Blaze Empire #2


This blog is set just after episode XI of the official DOTJE series.

On board the El Toro

Naval Base

Barcelona, Blaze Empire

Naval Officer #1 : Hey! I've just received a notification on my phone!

Naval Officer #2 : Me too! It's from the emperor! To all naval officers : The Blaze Empire will be offering military assistance to the Macedonian Empire in their war with the Grandes. Battleships El Toro and Senorita have been cleared for action. Cut of the Grande troops and do not let them make their landing. This is an official order from His Imperial Awesomeness, Emperor Solomon Blaze III. 

The two battleships leave Barcelona and head into the Mediterranean Sea.

Blaze Government Complex

Tehran, Blaze Empire

Solomon Blaze is sitting behind a large power desk in his office. A man enters the room and nods to Solomon.

The man : Sir.

Solomon : Dylan Boult. What brings you here?

Dylan : The Black Chamber has come up with new information that we need to share with you.

Solomon : OK, but we'll have to make it quick. I have a meeting with Ali Khalif later today.

Dylan : Why are you meeting with the head of the nuclear program? You aren't planning to shoot someone out, are you?

Solomon : No, not yet...

Dylan : Good. Remember, the Great Southern Emperor asked for peace.

Solomon : The Macedons sure listened, didn't they?

Dylan : About that... You'd better come to headquarters and let me explain.

Black Chamber HQ 

Undisclosed Location

Dylan takes Solomon into his office at Black Chamber headquarters. There are five screens along one wall. Dylan sits down, turns the screens on, and starts talking to Solomon.

Dylan : As you know, the Macedonian army is being commanded by Alexander the Greater, and he initiated the attack on the Grande Empire. However, he may not have known what he was doing. When the Macedonian scientists fused the original Alexander with VeryCoolPerson, the unique fusing process may have left the resulting Alexander the Greater's mind vulnerable to.....hypnosis.

Solomon : You mean someone hypnotized  Alexander and made him attack Napoleon IV?

Dylan : That's right. Although currently we have no idea who the culprit is.

Solomon : Didn't you say something about a plotter in the Veggie Caliphate?

Dylan : Ah, yes. That turned out to be none other the Sultan Viniga. While his resurfacing may have something to do with the mystery mastermind, we do not believe him to be the hypnotizer.

Solomon : Wait a minute. If I am helping the Macedonians, then I'm helping whoever hypnotized Alexander and controlled him and the army to engineer war. Maybe I should withdraw my assistance.

Dylan : It might still be good to have the battleships active. If we cut off the Grandes from landing and fighting the Macedons long enough, then maybe we can meet up with Napoleon and convince him to stop this war?

Solomon : Good idea. I must call a meeting of the Pentete.

Dylan : Does that still exist?

Solomon : Of course it does. Is there anything else I need to know?

Dylan : Yes. We captured someone plotting to divert the entire world supply of Mars Bars to their mansion in Bahrain.

Solomon : Hmm, good taste - I mean, good thing you caught them. That could have been a major crisis.

Dylan : Indeed. Now don't you have a meeting to get to?

Solomon leaves Black Chamber HQ and travels to a private airfield, stopping on the way to pick up a 17 scoop ice-cream for his flight.

That's it for now, folks. Stay tuned for more Blaze Empire doings!

Link to The official Dawn of the JetPunk Empires blog series.

Level 60
Aug 3, 2022
Very good! I also have heard from Geopro that DOTJE is almost out
Level 65
Aug 3, 2022
exciting news!!
Level 60
Aug 3, 2022
It's out now! And great blog, very good. The Black Chamber is the Blaze's spy agency right?
Level 65
Aug 4, 2022
yes, that's right
Level 60
Aug 4, 2022