History Blogs

A list of all blogs that fall under the category of History. Historical blogs about the past, perhaps learn something new by reading about something old.

The Russian Empire was the 3rd largest empire in history to ever exist and at its height in 1895, the empire controlled a significant 15% of the world's entire land area, stretching continuously all the way from Poland in the west to the Bering Strait in the east. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

The Seljuk Empire was one of the largest and most significant Middle-Eastern empires in history and at its territorial height in 1092, the empire stretched continuously all the way from Turkey in the west to Kazakhstan in the east. In this blog, I will be explaining its features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

An irregularly published series of somewhat obscure and sometimes shocking things of history, science, humanity and other things. Based on the findings of historians, archaeologists, scientist, occultists and random people who decided to document their experiences and knowledge. The information comes from books, paintings, statues and the internet. Some claims may be seen as outrageous.

At its territorial peak in the second half of the 20th century, during the height of the Cold War, Yugoslavia was among one of the key European powers in politics at its time, and controlled a significant portion of Central Europe. In this blog, I will be explaining its features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

Many events including Slaves rights and seats in Congress were the cause to war. When South Carolina seceded, 10 other states decided to join them to form the Confederacy. What followed would be the bloodiest war in American history-something no side was prepared for. This blog will show you the major battles starting from the first fire at Fort Sumter all the way to Antietam. Enjoy!

Hello Jetpunkers! This is blog three of the Civil War Series - today you will be learning about Notable people from the South, or the Confederate states before/during/after the Civil war. As you may know, the South lost the war - and the people are the ones that run the show, whether it is Politics, Generals, or Nurses. I will show you 8 people, and I hope you will enjoy the blog!

Hello Jetpunkers! This is blog two of the Civil War Series - today you will be learning about Notable people from the Union before/during/after the Civil war. As you may know, the North won the war - so they were more superior, and have interesting stories. I will show you 9 people, and I hope you will enjoy the blog!

The Mexican Empire was one of the largest and most significant empires in history and at its height in 1821, just after gaining independence from Spain, the empire controlled a massive chunk of the American Continent stretching from Costa Rica to Oregon. In this blog, I will be explaining its features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

Hello Jetpunkers! I am starting an 8 blog series about the United States Civil War. The Civil war was a period of conflict from 1861-1865 in which the northern and the southern states fought each other for the cause of slavery and preserving the union. In the series, you will learn about all the amazing people and battles of the war. I hope you will enjoy it.

At its territorial height in around 1480-1650, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth controlled a significant portion of Europe and was one of the key major world powers at its time. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

Austria-Hungary was one of the most powerful empires in history and at its height in 1914, just before the First World War, it controlled a very significant portion of the world in Europe. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

At its height in 1940, the Italian Empire was among one of the most powerful European empires in history and controlled many colonies around the world, spread over several continents. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

The German Colonial Empire was one of the most powerful empires the world had ever seen and at its height in 1911, it controlled a significant portion of the world, scattered across many continents. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

This is the final of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

At its height in 1690, the Mughal Empire was the largest and most powerful Indian Empire ever in history, and managed to hold off European Colonial Powers from touching their land. The empire stretched all the way from modern-day Afghanistan, to the states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh in modern-day India. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it united today in the 21st Century. Enjoy! :)

This is the tenth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

At its territorial peak in circa 500BC, the First Persian Empire, or the Achaemenid Empire, was one of the most formidable empires in history, stretching all the way from modern-day Greece, in South-eastern Europe, all the way to parts of modern-day, Western China, in Central Asia. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited to the exact same borders it had at its peak, in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

The Holy Roman Empire (HRE) was one of the longest empires in human history, having been existent for just more than 1,000 years, from 962 to 1806, and controlled a formidable amount of land in Europe at its height in 1155. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today. Also, thanks to RLL for the idea and letting me make this.

