History, Culture, and People

A quiz series by interopia
A series of history-themed quizzes. Also culture and people. Food, religion, and sports.
Quiz# TakenPointsBest
32 Symbols Found in Ancient Caves Throughout Europe543--
2024 in Various Calendar Systems 📅518--
Acting US Presidents257--
Albert Einstein Quiz11,4450-
Alcoholic Drinks and the Raw Ingredients for Each2,387--
Animal Symbols of Greek Gods and Goddesses641--
Astrological Symbols of Signs of the Zodiac (by Picture)622--
Banks, Finance, and Payment Services by Picture of Logo 🏦196--
Barbie Quiz 👱‍♀️289--
Berries by Picture 🍓1,234--
Best-selling Brands of Gum277--
Best-selling Flavors of Gum473--
Best-selling Girl Scout Cookies Currently120--
Bitcoin Quiz 💰105--
Boxers by Picture354--
Breakfast Cereal Mascots Picture Quiz11,5530-
Cars and Vehicles by Tesla847--
Catholic… or Protestant?436--
Celebrity Alcohol Deaths745--
Classical and Medieval Elements (Greek, Chinese, Buddhist, Alchemy)843--
Coca-Cola (Coke) Ingredients370--
Coke… or Pepsi? 🥤742--
Companies with a Single-Letter Stock Ticker Symbol44--
Current Methods of Execution857--
Cuts of Steak by Picture194--
Denominations of Major Currencies in Circulation283--
Double-Named Companies246--
Drinks by Picture 🥤5,531--
Electric Car Companies183--
Energy Drinks by Clue204--
Famous Airplanes and Aircraft by Picture4,082--
Famous Artifacts by Picture888--
Famous Assassinations on the Map1,091--
Famous Battles on the Map1,809--
Famous "Brothers" Groups 👥226--
Famous Buddhists172--
Famous Cannabis Strains209--
Famous Celebrity Chefs by Clue45--
Famous Disasters on the Map680--
Famous Female Supermodels239--
Famous Guys Named Guy113--
Famous Hat-Wearers by Picture519--
Famous People Named Aaron111--
Famous People Named Alan or Allen89--
Famous People Named Anderson181--
Famous People Named Andrew111--
Famous People Named Arthur322--
Famous People Named "Berg"73--
Famous People Named Bob112--
Famous People Named Brad55--
Famous People Named Carl or Karl119--
Famous People Named Carol, Carole, or Carroll242--
Famous People Named Cary, Carey, Carrey, Carrie, Keri, or Kerry131--
Famous People Named Clark200--
Famous People Named Cole100--
Famous People Named Connor or Conner170--
Famous People Named Dan, Danny, or Daniel89--
Famous People Named Davis or Davies111--
Famous People Named Day or Night 🌞🌚35--
Famous People Named Dennis183--
Famous People Named Dian, Diana, Diane, Dane or Dana138--
Famous People Named Elliott, Elliot, or Eliot147--
Famous People Named Ernest, Ernesto, or Ernie134--
Famous People Named Evan or Evans50--
Famous People Named Fitzgerald70--
Famous People Named Gary99--
Famous People Named Glen or Glenn95--
Famous People Named Gregory or Greg109--
Famous People Named Grey or Gray103--
Famous People Named Hamilton211--
Famous People Named Harvey103--
Famous People Named Howard67--
Famous People Named Huey92--
Famous People Named Jackie120--
Famous People Named Jackson382--
Famous People Named Judge150--
Famous People Named Julie, Julia, Juliet, Jules, Julian, Julianne140--
Famous People Named Junior ("Jr.")206--
Famous People Named Kevin191--
Famous People Named Kurt, Curt, or Curtis90--
Famous People Named Lawrence or Laurence103--
Famous People Named Lee69--
Famous People Named Liam126--
Famous People Named Louis or Lewis68--
Famous People Named Martin393--
Famous People Named MC or DJ60--
Famous People Named Mel57--
Famous People Named Miller141--
Famous People Named Morgan106--
Famous People Named Neil or Neal114--
Famous People Named Nelson or Nielsen83--
Famous People Named (or Titled) "Lord"134--
Famous People Named Perry157--
Famous People Named Phil, Philip, or Phillips99--
Famous People Named Rock196--
Famous People Named Roger or Rogers163--
Famous People Named Russell94--
Famous People Named Ryan399--
Famous People Named Shaun or Sean66--
Famous People Named Shirley104--
Famous People Named Simon or Simone138--
Famous People Named Stan or Stanley73--
Famous People Named Taylor228--
Famous People Named Tommy168--
Famous People Named Vanessa101--
Famous People Named Wayne169--
Famous People Named West108--
Famous People Named Wood96--
Famous People who Died from Drowning109--
Famous People who Died from Pneumonia72--
Famous People who Died in Air Accidents337--
Famous People who Died in Vehicular Accidents402--
Famous People who Went Missing125--
Famous People who were Considered to be Jesus112--
