New Scenario


Humble Beginnings

Now, you must be certainly questioning. How did all this begin? Well, it is quite a long story because it dates back very, VERY long ago. It all began in Age of Civilizations 2; a mobile-game developed by Łukasz Jakowski. Prominent game developer with a few other games made, but his game, now called Age of History 2 due to copyright complaints, is his most prominent and successful. I had many fun memories while playing this game and I often played with two friends or more, either by cross-play or on the same phone.

One night, at approx. 0:37AM in July of 2022. I had this great idea... "Why not make my own world? With my own rules? I've always made scenarios of other games and worlds... so why not make my own world and call it a day!"

And so, it became.

The works

I've thought about it and I didn't sleep until approx. 3:17AM when I finally put my phone down after finishing the base scenario. There had been a lot of mistakes and plot-holes at first, but I've been trying my best working on addressing and fixing those, don't want any fumbles. It was only on AOC2 and I couldn't figure out how to get the damn scenario file moved onto the computer, so I reconstructed it on a Roblox game called World Conquest, in a privately-owned server. There, I had as much time as I needed to be able to do this.

After all that shenanigans, only then did I actually redo it in MSPaint.

Thankfully though, I had already made my own version of the map of Europe to accommodate for a request my friend made earlier that year, as a playable game map which was then ported onto Roblox. Fun, I know. Below should be an image of the first rendition of this map, with (hopefully) as little inaccuracies as possible, as I had screwed up the file format twice, and wasn't willing to have that happen again.

Eurolore rendition 1

Current Situation

As of right now, I'm in a dead-lock really. I can't work on the lore because I've already settled to making the map first. It needs to be accurate to the first designs, true to the story and to what I wrote. The dedication and motivation I've started with has slowly fizzled out, but, I'm not willing to let this passion-project slide under the rug again. Not anymore.

My activity will slow down just a tad bit on Jetpunk due to also partaking music class, school AND my hobbies, but, I will still be here.


I got bored of making other maps so I decided to make my own. Fun, I know. But, this also serves as a great practice tool for storytelling, so why not give it a shot? Always lacked in that field.

Additional Info

For you nerds out there, I'll leave some free work and lore here, because why not? I promised to leave you informed on what I do!


"The Concentration of Human Bodies in the Ayr Warlordship leftover from the First Great Scottish Chiefdoms was so high that the bodies were dumped into the sea, alongside lots of seawater being drained and purified through tens of thousands of homemade filters just to give the people something to drink. The result of this vile, putrid mess was a cholera outbreak that killed more, dumped more people into the sea, and rinse and repeat. The Isles had never been in such a dreadful state till now. This was so bad it created a land bridge between the isles at it's thinnest point. Shallow, but moldy and crusty. Deteriorating bodies creating a passageway for something thought impossible in modern times."

"As if the irish and scottish blood stakes were not brutal and vile enough for the formation of such gross and incoherent formations, take a peek for the Isle of Man. The Manx were slaughtering each other until there were barely any left, a measly thousand people left of the Manx Ethnicity. Horrifying, their bodies piled on one another and dumped into the seas alongside the Welsh, Northumbrians and the British."
British Isles preview1, blood of the bodies


"And when all times seemed lost, it only made the hope of the people worse and weakened, with mass suicides on the way simply by preserving and pointing to the factual evidence - that of who the people were failed, and why."

"The Wars that had left Humanity distraught, deteriorated and rotting had them buried the same way it had recruited them - into the sea. 400 million people were buried in the seas of Europe. 213.41M ended up in the Mediterranean and it's entirety. Pollution of the seas with human blood and soil alongside it's tools of destruction had left a lasting effect on the environment, with drastically changing salinity levels every year, thousands of species dying out, and the emergence of Bloodstrider variant species. The evils of the depths feed and rejoice on the bodies of the innocent. What was once a poor child sent to die in the wars is now a rotting skeleton in the bottom of the Mediterranean."

-Jan Mikaylowsk [Fictional, Krakowian]

Mediterranean preview1, the pollution and bloodstride
Level 64
Oct 6, 2023
It is currently October 7th, 2023. I was too busy to be able to work on this, but from now I am able to go back to making works on this. I will also make a downloadable map version with and without claims, including all colored-in nations, and, if I get enough spare times, will also include additional regions and provinces, just for the fun and sillies.

Furthermore, I'm considering porting this to HOI4. I will ask my programmer friends who are experienced with the engine for help.

Level 69
Sep 22, 2023
I love Age of History 2. Great game, gave me a lot to do during road trips.

Cool blog by the way. Very in-depth world building.

Level 64
Sep 23, 2023
Why, thank you sire. You are very cool, I appreciate your support.