What Should We Add to JetPunk?


A Wonderful Website

JetPunk is wonderful. I use it every day and it is my favorite website ever. But there are some things I wish could be added to the site. What about you?

What I Want

I think we should have more mini games, such as puzzles, as well as the ability to create our own word searches. I think in addition to charts, users should be able to publish maps that show our world in a unique way. In my opinion, there should also be more quiz formats and default SVGs for new users. I would also like to see profile pictures or avatars for users, as well as ways to suggest quizzes to be featured.

But what about you?

What Others Want

Here is a list of what other people want.

McKenzieFam-An official list of the most upvoted comments. Also a list of the users with the longest streaks.

Quizbyquiz-Polls and surveys.

Nickelz-JetPunk should recognize Niue and the Cook Islands as countries in their quizzes

FreeStater-Personal, user page-based, Interesting Fact pages.

Kingfisher-Featured Blogs

The Last Word

This is not trying to suggest that JetPunk is bad. It is amazing, I just see some room to improve.

I also got the idea for this blog from Quizmaster's What Do You Want For Christmas? blog. Thanks to the Quizmaster for that.

Level 50
Dec 6, 2023
What do you want to see on JetPunk?
Level 83
Dec 6, 2023
Thanks for posting, hopefully you hear lots of cool ideas. I like most of your suggestions, but strongly oppose the adding of profile pictures -- I vastly prefer the clean look of names only, existing together in the quizzophere, and Jetpunk is the only place left which hasn't caved to including profile/avatar images.

Stay strong, Jetpunk! Stay avatar free.

Suggesting quizzes to be featured already exists in the 'nominate' feature, by the way :)

Level 43
Dec 6, 2023
Agreed, I feel like avatars just don't really suit Jetpunk's theme.
Level 65
Dec 6, 2023
same here. I'm sure allowing profile photos will open the way to all sorts of abuse of the site. I also like the the clean, streamlined, no-photo look we have going.


Level 65
Dec 6, 2023
otherwise, I agree with everything else you've said, @Astana
Level 78
Dec 8, 2023
I don't agree with the avatar idea, JetPunk isn't a social media site or a web forum. It is a quiz site with comments. Just my opinion for what it's worth.
Level 66
Dec 6, 2023
The recognition of Niue and Cook Islands as sovereign states. If Palau is a sovereign state even though it is in free association with the United States, so are Niue and Cook Islands.
Level 50
Dec 6, 2023
I have never heard that argument before. I will have to do some research on that.
Level 50
Dec 6, 2023
It's because they are not recognized by the un. (However, jetpunk does recognize Taiwan (a non un country) and does not recognize any Palestinian state (while Palestine is a un observer like the Vatican). Un status does not exclusively determine jetpunk status, but it is an important part of it.)
Level 66
Dec 7, 2023
Taiwan isn't recognized by the UN, so that's not a good reason. There's no reason Niue and Cook Islands aren't countries but Palau is.

Either Niue and Cook Islands should be added to the Countries of the World quiz or Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, and Marshall Islands should be removed from the quiz, because that's just not consistent.

Level 69
Dec 7, 2023
I agree with Nickelz. Both states have been offered UN seats, signed UN treaties, and been recognized by the UN. New Zealand has no say in their lawmaking, and are only allowed to intervene in defense by special request.
Level 43
Dec 6, 2023
They should add polls/surveys. I've seen some tries at having one on a quiz, but those are just really easily ruined. I tried one on a blog, and it actually worked pretty well, but it's still no were close to being perfect. Jetpunk is a quiz website and I feel like polls/surveys would go really well with that.

I don't know about everyone else, but I feel like a poll/survey format would be generally easier to code than a word search or a new SVG type.

Level 50
Dec 6, 2023
I agree. That would be a good addition.
Level 43
Dec 6, 2023
Also, it would be nice if they put the most liked comments higher up, I see a lot of good or funny comments, but they're always buried at the very bottom. Idk but I just feel like its a pain to put in effort for a comment just to have no one see it on a big quiz.

