One Year of JetPunking + Q&A


Hello everyone! So, if you didn't read the blurb, don't worry! It's been a year on JetPunk for me! Actually, it happened on 29th of January itself but I forgot the date and had to ask Stewart about it. What a wonderful year it was! To celebrate this milestone, I am writing this blog telling you all how had my life on this tiny little corner of the internet been.

Oh.. there's also a Q&A planned. So, if you have any questions, please ask them out. I'll answer them in the comments and not in a separate blog.

Let's begin now!

How did I discover JetPunk?

Well, if I'm not mistaken, it was 2016. I was looking for a quiz that could help me memorise the American states. I found many websites, two of which I liked very much. One of them was JetPunk, while the other was Seterra. However, I didn't find what I was looking for. I was looking for something like this. But alas, this thing came out only in 2020! Anyway, I memorised the states and then... forgot the website.

It must have been 2019, when I returned to this adorable website. This time, I wanted to learn about California. Strange. Unlike most of the people, I did not stumble upon this website with the COTW Quiz. American topics brought me to this website not once, but twice! This time, I decided to visit this website more frequently, like once or twice a month.

Then came the pandemic! I had nothing to do back then. With schools closed, my final exams cancelled, and the second wave of the virus ravaging India, I was locked in my home. So, I thought of "enhancing" my already advanced geography skills. I came back to this website and decided to take quizzes regularly. Every single day! I made my account on 29 January 2021 but it all began in April when I wanted to comment on a quiz.

Much to my dismay, it said that I needed level 15 to comment. I pounded in and took some quizzes and made one of my first ever comments here.

May, June and July

I was doing good. Within a month or so, I had reached level 30. Then I came across something called Recent User Blogs. Oh boy! I found this part to be much more enlightening than the usual quizzes. The first ever blog that I read was Baptistegorce's Interview of Jiaozira. Since then, I've been checking the beloved RUB everyday.

Someday, I came across this quiz made by a certain user called TheNatureThread which was spotlighted. I commented something on it and checked more of his quizzes, not knowing that there would come one day when he will become one of my best friends on the website.

I read more and more blogs. I remember reading blogs by TheNatureThread, MG17 and Beckette at that time. Inspired by them, I decided to release my very own blog.

I released my first blog on 31 July 2021. You can read it here. I was nervous. Whether people would like it or not? Whether I would get a place in the RUB or not? After an hour or two, my good pal MG17 commented on it and complimented me. Soon enough, more people commented, some of them being TheNatureThread and BigGeographyGuy.

August and September

I released at least two more blogs in August. Much of them were not great. I made my flag ranking blog believing that people would like it. But I didn't get a lot of response. I felt disappointed. So, I resorted on making quizzes.

My first ever series did kind of well. It garnered me around ten takes within two days. Very few most of you might say, but it was overwhelming for a new user like me!

It was also during this time that I befriended MG17, BigGeographyGuy and ZooTuber3000. BGG proposed to lump them, Thread and me in a fictional alliance called the Quadruple Alliance.

October to December

This is when good times begun. I wasn't doing good on either quiz or blog sections. I was just making comments and so on. The Quadruple Alliance had kind of increased my popularity a little bit. That changed my world, umm.. my world on JetPunk at least.

On October 6, I released a blog sharing flags that I had made for the planets and other celestial objects. It became a sudden hit! When I woke up next morning, I found that it had been featured by the Quizmaster! It was unbelievable! Someone like me who started blogging just two months ago got a blog featured! I felt really grateful. I thank you QM once again for featuring it! :)

It got around 25 likes by the end of that week. My subscriber count increased from a mere 3 to 11! With it came new priorities, new ideas and new friends! By the year's end, it had 35 likes, being the fifth most liked blog on all of JetPunk at that time. It was also only the second blog featured which was written by a user other than the Quizmaster or Stewart! You can read it here!

