Crediting (We both did this)

As you know, multiple sites are used in this blog for information. You probably know the

Ever holy Wikipedia, but there is also


World Population Review (for GDP),

Multiple channels, one being Geography Now, and the channels that gave us the information to make us memorize it,

Jetpunk, John and Dan Hostetler,

Everyone who's helped us on our way to making this (not a site but ok),

Me (KirbyXD) being born in the Philippines (some really juicy information!),

SirPhilippines, for agreeing to collab and help me (KirbyXD) on this blog and provide "some" (psst, a lot) information too, so thank you so much!,

And ALL THE FILIPINOS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In Image 4 on "Important Images", if you could not see the caption, here it is in bold for you. The KKK does not mean "Ku Klux Klan." It means "Kataas-taasang, kagalang-galangan Katipunan ng mga anak ng bayan."  In English, it means "The high, respectful Katipunan of the sons of the country." We do not tolerate, and we condemn racism or anything bad like that here. Thank you for understanding.



Whoo, where do I start? I hope you read this, cause we worked hard! This project actually started all the back in May (please tell me this will get our rating higher on Blog Games also please don't kill us on grammar) , we did both take breaks for summer break, but I am not the most proud about the blog-I am very proud though-It was the... ...get ready to cringe... ... the F R I E N D S H I P. Anyways, make sure to heart and subscribe to us and I heard only 3.141593% of you are not sub- ah, forget it. I hope you liked it! I guess you could read the actual wiki page now.

PS: KirbyXD said (or will say) that he proofread. Don't tell him, I double-checked everything. PPS: Ask GeoSmartKirbyXD how to spell. PPPS: just realized how long this blog is... uhm, too long.


Thank you for reading this blog. After six-seven-eight? months of trial and tribulation, we did it. I cannot under any circumstances receive all of the credit. Me and SirPhilippines worked equally as hard (albeit we took a two-three month long summer vacation and I took a hiatus). He deserves as much credit as I do. Cringe alert: The friendship between us has been strengthened by this blog. Expect more collabs to come. Again, anyways, I hope you had fun, but now it's time to sign off. I hope you enjoyed this blog! PS: I promise you I proofread everything. And I mean everything. Also, fun fact: I won my school spelling bee three times in a row. We hope you enjoyed!!!! Bye!!!!!!

SirPhilippines's sign off image. His name is Jeffery. I like Jeffery. Jeffery is my pet. Whatever you do,                               D O    N O T    T O U C H   J E F F E R Y.
KirbyXD's sign off image. It's Beninball. (Benin countryball) Unrelated to topic of Philippines, but still. I choose this, so I put it here. Benin declares war on Togo: AFOTWIT Ideas #45,294,367. This is the sign-off image, meaning there is nothing else after this.

It's more fun in the Philippines!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Tourism slogan!)

Level 61
Feb 28, 2022
Thank you all so much for reading this long overdue blog! Just a quick announcement: GeoStumper #2 comes out on March 2nd, 2022. In there I will ask a very important question. So please put in some input. Also, AFOTWIT 10 will come out on March 5th, 2022 after some minor proofreading and style fixes along with more stuff.
Level 62
Feb 28, 2022
Interesting and funny blog lol :)
Level 61
Feb 28, 2022
Level 55
Feb 28, 2022
Level 61
Feb 28, 2022
Level 59
Feb 28, 2022
What are all of the 45,294,367 ideas for AFOTWIT, and if there are more, please tell me :) i need proof
Level 61
Feb 28, 2022
Actually the list of ideas starts at 45,293,367
Level 59
Feb 28, 2022
Ok, then tell me them, there are at least a thousand youve just mentioned, please name them all lol
Level 66
Mar 1, 2022
45,293,467: Mecca gains independence.
Level 59
Mar 1, 2022
what about 45,293,468-45,294,366?
Level 66
Mar 1, 2022
All are classified, except for 45,293,788-45,293,792.

45,293,788: A communist PNG forms.

45,293,789: The CSA collapses.

45,293,790: Fuijan gains indpendence.

45,293,791: Japan annexes the Solomon Islands.

45,293,792: Iberian Union annexes Andorra.

Level 61
Mar 1, 2022
And 46,000,000 is... you start flying!?!?!? LE GASP!

JK it's Niger and Nigeria unite to form Nigergeria (nee-sher-ge(long e)-ria)

Level 65
Mar 2, 2022
i think i have more

and i also have more afotws

Level 65
Mar 2, 2022
Amazing blog! How many characters was it? Philippines is one of my favorite countries, I think it's very similar to India in some ways. At first glance they are quite difference but when you look closer there are many smaller cultural details that both have, and of course there is some Indian influence in the Philippines also. I love the comedic history lol, it'd be cool to see that with some other countries also!
Level 66
Mar 2, 2022
36,522 characters!