My Story of JetPunk (literally almost the Thank You Blog)


My First Years (2017-2017)

I used to be on Orcspel all the time. I then came to JetPunk, taking the Countries of the World quiz. I first made an account as TimothyRules. That was my first account. Then I stopped?

My Next Years (2019-2020)

I then created TimothyRulesTheWorld. And then, I left JetPunk again?

Now! The KirbyXD Years (2020-Now)

The next time I created an account, I did it for good. I wanted to be more active, since I abandoned Orcspel. So now, here's my true story.

The Story Part (2020-Now)

So, yeah.

I first made a quiz, had taken lots of quizzes, yadda yadda yadda.

Here's where the real part begins.

So I got to Level 30, then I made my first blog. Called "Does anybody even know about this profile", it was one of the worst blogs I have made, looking back on it. I had received some harsh criticism, and got scolded a lot. MG17, TheBerryLegend, Pandora49. The three names I remember commenting on that blog. So tough for me, yet such a good learning experience, but not yet.

The next bad blog I posted was "Copy featured quiz feature". I don't know why I posted that, I just posted that. LOL! I again received even harsher criticism than before. I was shocked! In my head, things like "Oh, people must think I'm bad! I want to leave JetPunk!", were going through there. But, I dusted myself off. I learned from the mistake of "Does anybody know about this profile", and I began to type. I typed, and typed, and published it. It was a big success.

"Jakarta is sinking" was my last bad blog (HTML wise). It received great reviews, however, and I was so happy that I managed to get some good reviews for once.

The dreaded day came though.

"Wow look at this blatant spam and propoganda"


1- Never comment those on my blogs. These are purely just for the entertainment of YOU! You, dear reader, thank you for supporting me, but this behavior will not be tolerated. I will report those comments immediately, whether you like it or not. This is a teacher moment.

2- He didn't spell propaganda right! LOL! At least I got a kick out of that part!

Friends feature came! Yey! Now I made friends. Here are some friends I want to mention:

NeilVedwan for collaborating with me on the "Dialects of England on a Map" (by that I mean he made the map, but still, thanks, Neil!)

SirPhilippines for collaborating with me on the "Philippines A-Z" quiz.

Snowman13 for being my first friend.

Pandora49 and MG17, for the learning experience mentioned at the very start of this section of text.

Also, I would like to say a thing I like about some of my friends.

SirPhilippines: He is a Filipino. I like it when Filipinos are on stuff like JetPunk, or when a Filipino becomes famous. It instills some prolonged happiness in me.

MG17: Well, he does make good blogs. He also has supported my before, and I thank him for that. (You all did)

ClutchNferno: His new Tales of GrandOldLand series is pretty good. Go and check it out!

Malkiboy: His blogs. The JetPunkLand series is a good one too. Go and check it out!

Okay, by-

Real quick, before I sign off...

If you want to be a country in my AFOTWIT (Alternate Future of the World in Text) series, then ask me for an invite to "My Super Group", and I will accept. Please also check out the weekly prize quizzes (those are private), and yeah. You'll get a lot of stuff from my "Super Group".

Anyways, I will sign off now! Bye, and thanks for supporting me, and reading this.

As always, here's the sign off.

New Sign-Off (this will be in every blog)

Hooray! You made it to the end! Hope you had fun reading this, but now, it's time to sign off. Because you made it to the end, here's a sign off prize. This time, the sign off prize is the South Korean coat of arms.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Bye!

This is GeoSmartKirbyXD, signing off.

South Korean coat of arms. This is the sign off image, meaning there is nothing else after this.
Level 60
Apr 21, 2021
Invite me to the "My Super Group", and don't forget to say... Nice blog KirbyXD!
Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Level 66
Apr 21, 2021
also me please.
Level 52
Apr 21, 2021
Don't worry about the "propoganda" guy. He was a spammer and had no real standing. He just wanted to make you mad.
Level 43
Apr 21, 2021
He was stupid. He self know about what he did. Don't worry KirbyXD.

“Envy is so thin and pale because it bites and does not eat.”

— Francisco de Quevedo

Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Also, my nickname is KirbyXD!
Level 61
Apr 21, 2021

(time to click the UNFRIEND button)

So don't call me that or else...

Level 43
Apr 21, 2021
Level 43
Apr 21, 2021
We thank you for have you here! Thanks for mention! Hope my criticize of your first blog wasn't stupid...
Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Yeah, you're welcome.
Level 40
Apr 21, 2021
Interesting story!

I enjoyed your JetPunk story. I liked that you learned from your mistakes and made a wide range of friends throughout, can't wait for more of your content :)

Also, the sign-off pic is cool

Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Wait... Have you ever read my blogs to know that I do sign off?

And also, who are you?

Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Also, thanks
Level 40
Apr 21, 2021
KirbyXD, I'm Facter, I just haven't commented on your other things. You're welcome btw.
Level 59
Apr 21, 2021
Not all people who read blogs comment on them.
Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Well yeah I knew that, but how did they know about me?
Level 59
Apr 21, 2021
Because they read your blogs
Level 59
Apr 21, 2021
also they know about the RUB.
Level 51
Apr 21, 2021
Now, the R.U.B. is were you get all the juicy news :)
Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Level 43
Apr 21, 2021
Congrats on 1k takes now!!!
Level 60
Apr 21, 2021
Exactly 1k takes! Congrats KirbyXD!
Level 59
Apr 21, 2021
*1k takes blog initiation*
Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Will make 1k takes blog soon
Level 66
Apr 21, 2021
Felicits KirbyXD!
Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Level 65
Apr 21, 2021
Level 54
Apr 21, 2021
Level 42
Apr 22, 2021
Great blog KirbyXD! Can you invite me to your super group?
Level 59
Apr 22, 2021