In October, I decided to start a trivia for every Indian state inspired by the American state trivia. It is still in process and I have made only seven quizzes out of the total 36. I made my first ever SVG quiz in late October. I was quite satisfied with how it turned up. Most of November went on without happening anything serious. The Blog Games started and I wanted to write some blogs. In December, I started a new series called Weird and Unknown Flags from Around the World, documenting, well, it's self-explanatory! The series is still continuing to this day and has helped me greatly to grab the first spot in the Blog Games Leaderboard.

January and February

In January, I released the sequel to the Flags for Planets blog. It was about flags for the continents and some regions. I was expecting a lot from this blog having worked on it for roughly three months. While it didn't get anything of what I had expected, it did cause some controversy and teach me to not have expectations.

I released a new SVG quiz in February and it became a sudden hit. It gathered more than 20 takes in two days and immediately became my most popular quiz, surpassing another quiz which had been there since August! I was greatly motivated by it and am currently in the process of rolling out some other SVGs too.

So, that's probably a brief history of my first year on JetPunk. :)

People worth mentioning

Over the past year, I befriended several people here and they helped me quite a lot.

1. TheNatureThread – My first friend on the website, my first subscriber, my main inspiration to write blogs and for trying out all of my quizzes, be it good or not.

2. JWatson24 – For being a constant support to me since my earliest days as a quizmaker and for inspiring me to make SVG quizzes.

3. BigGeographyGuy – For making me a part of the greatest alliance ever created, the Quadruple Alliance, obviously, and for checking my quizzes and blogs.

4. MG17 – For being one of my inspirations to write blogs and for providing the constant support. Also being the first user on my notifications page.

5. ZooTuber3000 – For becoming one of my earliest friends and inspirations and checking my quizzes.

6. Jiaozira – For being one of my earliest friends on the website and one of the main inspirations for quizzes and blogs.

7. KingEureka – For providing support as a fellow Indian.

8. PotatoDude – For being one of my earliest quiz-takers and subscribers; haven't heard from you lately. Where are you?

9. NeilV – Another fellow Indian, or Indian-American, who has been an inspiration of mine too.

10. Fuse – For checking out my blogs and giving me great ideas. Also, helping me realise that I shouldn't really keep expectations.

11. Geopro – For creating one of the greatest blog series ever created on JetPunk and for also agreeing for almost all of the land I ever asked for the GIE.

Okay, there are probably others too. I apologise if I have missed anyone. :)


How about some facts about me?

1. I haven't memorised or tried the American state capital quizzes yet. Its ironic that American states brought me to this website yet I don't know their capitals or even flags!

2. I love red pandas. It is the cutest animal you'd ever see!

3. For a long time, I used to think that Jiaozira was an Indian user. When I found out he was not, I was surprised like hell.

4. I love travelling to different places though I haven't been able to travel since the pandemic broke out.

5. I love listening to music, mostly pop – both Hindi and English, and sometimes Spanish too. I like listening to Middle Eastern music as well.

So I guess that's it. Um, I am looking forward to having a great year ahead again and I wish the same to you as well.

Oh, the Q&A! Well, I haven't seen a Q&A on the website since a very long time, so maybe I can do it. Do you have any questions? You may ask them here and I will answer them in the same blog. Don't ask silly or inappropriate questions. I am an introverted (mostly) person and don't prefer to tell everything to strangers. Bye! :)

Level 68
Feb 15, 2022
CONGRATS! You've been a huge and very positive influence on JetPunk, especially the blogging community. Your blogs are always so informative (and often pretty funny as well!). Here's to staying for many more years to come!
Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
Thanks Pixel! You've been a great friend as well! :)

It's ironic that I originally wanted to create more of an impact in the quizzing section, but somehow I ended up here.

Level 59
Feb 15, 2022
red panda yes but axolotl better

but anyways congrats! :)

Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
I don't really like amphibians and reptiles, so red panda yes.