This is the ninth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

At its height in 323BC, the Macedonian Empire was the largest empire the early world had ever seen, stretching an enormous distance all the way from modern-day Greece, in Europe, to parts of modern-day Pakistan, in South Asia. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st Century. Enjoy! :)

This is the eighth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the seventh of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

At its height in 780AD, the Tibetan Empire was one of the largest continuous land empires known to mankind at the time at controlled pretty much all of of modern-day Western China and stretched even as far east as Indochina. However, like all empires, this one came and went, vanishing into forgotten history. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century.

This is the sixth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

At its territorial peak in 1942, the Japanese Empire was one of the largest empires its time had ever seen. However, the empire gradually came to an end after continuous invasions from allied powers in World War II, till it finally ceased to exist in 1945. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 20th century. Enjoy! :)

An irregularly published series of somewhat obscure and sometimes shocking things of history, science, humanity and other things. Based on the findings of historians, archaeologists, scientist, occultists and random people who decided to document their experiences and knowledge. The information comes from books, paintings, statues and the internet. Some claims may be seen as outrageous.

This is the fifth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the fourth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the third of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the second of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the first of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

I'm Back! Welcome to another blog. The Dutch don't get enough attention for their empire, so let me present you with this blog about the Dutch Empire and their colonies.

The Spanish Empire was the fourth-largest empire in the world and at its height in the 16 and 17th centuries, it controlled a formidable amount of land area. But gradually, over time, the empire slowly lost its power and faded into history till it ceased to exist in 1976. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today. Enjoy! :)

Throughout the history of the earth, empires have risen and fell. We are going to cover the 10 largest empires in history, as well as some facts about each. Don't forget to like and subscribe!

This blog will explain (almost) everything there is to know about our former US president, Woodrow wilson. Hope you will enjoy!

The Mongol Empire was the largest land empire in human history and at its territorial height in 1279, it controlled contiguous land all the way from South Korea to Poland. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today. Enjoy! :)

Today we are going to see what would happend if USSR reunites today or as just we are going to call it UR.

At its height in 117AD, the Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and influential powers in the world at the time. Its territory stretched from Hadrian's Wall, in the United Kingdom, all the way to Baghdad, in Iraq, and Sudan, in North Africa. However, over time, it gradually lost its power and land it had once controlled and finally, it lost the siege of Rome to invading Germanic Tribes in the 5th Century AD. But.... What if the Roman Empire Reunited Today? Enjoy! :)

The Portuguese Empire was one of the largest and leading empires in the world during the Discovery of the New World. However, as time passed by, they gradually lost power and influence in South America and India, later granting independence to its prized colony, Brazil... But what if this great Empire reunited today? Enjoy! :)

Today I will be telling you the life story of George Washington. The first president of the United States of America. I hope you enjoy the blog today!

The Ottoman Empire was one of the most dominant powers in Eastern Europe and the Middle East at its territorial height in 1683. However, over time, it gradually lost its power and land until it finally collapsed at the end of WWI in 1918. But what if it reunited today to its exact borders today? Also, thanks to RLL for giving me this idea.

The Titanic was a gigantic ship that was once the largest in the world. With a capacity of 2,000 passengers and crew, it took more than three years to build. But after all that building, it only took three hours for it to hit an iceberg and sink. That said, there may have been more factors in the Titanic's demise. In this article, I will be exploring the building, voyage, and sinking of the Titanic.

The French Colonial Empire was one of the largest empires ever. However, history was cruel to the empire and over time, it gradually lost its might and colonies until all that's left today is just a few scattered overseas territories. But what if it reunited to its exact borders in 1921 today? Also, thanks to RLL for giving me this idea.

The Umayyad Caliphate was one of the largest empires in history and during its peak point, it was the most powerful empire in the world! It would be interesting to think what would happen if the caliphate reunited today to its exact borders at its peak which is what I am going to talk about in this blog. Enjoy! :)

The British Empire was the largest empire in history and it would be interesting to think what would happen if it reunited today in 2021. This is my first ever blog so tell me what you think and let me know if there are any things I have missed which you think I should include. Enjoy!

Here are 3 facts about each Queen of England, Great Britain and the United Kingdom...

Christopher Columbus is seen as a hero and a villain, and the day dedicated to him is equally controversial.
