Alternate Future of Southeast Asia, East and South Asia in Text Ch. 2


Chapter 2-To be As Sly as a Fox. Mystery Force?

Narrator: So now the region is in crisis. Not only has Laos no longer become communist, a rebel India has become independent. What will happen now? Let us see.

China: Oh...

Mongolia: What's wrong China?

China: I lost the Himalayas to some mystery state...

Mongolia: Mystery state?

China: Yeah...

Mongolia: Cheer up!

China: How? Now the United States is bigger than me and I didn't want that to happen but now it did!

Meanwhile in North America...

US: I'm bigger than China now!

Canada: Nice!

Meanwhile back in Asia...

China: They claim not to be Tibet but I'm not so sure...

Mongolia: Well if it was Tibet we all would have known right-

World News


Tibet is now independent again. The country has not been independent since 1950 after it was incorporated into China. The leader of Tibet however is no longer a Dalai Lama, but a president. More on this later.

China: TIBET!!!

Tibet: Relax, China. No need to get worked up!

China: Worked up? *scoffs* You are the one that has a nerve to be independent?

Mongolia: Please China, not now.

China: I'll get you soon enough Tibet.

Tibet: I'll be ready.

China: WHY YOU-

Mongolia: Come along now.

New India: Fine. We cannot keep with these people, so we will hand India back to you.

India: Told you. Also, I'm destroying that tiny island.

New India: Wait, what? We were going to go there and continue exist-


India: You were saying?

New India is no longer a country. India has regained its former territory.

Bangladesh: See, you didn't need my help.

India: Yeah, I... didn't.

Malaysia: Indonesia!

Indonesia: Yes?

Malaysia: Brunei is bothering me. They were the ones aiding those Sabah rebels!

Brunei: Wait! Please! Spare me and I wi-

Indonesia/Malaysia: Too late Brunei!

Brunei: Nooo!

Brunei has been defeated. Brunei is now a part of Malaysia. In return, Indonesia gets a piece of land just south of Sabah. Brunei's goverment is exiled to Australia.

Malaysia: We're the best!

Brunei Exiled Gov.: You're evil!

Malaysia: You could've told us earlier who was aiding them!

Brunei Exiled Gov.: We'll tell you!

Meanwhile in Sydney...

Brunei Exiled Gov.: I know who it is!

Malaysia: Why did you not tell us who it was?

Indonesia: You could've told us and we would have spared you.

Brunei Exiled Gov.: I was scared you'd get mad.

Malaysia: So who was it?

*psst* *psst* *whisper* *whisper*

Malaysia: PHILIPPINES!!!

Meanwhile back in Asia...

Malaysia: Philippines, you're evil!

Philippines: I swear! It wasn't me!

Indonesia: Brunei said it was you!

Brunei Exiled Gov.: Yeah, it was you!

Philippines: Please! Spare me and I'll te-

Malaysia/Indonesia: Too late!

Philippines: America! Help!

US: Sure, why not?

Malaysia/Indonesia: Oh no!

After 1 year and 3 months...

Malaysia: Fine. Tell us who it was.

Philippines: It was Tibet! After getting independent in just a small area, they gave weapons to me. I gave them to Brunei, not knowing what they were. And then Brunei just left them around and Sabah took them. So it wasn't Brunei's fault or my fault! It was Tibet's!

Brunei has regained its territory. Indonesia's small piece of land was given back to Malaysia.

Brunei: Thanks Philippines!

Philippines: So ask if China can help you defeat Tibet.

Indonesia: Thank you for confessing.

Philippines: You're welcome. Also they said they wanted to be a part of me, but I said no.

Malaysia: Good choice.

Philippines: Yeah, I know. *sarcastically*

C3: Portuguese

Narrator: Apparently, we should also cover the Middle East and Oceania, because conflicts are happening there too.


Alternate Future of Asia and Oceania in Text. (Same chapter number)

Australia: Hey New Zealand!

New Zealand: Yes, Australia?

Australia: There is a massive problem going on right now!

New Zealand: Better not be rebels.

Australia: It's not rebels, it's a physical issue! A rift has just been discovered under Sydney and it's going to crack Eastern Australia away from the rest of Australia!

New Zealand: No!


Greater Australia: Too late now I guess.

Lesser Australia: No!!!

World News


No, a war did not happen. Instead, a rift has been discovered under Sydney, cracking Australia into two parts:

Greater Australia consists of Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory and the western parts of Queensland and New South Wales.

Lesser Australia consists of Victoria, most of New South Wales, Canberra A.C.T., most of Queensland and Tasmania.

Although Australia is in two parts, Lesser and Greater Australia, they are still under one government, as Australia. So when you look at the new world map and see Australia in half, don't be surprised.


All: OMG!!!

Europe: Australia looks so weird!

North and South America: Australia is broken!

Africa: Great Australian Rift is our new rival to Great Rift Valley.

Asia and rest of Oceania: I knew it!

Australia, New Zealand: We saw this coming already.

In the next chapter...

Country A: Should we...

Country B: I guess so...

Country A/B: We must...

Find out next time in Chapter 3!

And now, this week's Geography Stumper!


Question 1:

Can you find the connection between:


Question 2:

Criteria 1: Capital

Criteria 2: In Oceania

Criteria 3: Polynesia

Can you guess the mystery answer?

Question 3:

Criteria 1: In Africa

Criteria 2: Island nations

Hidden in blog post

Your choices are:

A- Mauritius

B- Cape Verde

C- Madagascar

Can you get the correct choice?


Winner for Question 1 is...