Same thing with blogs, it would be nice if they put the most up-voted ones on a separate page.

Level 65
Dec 6, 2023
Yes, I'd like to see an Official Blog series of most upvoted comments, similar to the current most upvoted quizzes one.

I'd also really like to see a 'longest streak' feature added to the current streaks menu. Stewart has previously said that they are not interested in doing that, but I still think it would be a good addition. I mean, it's only one more data point, right?

JetPunk is already tracking things like quizzes taken, subscribers, points, word searches, etc. for each user.

That being said, there is a possibility that that would open the way to hostility and competition among users, as everyone brags about their longest ever streak.

e.g. "I'm only 2 and have a 300,000,000 day streak going" and that kinda thing. Hopefully not.

Level 50
Dec 7, 2023
There actually is a user blog with the top comments on JetPunk by rg1227. Although it has not been updated in a few years, it is in my opinion the best source available to users.

I have previously wished for a longest streak feature. I bet there is probably at least one user who has taken a quiz every day since streaks were introduced, and thus would have a 71-day streak going, if I did the math correctly.

Your point about bragging reminds me of this thread on the Countries of the World Quiz that I saw a few months ago. I have copied it as close as I can to what it originally was.

User #1: 196 in 6:04 and I'm 12!

User #2: Ok where do you want your medal?

User #3: Leave them alone, the kid is 12, for Pete's sake

User #4: 196 in 0:02 and I'm 3! Whoo!

I agree with all of your points. +1 to your comment.

Level 60
Dec 7, 2023
Nobody cares about your age or time
Level 77
Dec 7, 2023
... I... uh... have an 89 day streak... I think I have played at least one featured quiz per day for the last year, so I *think* 89 is the top on December 7, 2023.
Level 65
Dec 7, 2023
I think if you had been eligible for streaks before they were implemented, that number was added to your account.

ie. if you had done 20 days in a row and on day 21 streaks came in, then you'd straight up have a 21 day streak?

Level 60
Dec 9, 2023
MKF is correct
Level 69
Dec 7, 2023
I will forever campaign for personal, userpage-based Interesting Fact pages.
Level 63
Dec 12, 2023
Featured blogs. I know it's pretty useless, but still I really wanted it. It is very difficult now to look for a good, interesting blog among the old blogs. I would like to see particularly good blogs noted.
Level 78
Dec 16, 2023
I agree with this, it could also lift the blog section somewhat, I sometimes think there is only a small core of members that actually read the blogs. I also think the blog section could be more prominent on the main page, maybe a feature amongst the boxes on the right of the main page showing recently added blogs.
Level 50
Dec 16, 2023
I agree with what you said. When you said there is only a small core of members that read the blogs, I realized I had thought about that in the past. It seems that most of the people who comment, which is different than reading, are FreeStater, ItzIngenious (MinecraftMan), McKenzieFam, Nickelz, Baptistegorce, MindWax, Quizbyquiz, Kingfisher, and KilwaAfarCheese8. (This is mostly based on my blogs, but also some other bogs. This is kind of shocking, considering there are over 750,000 users on JetPunk, excluding those with 0 points. (That number is based on the User Ranks page. You can find a link in your personal Stats page.)
Level 60
Dec 12, 2023
Yeah I've always liked the idea of having personalised maps as an addition to quizzes, blogs, and charts. Being able to make a map which wives information when you click on the map features would be cool, only I imagine it would take quite some time to develop.
Level 50
Dec 16, 2023
Geopro? I thought you had left the site. Welcome back! (Or not, if you did not leave.) I appreciate that someone agrees with me on this. But what do you mean by "wives information"? And the map feature would not take as much time to develop if all we would have to include was uploaded images, and we could just post them to the site. (Kind of like a blog with just an image, but the image could be fullscreen, and it would not have a minimum character limit, and it would appear in a different section.
Level 65
Dec 19, 2023
@Geopro! you're back, good to see you

@Astana I think they mean 'gives' information, probably happened thanks to autoincorrect