Thanks! :)

Level 37
Feb 15, 2022
Wow congrats! I like all your blogs because they have some fun info! Can’t wait to see more blogs from you!
Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
You have to wait a few days for I have my term-ending examinations from next week. 😬
Level 43
Feb 15, 2022
When you was a new blogger, you was inspired. Now, you’re an inspiration for the new ones who’ll come!

Felicits man! It’s bad seeing you having 1 year, but nothing more that 500 takes...

Level 43
Feb 15, 2022
Btw, your blog is actually the third, from where I can remember. CringeDragon and Jiaozira already got featured blogs, and I can’t remember if Gassu also got featured :)
Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
Thanks MG bro! Yeah, it crossed 300 just a few hours ago. Maybe it's because I started SVGs only a few weeks ago. 🙂

Anyway, let's see how it turns up within the next few months. 😉

Well, the Year in Review blog says second. I don't think Jiao has a featured blog.

Level 43
Feb 15, 2022
He does. Is one about hardest languages :)

And hopefully!

Level 65
Feb 15, 2022
He got his blog featured on the front page, but it didn't stay on the JetPunk blog page for some reason.
Level 43
Feb 15, 2022
Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
Why is everyone ignoring the Q&A part!? 😢
Level 62
Feb 15, 2022
I haven't lol :D
Level 62
Feb 15, 2022
YAY! Congratulations on this milestone, Aficionado. You really are a great JetPunker. My question for the Q&A that people have stupidly ignored is: Is there anything you've wanted to do on JetPunk that you haven't done yet? :)
Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
Thanks BGG! :)

I'd love to spotlight some quiz. I haven't got the spotlight award till date.

Level 60
Feb 17, 2022
Really? I got it on my fifth day of meeting the restrictions. I must be lucky
Level 73
Feb 18, 2022
It must have been several months ago when I reached level 50 but I haven't got it yet. :(
Level 71
Feb 15, 2022
Congrats Aficionado!
Level 65
Feb 15, 2022

I'm glad I'm one of your best friends here, you've definitely added a lot to all of our JetPunk experiences in the RUB and Quad! You're probably one of the most influential users in blogging, popularizing flag design, getting a featured blog despite not being well known at first, and probably also winning blog games. Hope to see even more creative blogs and see your SVGs getting better and better! My 6 year anniversary is in a few weeks so I can't wait to make my own version. I love Q&As so I'll definitely ask some questions, I need some time to think about them lol


Level 65
Feb 15, 2022
Okay, Q&A!

1. What countries do you most want to visit?

2. If you could look into another JetPunker's (or a few other JetPunkers') create page and see their unfinished projects, which ones would you choose?

3. What single country do you think you know the least about, in general?

Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
Thanks Thread! I never would have thought that I would be this influential when I joined JetPunk. Looking forward to your six year milestone blog! :)

1. Being an Anglophile, I'd love to visit the UK and who doesn't want to visit the USA? Also, the Netherlands. For Asian countries, I, for some weird reason, am really obsessed with Israel and Japan. So I would like to visit those too.

2. Haha that's an interesting question! I think it would be you, overtired, Jiaozira, IAB and Dekkie.

3. Hmm, Kiribati, probably. I also don't know much about a lot of African countries.

Level 73
Feb 16, 2022
Oh, did I further l forget to mention Iran? I have a deep fascination for Iran too!
Level 65
Feb 16, 2022
Me too! I think culturally, I am most interested in Iran, Russia, Philippines, Italy, and Greece.
Level 62
Feb 17, 2022
Iran is a very good country to visit. Despite how its portrayed in the media, Iran is one of the best countries with the most friendly people in my opinion. I know I will sound like a maniac when I say this but I'd also love to visit Iraq lol.
Level 73
Feb 17, 2022
It's very nice of you to say so. Personally, I adore the cultures of the Middle East and Iran. Iran has hands down one of the most down to earth people and it is also the most similar country to India culturally outside of South Asia. It's just because of some extremists that this region hasn't reached its true potential and its desire to live in peace.