  • ProximaCentauri!
  • Congratulations!

Winner for Question 2 is...

  • Pandora49!
  • Congratulations!

Winner for Question 3 is...

  • MG17!
  • Congratulations!

Well, what do you think the answers are?

And what do you think will happen?

Find out next time on:

Alternate Future of Asia and Oceania in Text...

Chapter 3!

And good luck to you all for the Geography Stumper!

Level 61
Feb 21, 2021

If someone has already won a question, any further responses will be DELETED, no exceptions.

Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
Also, no retries if you get a question wrong.
Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
All questions have winners! Now next time I will make it four questions, but the fourth will relate to the story, hehehe

BTW check the warning

Level 61
Feb 22, 2021

@DicBrian posted a comment saying:

"Wow look at this blatant spam and propoganda"

This is just a fun little thing I'm doing to entertain people whilst I come up with an idea for my next blog. If any offensive comments are posted, I will DELETE YOU, BLOCK YOU AND REPORT YOUR COMMENT.

As I said before, JetPunk is not a place to go around and just trash people's stuff they make just because you feel like it. JetPunk is a place encouraging creativity and not encouraging this: "Oh usernameexample's quiz is spam."

Also, I already said you can't post propanganda on JetPunk. It would get reported and deleted.

Thank you for understanding, and for everyone else for supporting me. Sorry @DicBrian, but you crossed the line.

Also, ProximaCentauri said: "Oh hey, its the guy who posted that inappropriate blog that got deleted, and is calling everything spam because of it for no reason.. Don't Worry, he toootally Isn't biased "cough" Cough".

Level 61
Feb 22, 2021
DicBrian has been blocked from commenting on my blogs, because he said this was spam and propaganda. (PS he didn't spell propaganda right he spelled "propoganda") and I would've reported the comment but it got deleted when I pressed block

Thank you all for supporting me!

Level 52
Feb 21, 2021
Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
Level 52
Feb 26, 2021
Mind if I make something like this?
Level 61
Feb 26, 2021
I don't mind, as long as it does not reference the one I'm doing, because I still did not finish this one.
Level 52
Feb 26, 2021
Level 61
Feb 26, 2021
Your welcome, but please don't make a reference to this. And be original, don't do Asia and Oceania. and in 2030.
Level 55
Feb 21, 2021
1. Vienna


3. C

Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
1- Yes!

2- No.

3- No.

Level 60
Feb 21, 2021
I love these creative alternate futures! Maybe I should one of the Questions?

3. Mauritius?

Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
Not MAuritius
Level 43
Feb 21, 2021
That's nice! The answers are:

1- IDK! LOL! Maybe are in Europe?

2- Papeete

3- Cape Verde

Level 43
Feb 21, 2021
I was going to ask about something in the text. After I saw the question, I gotcha... LOL
Level 60
Feb 21, 2021
What is Papeete?
Level 43
Feb 21, 2021
The answer of number 2.
Level 60
Feb 21, 2021
OHHHH. Papeete is capital of Polynesia?
Level 43
Feb 21, 2021

Someone feel a Baptistegorce's Cosplay?

Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
Level 43
Feb 21, 2021
Do you know the famous "Interview of a JetPunker"? Batistegorce created it. He says that he is a dictator, and he do what he want. Sometimes he say "Mwahahahaha!", mainly, when I say to he release Agatha Christie, because his Discord Name is Poirot. LOL
Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
oh ok
Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
1- no

2- French Polynesia is not a country. Papeete is the capital fo it though

3- You win

Level 43
Feb 21, 2021
Hmm, can I try the second again? But I won the third! Was written: "C3: portuguese". I would ask what was that, but when I saw your challenge, I gave up the question... LOL
Level 60
Feb 21, 2021
2. Apia?
Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
Level 51
Feb 21, 2021
Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
Level 43
Feb 21, 2021
2. Nuku'alofa?
Level 60
Feb 21, 2021
Lol, all of our guesses end with A.
Level 43
Feb 21, 2021
Nope. End in E. Only this end with A.
Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
Level 51
Feb 21, 2021
No, only this end with A
Level 51
Feb 21, 2021
You have a period MG17!
Level 43
Feb 21, 2021
Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
Level 66
Feb 21, 2021
Port Moresby for question 2? Also, nice blog!
Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
No, it's not Port Moresby, and thanks!
Level 53
Feb 21, 2021
Is question two Wellington?
Level 61
Feb 22, 2021
Level 66
Feb 21, 2021
Port Vila?
Level 61
Feb 21, 2021
Level 60
Feb 21, 2021
Level 61
Feb 22, 2021
Level 54
Feb 22, 2021
Nice blog, keep it up
Level 61
Feb 22, 2021
Level 61
Feb 23, 2021
Well, yes but I recommend making a Alternate Future of like, 1900-1950.
Level 43
Feb 22, 2021
I thank you for block he! DicBrian were disrespectful writing the “My head” blog, and saying that you’re blog was spam and “propoganda” (lol). You’re improving of quality and these things can’t concuss you.
Level 61
Feb 22, 2021
Your are welcome
Level 61
Feb 22, 2021
And thanks! Yeah, it was tough those first blogs...
Level 66
Feb 23, 2021
He got banned too!
Level 61
Feb 23, 2021
Wow! That made a difference!
Level 43
Feb 23, 2021
Let's celebrate?
Level 61
Feb 24, 2021

I mean, it was right that he got banned for saying that, but they should at least let him stay on JetPunk, but disable his commenting features.

Level 61
Feb 24, 2021
If they could find a way to do that.