Famous People who were Eagle Scouts71--
Famous People who were Gangsters and Outlaws619--
Famous People who were Mouseketeers82--
Famous People who were Native Americans139--
Famous People who were Polyglots (Knew Many Languages)183--
Famous People who were Slaves218--
Famous People Whose Names End with "-man" (Part 1)112--
Famous People Whose Names End with "-man" (Part 2)83--
Famous People Whose Names End with "-ton" (Part 1)95--
Famous People Whose Names End with "-ton" (Part 2)69--
Famous People with Bird Names121--
Famous People with Fishy Names89--
Famous People with Flower Names125--
Famous People with HIV/AIDS382--
Famous People with Hyphenated Names600--
Famous People with Hyphenated Names (by Picture)262--
Famous People with Months in Their Names151--
Famous People with Sideburns (by Picture)233--
Famous People with US State Names93--
Famous Races (Running, Horse, Motor, Etc.) 🏃‍♂️🚴‍♂️🏇🏎166--
Famous Rocks and Stones113--
First Initials of Famous People807--
Food and Drink: Keto... or Not?183--
Food and Drink that are an Acquired Taste (by Picture)813--
Food Condiments and Sauces by Picture940--
Food Each Animal Eats639--
Foods with Symbolism for Religion391--
Founders of Religions by Picture119--
Gaelic Games (Sports) of Ireland77--
Golfers who Completed a Career Grand Slam238--
Groundhog Day (The Holiday)127--
Gymnastics Events by Picture115--
Haircuts/Hairstyles/Hairdos by Picture396--
Hotel Chains by Picture of Logo315--
Identify the Person in the Picture530--
Indian Food and Drink (by Picture)2,579--
Ingredients of Six Basic Mixed Drinks (Cocktails)739--
Knife Companies by Knife Models79--
Languages of the Top 20 Language-Learning Subreddits245--
Languages with the Most Words in the Dictionary339--
Lonely Planet's Top 20 Food Experiences173--
Marathon Quiz109--
Members of the Family784--
Metals of Antiquity64,3390-
Methods of Suicide (by Famous Examples)1,404--
What's The Middle Initial (U.S.)9,0110-
Most Common Ingredients in "Mastering the Art of French Cooking"16,9950-
Most Common Surnames of Jewish US Families1,008--
Most-Ratified International Treaties150--
Most Widely-Consumed Drinks in the World (Easy)1,112--
Name the Hairstyle/Haircut/Hairdo264--
Name the U.S. Presidents from Virginia267--
Names for God385--
Nobel... or No Nobel?105--
Old World... or New World?16,4510-
Original Series Models of Super Soakers18--
People Born in 1981283--
People Buried at Arlington Cemetery148--
People Buried at Westminster Abbey11,5480-
People Magazine's Most Beautiful People487--
People Name Word Answers Ending with "-es"192--
People Named Junior (Jr.) by Picture421--
People with Cardinal Direction Names86--
People with Reduplicated (Repeated) Names278--
Presidents who Coined or Popularized Words32--
Prophets (Manifestations of God)262--
Ranks in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts146--
Red Wine... or White?12,7110-
Religions by Founder496--
Religions by Holy Books and Sacred Texts 📖553--
Religions by Holy Books and Sacred Texts Click Quiz189--
Religious Titles, Clergy, and Leaders214--
Sectors of the Stock Market245--
Sports by Greatest Athlete of All Time1,360--
Sports by Trophy313--
Sports that are Something "Ball" ⚾️132--
Sushi by Picture 🍣6,0470-
Swimming Strokes by Picture 🏊‍♀️731--
The Armor of God (According to the Bible)79--
The Big Four U.S. Banks198--
The "Big Three" Auto Manufacturers of the USA, Germany, and Japan232--
The Five Pillars of Islam319--
The Five Sports Played in Every Modern Olympics226--
The Games Kids Play231--
The Games Kids Play (by Picture)594--
The Gunpowder Empires186--
The LSD Quiz141--
The Nine Classic International Varieties of Wine213--
The Pets of U.S. Presidents127--
The Places Famous Explorers Explored534--
The Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross182--
The Three Learned Professions of Medieval Times152--
The Wind Quiz97--
Throwing Sports by Picture188--
Times that Disneyland Closed (Reasons)257--
Trillion Dollar U.S. Companies51,1850-
Trivial Pursuit Categories584--
Types of Cheese (by Picture)2,281--
Types of Chocolate446--
Types of Leatherman Multi-tools and Knives 🔪146--
Types of Pepper by Picture 🌶️505--
Types of Salad by Picture 🥗397--
US Death Penalty Crimes Since 1900800--
US Presidents by Published Books72--
US Presidents who Wore a Powdered Wig212--
Wars by Treaty228--
Wars Named for Their Duration227--
WWI: Central Power... or Allied Power?744--
WWII: Axis... or Allies?2,953--