Long live the friendship between two of the world's oldest civilisations, India and Iran! 🇮🇳🤝🇮🇷

Level 73
Apr 13, 2022
I'm not sure if I get it. What do you mean?
Level 73
Apr 13, 2022
Oh, I see. I don't know why but I really love that country and want to visit it so bad. I hope all these countries live in peace.
Level 73
Apr 14, 2022
That was just the first country that came to my mind lol.

As I had mentioned in the blog, I wanted to learn things about the American states. Then came the pandemic and I was bored. I've always loved trivia. Who Wants to be a Millionaire's Indian version is one of my favourite shows!!! I guess that's it.

Level 43
Feb 15, 2022
One of my questions for Q&A could be:

If you could change something on your JetPunk trajectory, what would you change?

Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
The no. of takes probably, though I am happy with how my blogging experience has been lately. :)
Level 60
Feb 15, 2022
If you could officially redesign one of those horrible Indian state flags, which one would you choose?
Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
West Bengal. It doesn't really tell anything about the great Bengali culture and people, in general.
Level 65
Feb 15, 2022
I'd say Gujarat. It's another important state, but it doesn't even bother to have it's own horrible flag, just uses the Indian emblem.
Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
Yes, all the states using only the national emblem, in general, also require a redesigning.
Level 57
Feb 15, 2022
Another red panda lover!
Level 67
Feb 15, 2022
Nice! My family loves red pandas too!
Level 67
Feb 15, 2022
And of course congrats to you for this milestone, and looking forward to your positive influence on the site for years to come...
Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
Thanks QBs! Also hoping for a wonderful relation between the GIE and the PBC lol. :)
Level 71
Feb 15, 2022
Congrats! You've come a long way in a year. I was on this site for probably 4 or 5 years before I got anything featured, so it's awesome you were able to get a feature (and a blog furthermore!) so soon. I really appreciate the mention and am always happy to help :)

Okay I have two questions:

1. Where do you live in India? I've always been a bit curious about this but have never had a chance to ask.

2. Since you're so into flags, what is your absolute favorite country flag? Least favorite?

Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
Thanks Pab! The featuring was really instrumental in motivating me to write more blogs. You've always been a great support! :)

To answer your questions:

1. It felt a bit uneasy about discussing where I live. But anyway, I live in Gujarat and I am not from there.

2. Bhutan and Canada are my absolute favourite ones. For least favourite, I'd probably say the new Afghan one (which is unrecognised), China, Vietnam and all the red-white-black-green coloured flags of some Arab states.

Level 43
Feb 19, 2022
No, you live in Bihar! :)
Level 71
Feb 16, 2022
Haha no problem! Sorry if that first question made you a bit uncomfortable--I mostly just wanted to know the state/region, not the exact location.

My personal favorite is Kazakhstan. The color scheme is so nice and the design is epic. Also agree that the new Afghan one is probably my least favorite.

Level 73
Feb 16, 2022
Gotta agree, the Kazakh flag is one of my favourites too!
Level 71
Feb 17, 2022
What's your fav film?
Level 73
Feb 17, 2022
I'm not much of a film person. But anyway, my favourite film is probably Bajrangi Bhaijaan. It's a Hindi language film wherein a patriotic religious man tries to get a mute Pakistani girl who is separated from her parents back to her country. I also like 3 Idiots. It is a satirical film shedding light on the Indian education system.

I haven't watched a lot of Hollywood movies. So I would probably say Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban, Titanic, Slumdog Millionaire or maybe Interstellar.

Level 43
Feb 19, 2022
More questions!

1. What do you like the most in Brazil (🙃)?

2. What would you like to change in actual India?

3. Pick a favorite member of the Quadruple Alliance (let’s spice the things lol)

4. If not India, where would you like to live?

5. The country you don’t like the most

6. What would you suggest of change to Quizmaster and Stewart?

I think that’s it lol

Level 73
Feb 19, 2022
1. Amazing wildlife and beaches

2. The education system

3. Personal question. Prefer not to answer. 😝

4. United States, probably

5. Hmm, China? Politically, of course. But it has amazing culture (exceptions aside) and geography.

6. The world and India map. I would ask them to include all of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh into India.

