AFOTWIT Chapter 11: World War III, Part 2-Armageddon



Any events in this story are not meant to offend anyone in any way. All events in this story are purely fictional. Thank you for understanding.


Guess who's back?

Back again?

It's me!

AFOTWIT is back from the dead, and it's alive and kicking. I'm rolling on with my new ideas and I'm getting ready for a reboot! So let's get this show on the road, shall we?

The Thing You Actually Might Wanna Read

Chapter 1: Otherworldly Offensive

Zambia: Ugh... This is going so slow...

Ahoelatan commander: Sir, we are already at the gates of Lusaka! How could you say this has been going slow?

Zambia: Listen, I expected Filipino troops. And what did we see? The troops of the South African Union surrendering in droves. When are we going to get some action?!?

Ahoelatan commander: I... I don't know sir. It seems like we may have to unleash... The wonder weapon?

Zambia: Ugh... I hate that term. Reminds me of when Germany tried taking over the world...

Ahoelatan commander: Well sir, do you have a better name for it?

Zambia: Yes... Call it... Project Armageddon.

Ahoelatan commander: Yes sir, I will let the troops know at once to prepare Project Armageddon.

Zambia: Good. We shall bring Africa, and then the world, to its knees...

Ahoelatan commander: I sure hope so, sir.

Zambia: Shoo, and go toss me a Pepsi while you're at it.

Ahoelatan commander: Here you go, sir. Heads up.

Zambia: Thank you. You are dismissed.

Chapter 2: European Etude

Meanwhile, in Europe...

France: Ugh... Germany's pissing me off. Ever since I left his stupid union I've been getting poorer and poorer and poorer... His economy is too powerful. Maybe... I should declare war on him!

Brittany: I don't think you should do that.

France: And why not?

Brittany: For one, I heard Germany's... Working on something. A secret wonder weapon... He's picking up where he left off from the Second World War... Austria told me.

France: Austria? What?!? Why him? This is kinda suspicious...

Bavaria: France! Help!

France: What is it?!?

Bavaria: AUSTRIA! HE'S... HE'S... INVADING ME!!!

France: What?!? Hold on, I'm coming to help!

Austria: Mwahahahahaha! Bavaria is mine!!!

France: Oh no you don't!

Austria: No! My plan is ruined! Stupid France, you'll pay for this...

Treaty of Munich

Bavaria receives the Austrian states of Upper Austria and Salzburg.

Austria receives US$50,000,000 in reparations from France.

Bavaria also receives US$100,000 in reparations from Austria monthly for the span of a year.

Austria: Grr... At least I get money...

France: 50 million US dollars? That's nothing to me! Here you go, take it. Stupid prick...

Germany: Bravo, bravo...

France: Oh shut up, you were responsible for this weren't you?

Germany: Surprisingly, no. In fact I was just, oh, I don't know, picking up my research on the Maus tank again?

France: No... Impossible! The only surviving prototype is owned by Russia... H- HOW?!?

Germany: Simple. Classified documents from WW2 that you didn't take. How foolish of you. But don't worry, don't worry. I won't hurt you this time, I'm tired of fighting you.

France: Then... Then who'll you use it against?

Germany: Zambia.

France: Sure, a noble cause Germany, but may I ask: How will you stop Ahoelatan bullets from just penetrating the thick armor of the Maus?

Germany: That's what I'm trying to find out, dummy...

France: Maybe... I could... Give you some researchers?

Germany: Oh really now? Well, I suppose... But for a small price. You have to agree to rejoin the Schengen area. My people are protesting to visit your lands again, and it would be foolish of me to ignore their demands.

France: Hmm... Will you give me some tanks if I give you researchers and rejoin the Schengen area?

Germany: Fine. Deal?

France: Okay then, you have a deal...

Germany: Pleasure doing business with you, good sir...

Chapter 3: Asian Attack

In Asia...

West China: Alright, I'm tired of China constantly sending troops near our border.

FE: China, what did we just talk about?!?

China (FE): Hehehe... My bad...

FE: Yeah. Your bad.

West China: This means war...

China (FE): Finally. I can take down this stupid prick...

West China: BRING IT ON!

China (FE): Okay then.


West China: Ugh... I hate this...

China (FE): Give up.

West China: Fine...

Treaty of Urumqi

West China is integrated into China.

China (FE): Finally...

Chapter 4: Latin Lamentations

In the Americas...

US: God damn it...

Canada: What is it?

US: Russia, that's what. Ever since he took Greenland, that prick's been sending drones to spy over my ships in the Atlantic.

Canada: I feel the same. He's been spying on my ships too in both the Arctic and the Atlantic.

US: Hey... You think he's gonna try to take Alaska back?

Canada: I... I honestly don't know.

US: Think about it... He has Greenland, he's preparing to take back Chukotka and Magadan... If he takes Alaska, then you'll be at risk...

Canada: Well crap, we can't let that happen. But how'll we take Greenland?

US: Well... We have to figure out a way.

BE: Time to take over all of South America.

Chile: Not if I can help it!

BE: Really now?

Chile: Gulp...


BE: Time for a rebrand.

South American Empire (SAE): Better.

Mexico: Hmm... I could do the same...


Russia: (over the telephone) No. That'll piss off the US.

US: Did I just hear...

Cuba: Oh sh*t...

