Debate Field 2


This blog post, like the one below, is a platform for people to argue about whether or not the Palestinian Territories are a country.

Level 65
Aug 20, 2020
I say they're not a country, hence the Territories part of their name.
Level 56
Aug 20, 2020
Level 56
Aug 20, 2020
I didnt forget anything.
Level 59
Aug 22, 2020
@McKenzieFam: With all due respect, I believe that there would be a more friendly and open environment on these blogs if you didn’t intervene. If someone believes that Palestine is a country, they should be entitled to that opinion and should feel free to express it. I’m not discouraging debates, but shutting people down, serious or not, isn’t something I think would benefit this debate.
Level 50
Oct 8, 2023
They did not shut anybody down. That was the first comment, and they did not tell anybody they were wrong.
Level 32
Aug 23, 2020
I agree with yeetdeet. That comment you put there doesn’t mean anything.
Level 65
Aug 29, 2020
You're right. I deleted my comment, and I'm not going to shut people's opinions down, though I am technically allowed to join in on my blog.
Level 59
Aug 29, 2020
I’m not against putting an opinion out there, but I just thought it felt a bit extreme. Opinions are valuable to any conversation, it’s just that I felt you were trying to end the debate instead of contributing to it. Sorry if it sounded harsh, I just wanted to do what I thought was best for the debate.
Level 65
Sep 6, 2020
It's okay mate
Level 56
Aug 20, 2020
imo, Palestine isn't in COTW, hence it isn't a country.
Level 65
Aug 20, 2020
Level 32
Aug 20, 2020
@Blackmamba824 I think someone deleted a comment.
Level 32
Aug 21, 2020
Now it’s confirmed someone deleted a comment.
Level 65
Aug 22, 2020
I deleted one of my comments, having made a spelling mistake but not being able to edit it, so I deleted it and rewrote it.
Level 32
Aug 22, 2020
I was actually talking about Blackmamba's comment but cool.
Level 62
Aug 20, 2020
That's a pretty stupid reasoning. The "Cotw" quiz is no benchmark for countries. Palestine is definitely a country, it's just not purely soviegen due to 2 factions claiming sovereignty
Level 32
Aug 20, 2020
This is probably a debate about if it is a sovereign country
Level 56
Aug 20, 2020
Using this logic, QM could just remove the USA from the cotw quiz and according to you the US wouldnt be a country.
Level 32
Aug 22, 2020
He’s not stupid. That would mean we use the 2020 COTW for in that scenario.
Level 66
Aug 20, 2020
I think Palestine should just be a part of Israel. It honestly would be better for the citizens.
Level 51
Oct 29, 2020
I think it is independent. I don't think a Muslim placed should be forced to stay part of the Jewish Israel.
Level 32
Aug 20, 2020
I think it isn't a country
Level 56
Aug 21, 2020
I think you are wrong
Level 53
Aug 20, 2020
In an ideal world, they should be united under a government that represents them equally, but since that is looking improbable, having them as 2 seperate countries would be the best option in my opinion.
Level 69
Aug 20, 2020
Palestinian recognition in the UN is higher than both Kosovo and Taiwan, yet those two are countries are in the CoTW quiz. Taiwan and Kosovo are also not in the UN at all while Palestine is a UN Observer State alongside Vatican City. So from a viewpoint of international recognition, Palestine in my opinion is definitely a country. And just in case this is taken the wrong way, this does not mean Kosovo and Taiwan aren't countries. Palestine just has more recognition than either of them, and so I think it is a country.
Level 56
Aug 20, 2020
Palestine is more of a country than Kosovo and Taiwan. If you dont think Palestine is a country, then you shouldnt think Kosovo or Taiwan are countries. All three of them are countries.
Level 69
Aug 20, 2020
100% agreed
Level 50
Apr 14, 2023
Do not tell me what to think.
Level 65
Aug 20, 2020
There is a ton of controversy here! I think I prefer arguing about (or watching others argue about) where Cyprus is. It's probably because this debate is about a real issue, while everyone knows where Cyprus is.
Level 66
Aug 20, 2020
A majority of countries recognize Palestine, but the United States doesn’t. And since the Quizmaster is American, he probably decided not to include it. I think not including it is a bit US / Western Europe centric.
Level 66
Aug 20, 2020
But most of the main JetPunk using countries don’t recognize Palestine so I think it would be best to not include it and avoid that can of worms
Level 56
Aug 21, 2020
We should include every country.
Level 59
Aug 23, 2020
Every country varies wildly. In Russia, every country includes Abkhazia and South Ossetia, while in Armenia, it includes Nagorno-Karabakh. The examples are only recognized by one or two countries, but it’s still something to remember, especially on an international site.
Level 66
Aug 27, 2020
That depends how you define a country.
Level 51
Oct 29, 2020
I think it is independent. I don't think a Muslim place should be forced to stay part of the Jewish Israel.
Level 51
Oct 29, 2020
Hoping to see more of these