Level 43
Feb 20, 2022
1. What can I do for our nature... 😎

2. I thought on something related to the pollution aggravated by super-population, but alright lol

3. MG17

4. I hate you lol

5. Also thought on another answer. Maybe somewhere on Middle East or Sub-Saharan Africa lol

6. People wanting territories... so put Uruguay Cisplatina on our domain lol

Level 51
Feb 22, 2022
Congrats on the 1 year!
Level 68
Mar 12, 2022
Congrats! I love learning about how people found JetPunk! My 2 year aniversary is coming up in April.
Level 73
Mar 12, 2022
Thanks! I love learning about it as well.

And congrats for your 2 year anniversary in advance! :)

Level 68
Mar 13, 2022
Just came across your blog and found it quite interesting. Congrats on your one year on JetPunk and keep on the great work!

I have two questions for you:

1. Why do you think that, even though India has got such a formidable number of people, it is not a big potency on sports in general? Except for the cricket, I don't remember other sports that India is dominant. I think it should be amongst the biggest winners on Olympic Games, for example. Have you got an idea why?

2. Why "Aficionado"? Do you speak some Spanish?

I said there were two, but it turned out to be more than only two questions. Sorry for that. :)

And sorry for my poor English. :/

Level 73
Mar 13, 2022
Thanks a lot! :)

1. This is a question that baffles me as well. From what I have observed, several Indian parents don't want their children to make a career in sports as this is very unpredictable and insecure job. Being a student myself, I think more emphasis is given to studies than to co-curricular activities like sports and all. India used to be good in hockey until 1980s but then it suddenly collapsed. I don't the exact reason why.

2. No, I don't speak Spanish. I am from India and Spanish has no real popularity here, unless of course it's music. As far as I know, aficionado is a word in English as well. I had a username which I thought many would be offended with, so I changed it to Aficionado, because I am enthusiastic to learn more about literally everything!

Thanks for asking! :)

Level 68
Mar 14, 2022
Thank you very much for the answers!

Ah yes, India used to be really good at hockey too. Good you remembered that. That's a good point of the parents influencing on their kids' lives. Haven't thought about that before. I once read that it could somehow be related to the food, that was kind of "heavy" and could make it difficult for sports like athletics or swimming. But I didn't take this one much seriously.

Ah, ok, didn't know that there was aficionado in English too. :) Well, thanks for the good explanation and keep on learming and publishing blogs about flags (as this one you published today). They are really interesting. :)

Level 73
Mar 14, 2022
Thanks! Yes, going by non-Indian standards, our cuisine is definitely very heavy and filled with calories. I don't think that has anything to do with athletics though.

One thing I forgot to to add is that I do listen to Spanish songs a bit. I neither speak nor understand the language but some songs I enjoy very much. Alvaro Soler is my favourite Spanish singer, while recently Selena Gomez is also making some hits in the language.

And are you from Portugal? If yes, then you're the first Portuguese JetPunker I'm talking with! :)

Level 68
Mar 14, 2022
Yep, that's what I thought regarding this relation between Indian cuisine and this affecting the performance of the athletes.

Oh, I see. Spanish songs make waves around the world. I never understood well why, but it happens :)

I'm a Portuguese citizen, got relatives here and my grandfather was Portuguese, but I was born in Brazil. So, we can say you talked to 50% of a Portuguese JetPunker! :D

Level 73
Mar 15, 2022
Oh that's great! I know another Brazilian JetPunker called MG17. Maybe you should talk with him as well. It was nice to talk with you! :D
Level 68
Mar 15, 2022
Yep, I talk to him. He's a nice dude! :)

Thanks for the replies. :)

Level 70
Jan 3, 2023
Stewart, me and now you :) Loads of people discovered JetPunk in 2016!
Level 73
Jan 3, 2023
If only I had made an account back then... good times!