News! Vol.2



Ok this might be a short-long blog.

I've heard of this user called "Malkiboy" and he seems like a good user. Of course, I haven't seen him anywhere, not even if I search his name. Soo...

What happened to Malkiboy? (or if he is still here, where is he?)

Maybe put this in the comments or something.

New Quiz coming out!

Okie so new quiz is coming soon! Its called "The Country Law" and here is the description.

50 countries have signed a secret law to ban Jetpunk in their countries! Using the clue near it, find out which countries are signing it so you can stop them. But you only have 5 minutes, so be careful!

So there it is!

Here is the link! The Country Law

Another quiz that I want to talk about!

Yakko's World Lyrics is a collab of me and Einstein100102! Name all the countries of this classic Animaniacs song!

Sad Story (Banning of AbbyLW10)

So, AbbyLW10 got banned recently if you didn't know. "He" got banned for copying featured quizzes on "his" account. "He" got banned on 1/6/2021, also the 1 year anniversary of making quizzes for ChineseChen. (congrats!)

You can see "his" alt here.

That is all the news for this week. Goodbye!

Level 66
Jan 11, 2021
The quiz is released!
Level 43
Jan 11, 2021
I knew about the ban of Abby yesterday, when I saw one comment of him, with the name “AbbyLW10GotBanned”.

Malki lefts JetPunk in Abril. Or in June... unfortunately. He do another account for explain how he delete his account. Now, this account doesn’t exist more. Pandora49 wrote a blog saying why his account were deleted, and what will happen next.

Thanks for the news!

Level 43
Jan 11, 2021
Q. S. Pandora’s blog were deleted too.
Level 66
Jan 11, 2021
Yep, tried finding it
Level 43
Jan 11, 2021
Level 66
Jan 11, 2021
Yep. :(:(:(:(
Level 66
Jan 11, 2021
Which blog was it?
Level 43
Jan 11, 2021
Pandora made a blog saying that Malki’s account were deleted, and what will happen next. Probably he deleted the blog, ‘cause I can’t see it.
Level 54
Jan 11, 2021
Nice, I found this news interesting.
Level 52
Jan 11, 2021
Yakko's World rockz! I made a quiz (or two) on it.
Level 60
Jan 11, 2021
Level 66
Jan 11, 2021
Malkiboy deleted his account because he did not feel welcome on JetPunk or something. He made a blog about it but that account is also deleted. A reason why is because Quizmaster featured one of his quizzes which was a duplicate of another feature, which meant that Malkiboy’s quiz had to be unfeatured. He felt cheated and didn’t make many quizzes after that.
Level 68
Jan 12, 2021
Malkiboy was noted for his informative blogs, especially the Life of a Jetpunker series.
Level 54
Jan 13, 2021
LOAJ was an awesome series. Actually the best I've never read on JetPunk. It's him who told me to start blogging.

The story of his leaving is ... complicated. There were reasons about Discord servers, about the blogs and the blog section,...

I've three blogs about him if you want, an interview (the first in the series...!), a "Les raisons d'un succès" (my first blog series which everyone forgot...) and a short blog about his leaving, which doesn't explain anything about him, because he actually didn't want. When he left for the second (and last...) time, he wanted I delete these three blogs, to remove all the things refering to him on JetPunk. He wanted to "disappear", but I'm happy to notice

Level 54
Jan 13, 2021
that it's not the case...!