US: You made a big mistake there buddy...

Cuba: AHHH!!!

Russia hangs up the phone immediately after Cuba screams.

US: Hehe... That feels good taking over Cuba... Finally... Whew... Florida is safe...

Florida (US): Thanks... I guess?

Mexico: Anyways, I'm gonna take over the rest of Latin America now...

After a lengthy war...

Caribbean Union (CU): Better!

Chapter 5: Southern Scandal

Australia: It's been nice and peaceful for us. Whew...

New Zealand: Yeah... Nice and peaceful...

Australia: Wait a minute... I found a Tongan spy in Sydney!

Fijian government in exile: No, that's our guy! We want your help!!!

Australia: Fiji? What's going on?

Fijian GiE: We wanna liberate Fiji... We hate the Tongans, they've been oppressing us. So we sent this guy to find a location for a headquarters.

Australia: Well, why didn't you just ask?

Fijian GiE: Oh... Huh.

New Zealand: Listen, you can use... Maybe Auckland? Or Wellington?

Australia: Or Cairns, maybe even Alice Springs.

Fijian GiE: Uh... I dunno... I guess... Norfolk Island?

Australia: Oh. Okay then. Here you go!

Fijian GiE: Thanks...

Meanwhile, the Palauan and Niuean Empires are created.

Chapter 6: Researched Revelations

Germany: YES! YES!!! JA!!! I did it! I did it!

UK: Woah, Germany, what happened that made you all giddy?

Germany: I did it! The Maus is finally complete!

France: Ahem.

Germany: Oh, right...

The first shipment of Maus tanks arrives in France.

France: Good man. Woah, this thing's a beauty!

Germany: Drives like a beauty, shoots like a beauty, protects like a beauty. This thing's the epitome of German tank design!!!

Poland-Lithuania: Ooh... Shiny... Can I have one-

Germany: DON'T TOUCH!!!!!!!!

Poland-Lithuania: Sorry...

Italy: What about me?

Spain: Or me?

UK: Can I have one too? Please?

Germany: SPAIN! NO! ITALY! NO! Fine UK, you can have two, since I'm so generous...

UK: Thank you so much.

Germany: Woah, okay, you could've just said you were gonna pay me...


Switzerland: Hey, it's me again.

Narrator: Ugh, not you...

Switzerland: Oh shut up. Anyways, what will Germany possibly do with these new Maus tanks? Will Russia make a move like the US suspected? Will Zambia finally recapture Lusaka? Will I do anything? Find out next time on...

Narrator: AFOTWIT chapter 12.

GeoStumper?!? NUH UH!

If you don't know what the "GeoStumper" is it's basically a name for a puzzle I came up with way back when I was still publishing more frequently.

It revolves around geography and it's a puzzle.

So, I've just decided to pose one single question, not a puzzle, because I don't feel like coming up with it.

If you win... Well... I dunno. You get mentioned in the next blog or something?

Anyways, here you go.

Category: Flags (aka not geography)

Question: What is the reason why Venezuela added an eighth star to its flag? Bonus points if you can say why it's apparently controversial.

Suggestions? Questions? Comments or concerns?

Calling on everybody!

If you would like to participate in creating the next blog or even the next chapter of AFOTWIT, then I'll be open for suggestions, or if anyone wants to help.

I couldn't have continued this without your support.

And annual financial support from PBS Kids viewers like you!

Thank you!

Thanks for reading!

Before we go...

I'd like to thank you all once again for reading. AFOTWIT hopefully continues on until the very end and the in-universe heat death of the universe, or at least until someone has conquered the world. Anyways, I'll see you in the next one. Goodbye!

I won't delay any further. Just below is the classic sign off image! So, yeah, I'll be seeing you when AFOTWIT Ch. 12 releases during the heat death of the universe in hopefully six months from now!

This is the sign off image. There is nothing else after this. Today's sign off image (bear with me): Acht und acht zentimeter Fliegerabwehrkanone siebenunddreißig Selbstfahrlafette auf achtzehn tonnen Zugkraftwagen. (CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!)
Level 61
Mar 30, 2024
Did anyone notice that the chapters in the story were all alliterations?
Level 59
Mar 30, 2024
nwas blog tol
Level 61
Mar 30, 2024
What does nwas even mean...
Level 65
Mar 31, 2024
I think it means 'nice' in the slightly obscure dialect known as Neodymiumish
Level 61
Apr 1, 2024
hazamazawaza- WHAT?!?!?
Level 66
Mar 30, 2024
didn't you already reboot afotwit a month ago
Level 61
Mar 30, 2024
No, that was something else this is the actual AFOTWIT, the month ago was a spin off.
Level 65
Mar 30, 2024
Would the Eighth star have anything to do with Venezuela's controversial and super illegal desire to annex basically all of Guyana?
Level 61
Mar 30, 2024
Ding ding ding

We have a winner

Level 65
Mar 31, 2024
*takes bow*


Level 61
Apr 1, 2024
Yes, here's your prize

you, McKenzieFam, did it!

you solved the puzzle!

hire's yur reeward: a purly tiped certefecaet of victary!


Level 65
Apr 6, 2024
Whaddaya know, Kirboi speaks Neodymiumish too.
Level 61
Apr 6, 2024
Bro what 🗿
Level 61
Apr 6, 2024
Nur burp