Who Were the Most Taken Users in 2020?


In 2020, some users gained a lot of takes. This is a list of the users with at least 150,000 new takes between January 3rd, 2020 and December 29th, 2020.
Note: Users must also have doubled their takes in 2020 to be included so that this isn't just a list of the top users overall.

Here is the list:

#13. CringeDragon:
156,670 new takes, 685.7% increase
CringeDragon has had a very good JetPunk year, earning twelve new featured quizzes, many of which through users nominations, an indication that the quiz is considered to be excellent. He has also had by far the most quizzes get "gray boxed".

#12. baptistegorce: 173,932 new takes, 638.0% increase
I consider it to be quite impressive that baptistegorce had such a massive increase in takes with only one featured quiz in English. His 41 other featured quizzes are all in French.

#11. Volkswagen: 219,469 new takes, 329.7% increase
Volkswagen, formerly Anonim7227 is a Polish user who has lately emerged.

#10. Jato3: 232,630 new takes, 2,782.4% increase
Jato has 367 new featured quizzes this year, which might be close to a record. Many of the quizzes are Spanish translations of English quizzes.

#9. GeoPhilia: 242,286 new takes, 346,123% increase
GeoPhilia is best known for their series, Save Humanity, which has been a massive success, getting 208,554 takes, included translations.
Note: GeoPhilia's 70 takes as of January 3rd is only an estimation.

#8. scambiandJerry: 322,324 new takes, 101.3% increase
As you can see, scambiandJerry only narrowly met the qualification of doubling the amount of takes.

#7. IAB: 401,519 new takes, 413.9% increase
If you aren't already familiar with IAB and his quizzes, you should check them out. He makes excellent SVG quizzes.

#6. miki2003: 410,972 new takes, 146.8% increase
miki2003 was already the most taken Polish user before 2020, and their takes went up significantly this year.

#5. alberici: 412,911 new takes, 108.1% increase
alberici has 31 of the 198 featured "Country Quizzes" in English and almost all of the ones in German. It adds up.

#4. HinesBrothers: 497,357 new takes, 618.3% increase
We made quizzes. People took them a lot of times. What else is there to say?

#3. Aaron197: 1,073,238 new takes, 397.4% increase
His 123 new featured quizzes, all in English, is unbelievable. I guess I could say that he's just really good at making quizzes.

#2. SaturnPL: 1,093,097 new takes, 1,297.9% increase
His massive take increase aptly parallels the of the Polish segment of the site as a whole.

#1. Stewart: 3,981,464 new takes, 202.4% increase
The enormous margin over second place is one thing, but it's taken to a whole new level of crazy when you consider that he did all of this while studying at university and working part-time for the site.

Thanks for reading!

- HinesBrothers

All information is correct as of December 29th, 2020. Data from the Wayback Machine and the users themselves.
Level 59
Dec 29, 2020
Great! How'd you collect the data? Did you collect it for the top 200 users at the beginning of the year and compare it with the data as of now?

Edit: I just read the bottom part

Level 75
Dec 29, 2020
I actually added a note at the bottom while you were commenting. The historical data was from the Wayback Machine, and I had to ask the users that were on in the top 200 a year ago.
Level 59
Dec 29, 2020
Oh ok. But SaturnPL gaining almost 1.1 million takes is just crazy!

Actually, it's even more than that, because Saturn also has an English account, SaturnTheQuizzer!

Level 59
Dec 29, 2020
Stewart's growth is also crazy as well, what I meant was Saturn started from a much smaller amt of takes at the time
Level 68
Dec 29, 2020
Part of Saturn's insane growth was due to the expansion of the featured section of Polish back in January 2020, as you probably knew.
Level 43
Dec 29, 2020
I think I had more takes too at this year. I reached level 30 and did a blog. It is considered one of the best blogs of JetPunk. I had 250 takes in 2019. The number increase in 600 takes. And congrats for all the cited, and you!
Level 43
Dec 29, 2020
If I’m not wrong, is a percentual about 200% more...
Level 52
Dec 29, 2020
Cool. Of course, I top the list of % increase since 2019 - Infinite!
Level 55
Dec 29, 2020
My takes increased by undefined %
Level 54
Dec 29, 2020
Very interesting blog!

And wow! Some increasings are just amazing! I didn’t really know my takes increased as it this year, before searching the information for your blog.

I’ll continue to create quizzes, and the future will be quizely nice, I think!

Also, congrats to all quizmakers who are on this list.

Level 59
Dec 29, 2020
Yeah, congrats to you (and everyone else!)
Level 68
Dec 29, 2020
Thank you Hines!

It still baffles me that I increased so much this year... I mean increasing 202% is impressive enough, but then realising that's starting from almost 2m takes is insane...

I really don't know how it happened, but I am honoured to take the crown :)

Also, I think the record for most new features in a year goes to Penguinish, who received 614 this year for making the Finnish side of JetPunk featured! I'm not sure even QM made that many in a single year. The only person who may be able to compete was Gamer back in 2016 when he was blasting out Spanish quizzes for the Spanish site.

Level 38
Dec 29, 2020
Level 59
Dec 29, 2020
Also: did anyone else realize that GeoPhilia's % increase is almost 350,000%?! (this isn't a typo)
Level 73
Dec 31, 2020
This is the reason I have slipped from #25 at peak down to #29. Aaron 197 shot passed me earlier in the year and more recently scambiandJerry surpassed me. Now HinesBrothers are on my tail.

I need some more featured quizzes or I may drop out of the top 30. Congrats to all on this list! Keep up the good work!

Level 75
Dec 31, 2020
Although we are near behind you, it'll probably be a few months. If we get twice as many takes as you every day until then, it will still be 100,000 takes from now for us
Level 75
Apr 19, 2021
For those wondering, we passed joez on January 29
Level 59
Dec 25, 2021
are you planning on making one for 2021?
Level 75
Dec 30, 2021
Probably not. I hadn't thought about it and won't have time until at least the 3rd, and at that point it seems late I guess. However, you could make one if you wished.
Level 40
Jul 3, 2022
At this time, I had no takes, now I have....138! Woohooo!!!