All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by...

A quiz series by Dekkie
Quiz# TakenPointsBest
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Arab People with a Map40,4780-
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Aragon6,820--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Austria10,760--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Belgium34,9870-
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by British India6,231--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Crusaders and Military Orders7,769--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Egypt5,860--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Genoa5,963--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Germany7,967--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Greeks36,4690-
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Iranian Peoples with a Map6,691--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Italy5,474--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Nordic Peoples with a Map7,324--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Oman4,052--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Polish People6,911--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Portugal29,8930-
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Prussia39,0820-
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Sweden6,269--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by the British36,0640-
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by the Habsburgs3,939--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by the Knights Hospitaller3,552--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by the Netherlands38,3730-
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by the Ottoman Empire6,026--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by the Russian Empire10,659--
All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by the Saudis4,041--
Historical Countries of Modern-Day Russia in 1500 with a Map3,236--
Modern-Day Axis-Occupied Countries of WWII on a Map58,9260-
Modern-Day Central Powers-Occupied Countries of WWI on a Map4,734--
Modern-Day Countries of Ancient Carthage on a Map3,933--
Modern-Day Countries of Gran Colombia on a Map3,272--
Modern-Day Countries of the Abbasid Caliphate with a Map4,200--
Modern-Day Countries of the Ancient Egyptian Empire with a Map3,463--
Modern-Day Countries of the Armenian Empire on a Map5,020--
Modern-Day Countries of the Bruneian Empire on a Map3,139--
Modern-Day Countries of the Byzantine Empire with a Map5,341--
Modern-Day Countries of the Chinese Empire under the Tang Dynasty3,938--
Modern-Day Countries of the Dzungar Khanate with a Map2,524--
Modern-Day Countries of the Federal Republic of Central America on a Map2,484--
Modern-Day Countries of the First Bulgarian Empire on a Map4,263--
Modern-Day Countries of the First French Empire on a Map4,376--
Modern-Day Countries of the First Mexican Empire on a Map3,285--
Modern-Day Countries of the Frankish Empire on a Map4,904--
Modern-Day Countries of the Georgian Empire with a Map3,714--
Modern-Day Countries of the German Empire on a Map3,830--
Modern-Day Countries of the Golden Horde Khanate with a Map2,783--
Modern-Day Countries of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with a Map2,736--
Modern-Day Countries of the Habsburg Empire of Charles V3,242--
Modern-Day Countries of the Hunnic Empire on a Map2,758--
Modern-Day Countries of the Iberian Union with a Map2,858--
Modern-Day Countries of the Kalmar Union on a Map2,800--
Modern-Day Countries of the Kazakh Khanate on a Map2,438--
Modern-Day Countries of the Khedivate of Egypt on a Map2,196--
Modern-Day Countries of the Macedonian Empire on a Map4,508--
Modern-Day Countries of the Moroccan Almoravid Empire on a Map2,557--
Modern-Day Countries of the Neo-Assyrian Empire on a Map2,572--
Modern-Day Countries of the North Sea Empire with a Map2,799--
Modern-Day Countries of the Omani Empire in 1820 on a Map2,676--
Modern-Day Countries of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on a Map4,063--
Modern-Day Countries of the Qing Empire on a Map3,776--
Modern-Day Countries of the Republic of Venice in 1500 with a Map3,453--
Modern-Day Countries of the Russian Empire in 1898 on a Map4,398--
Modern-Day Countries of the Sasanian Empire on a Map2,377--
Modern-Day Countries of the Second French Colonial Empire on Map3,974--
Modern-Day Countries of the Serbian Empire on a Map5,064--
Modern-Day Countries of the Sokoto Caliphate on a Map2,170--
Modern-Day Countries of the Songhai Empire on a Map2,266--
Modern-Day Countries of the Teutonic Order on a Map2,783--
Modern-Day Countries of the Tibetan Empire2,840--
Modern-Day Countries of the Tu'i Tongan Empire on a Map3,640--
Modern-Day Countries of the Turkic Khaganate with a Map3,100--