ChatGPT : Song Cover


Welcome back! In this blog, I test the song-writing capabilities of everyone's favorite AI, ChatGPT. My song of choice will be a recently (and slightly controversially) covered song, originally by Billy Joel, We Didn't Start The Fire. 

I am curious to know if the AI will produce something that can be sung in tune to the song. I have no doubt that it will know the style of the song, (e.g. listing lots of stuff that happened) but I'm not sure that ChatGPT knows the rhythm and tune.

ChatGPT : Song Cover (We Didn't Start The Fire)

Me : Hi!

cGPT : Hey there! How's it going?

(apparently it's missed having me around arguing with it)

Me : I'm great, thank you. Can you write something for me?

cGPT : Of course. What do you want me to write?

Me : Can you write me a cover of the song We Didn't Start the Fire, by Billy Joel. I'd also like it to be New Zealand- themed, please.

cGPT: Sure, here's a New Zealand-themed version inspired by Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire":

(Verse 1) Jacinda Ardern, kiwi leader, Maori culture, rugby fever, Whakaari tragedy, earthquakes shake, Flight of the Conchords make us laugh, for goodness' sake!

Hobbiton, Weta Workshop, Peter Jackson’s moviemaking hop, Edmund Hillary, climbing heights, Lord Rutherford, Nobel Prize!

(Chorus) Kiwi dreams, Southern seas, New Zealand's story, hear our pleas, From Maori legends to modern days, Aotearoa's spirit sways!

(Verse 2) Split Enz, Crowded House, music legends, Kiwi prowess, Waitangi Treaty, nation’s start, Haka's power grips the heart!

All Blacks roar, sporting might, America’s Cup sails in sight, Bungee jumps, adventure calls, stunning landscapes, waterfalls!

(Chorus) Kiwi dreams, Southern seas, New Zealand's story, hear our pleas, From Maori legends to modern days, Aotearoa's spirit sways!

(Bridge) Rangitoto rises, volcanic tale, Te Papa’s treasures, New Zealand's trail, Kiwis, kiwifruits, flightless bird, Kia ora, welcome, let our voices be heard!

(Chorus) Kiwi dreams, Southern seas, New Zealand's story, hear our pleas, From Maori legends to modern days, Aotearoa's spirit sways!

Me : Wow. Now, can you do it again, but this time as a cover of Fall Out Boy's version?

cGPT : Absolutely, here's a New Zealand-themed cover inspired by Fall Out Boy's style:

(Verse 1)

Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch bound, Rotorua, Queenstown, landscapes all around, Jacinda Ardern leads the way, Haka chants, echoing every day!

Weta Workshop, movie magic thrives, Flight of the Conchords, hilarious lives, Mount Cook, Fiordland, natural grace, Kiwi spirit in every place!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

(Verse 2) All Blacks’ glory, rugby kings, Taika Waititi, creativity sings, Kiwifruits, lamb chops, culinary delight, Hobbiton tours, a magical sight!

Edmund Hillary, Everest's conqueror, Kauri trees, ancient, evermore, Bungee jumps, adventure spark, Maori culture, a guiding mark!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

(Bridge) Milford Sound, magnificent view, Kiwis, fervor, shining through, Kia ora, hello, welcoming cheer, New Zealand's heart, crystal clear!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

Me : Hmm, that's pretty good. Can you replace Jacinda Ardern for the current Prime Minister?

cGPT : Certainly! Here's an updated version with the current Prime Minister of New Zealand:

(Verse 1) Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch bound, Rotorua, Queenstown, landscapes all around, Nanaia Mahuta leads the way, Haka chants, echoing every day!

Weta Workshop, movie magic thrives, Flight of the Conchords, hilarious lives, Mount Cook, Fiordland, natural grace, Kiwis spirit in every place!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

(Verse 2) All Blacks’ glory, rugby kings, Taika Waititi, creativity sings, Kiwifruits, lamb chops, culinary delight, Hobbiton tours, a magical sight!

Edmund Hillary, Everest's conqueror, Kauri trees, ancient, evermore, Bungee jumps, adventure spark, Maori culture, a guiding mark!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

(Bridge) Milford Sound, magnificent view, Kiwis, fervor, shining through, Kia ora, hello, welcoming cheer, New Zealand's heart, crystal clear!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

Me : Nanaia Mahuta is not New Zealand's Prime Minister.

cGPT : Apologies for the oversight. Let me correct that for you:

(Verse 1) Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch bound, Rotorua, Queenstown, landscapes all around, Judith Collins leads the way, Haka chants, echoing every day!

Weta Workshop, movie magic thrives, Flight of the Conchords, hilarious lives, Mount Cook, Fiordland, natural grace, Kiwis spirit in every place!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

(Verse 2) All Blacks’ glory, rugby kings, Taika Waititi, creativity sings, Kiwifruits, lamb chops, culinary delight, Hobbiton tours, a magical sight!

Edmund Hillary, Everest's conqueror, Kauri trees, ancient, evermore, Bungee jumps, adventure spark, Maori culture, a guiding mark!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

(Bridge) Milford Sound, magnificent view, Kiwis, fervor, shining through, Kia ora, hello, welcoming cheer, New Zealand's heart, crystal clear!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

There you go, now it reflects Judith Collins as New Zealand's Prime Minister.

Me: You're getting closer, but Judith Collins is also not NZ's current Prime Minister.

cGPT : My apologies for the mistake again. Let's get this right:

(Verse 1) Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch bound, Rotorua, Queenstown, landscapes all around, Christopher Luxon leads the way, Haka chants, echoing every day!

Weta Workshop, movie magic thrives, Flight of the Conchords, hilarious lives, Mount Cook, Fiordland, natural grace, Kiwis spirit in every place!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

(Verse 2) All Blacks’ glory, rugby kings, Taika Waititi, creativity sings, Kiwifruits, lamb chops, culinary delight, Hobbiton tours, a magical sight!

Edmund Hillary, Everest's conqueror, Kauri trees, ancient, evermore, Bungee jumps, adventure spark, Maori culture, a guiding mark!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

(Bridge) Milford Sound, magnificent view, Kiwis, fervor, shining through, Kia ora, hello, welcoming cheer, New Zealand's heart, crystal clear!

(Chorus) New Zealand fires burnin' bright, Maori legends take the flight, From North to South, we stand tall, Kiwis proud, hear our call!

Now, Christopher Luxon, leader of the National Party, is rightfully mentioned as the current New Zealand Prime Minister in this version.

Me : Yeah, that's better. Thank you!

cGPT : You're welcome! I appreciate your patience.


So, it wasn't a very funny one this time, but it was still a good one. The AI, as expected, knew the style of We Didn't Start The Fire and wrote some lyrics that work pretty well. There are a few parts where the lyrics don't quite match with the actual tune and rhythm (eg it's hard to sing), but overall, my worries of the AI having no idea of the sound of the song were unfounded.

Also, once again, we see the classic 'make stuff up' phenomenon, where the AI, when it doesn't know something, will very confidently make something up that sounds close to correct. In this case, the current Prime Minister of New Zealand.

I hope someone has at least enjoyed this instalment of my interactions with an AI, and hopefully inspired some of you to try out ChatGPT yourselves. That's all for now.

Level 60
Dec 1, 2023
Was it chronological? I know the Fall Out Boy wasn’t, making it kinda cheap and not my favorite.
Level 35
Dec 1, 2023
I had to rewrite this song in eight grade for a project to make it modern (kinda like this)

I listened to that song at least 200 different times.

In conclusion I got PTSD from this

Great blog!