DOTJE Legacy: Aftermath


DOTJE Legacy: Aftermath 

All the world's rulers are surprised when Emperor Geopro decides to retire in his Lunar Palace and rule the GSE remotely from there. To thank him for being so impartial and amazing, the Pentete and the Infinity League join forces to provide him with a personal spacecraft so he can come back to visit Earth anytime he wants. The Blaze Empire then shuttles all the other rulers, except Aficionado, back home to their respective empires on their Pyro 12 and Pyro 10 spaceships.

Blaze Empire 

MKF arrives back in their empire late at night. The Baikonur Cosmodrome is mostly empty, except the technicians scurrying about checking the ship. A light stealth helicopter is waiting nearby. MKF boards it and flies away into the night.

By the time they arrive in Tehran, MKF is ready for a rest. But that will have to wait. MKF finds the government in a chaotic state.

Government Person : Solomon! Thank goodness you're back!

MKF : What's happening?

GVP : ducklingpanda has just delivered the Zephesis!

MKF : Wow! Middle Earth logistics are fast. Did you get to see him?

GVP : No, that's the problem. We got lots of panic calls from people in Tajikistan Province describing strange flying reptiles that breed quickly, fly, and cause cuteness overload in philozoics and LOTR fans.

MKF : Wait, so you're telling me that some creatures exactly matching the description of a Zephesis have just shown up out of nowhere in Tajikistan?

GVP : That does pretty much sum it up, sir.

MKF : That's no good. Deploy the special troops in the area and try to contain the Zephesis. I don't want our Zephesis crossing the border into the Imperium Sanctus. Now, I've got to go, I have an important announcement to make..

GVP : But -

He got no further, as MKF had left.

MKF makes his announcement.

MKF : I have decided to follow in the steps of various other world leaders and not be the one sole controller of this empire.

Crowd : Gasps

MKF : I am now appointing a Cabinet of twenty advisors from each province in the empire to assist me in my decision making, so I can better serve the people of this great empire!

The crowd erupted into cheers as MKF raised his fist to the sky.

As the crowd cheered, an ominous shadow fell across the city. Turning to the sky, the crowd was shocked into silence as they witnessed a huge cloud of Zephesis slowly covering the sky. No one knew what to do, until an army commander leapt up to the the microphone and began roaring orders at the crowd, just as the Zephesis began to dive.

Commander Weber : EVERYONE! GET INSIDE - NOW!!!

Blaze police tried to marshal the panicking crowd as best they could while troopers attempted to hold off the Zephesis to no avail. The dragons dive-bombed citizens at random, only causing more fear and panicking in the crowd.

MKF crouched behind his podium with a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. Gritting his teeth, he wondered how this day, which had started so well, could have ended with such darkness. Well, he had got them into this mess, and now, as emperor, he had to pull them out of it. He lined up a diving Zephesis in his sights, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger.

Veggie Caliphate

Life was improving on the farm, Jordan could tell.  The war was over, and Father Nature MiecraftMan was on the moon drafting a treaty.  The land around the farm was no longer being used as battlefields by soldiers, or occupied by enemies.  Life was overall better.

Money was still short, of course.  Jordan’s family of 6 only just had enough to get by.  But this was temporary, Jordan new in his heart.  He knew things would get get better.  They had to.  In the meantime, Jordan was stuck changing his 2 year old brother’s dirty diapers.

“JORDAN!  COME CARE FOR YOUR BROTHER,” Jordan heard his mother shout.

“Coming!” he called back.  Jordan walked into the room his brother was currently crying in.  He could hear his mother in the kitchen, cleaning the new fruits and vegetables his father picked.  Jordan’s grandmother was in the room with his brother, quietly singing to him.  To no avail though, because Jordan’s brother was crying quite loudly.

Jordan walked over, picked his brother up, and gently rocked him back and forth.  Jordan’s brother promptly reached up his hand and smacked Jordan in the face.  At least he stopped crying.  Jordan had a way with babies, like that.

Jordan gently set his brother down in the cradle, where he started to sleep.  In the meantime, Jordan thought, he would go for a walk.  He called into the kitchen, telling his mother he was leaving the house for an hour or so, and walked out the door into the great beyond.

After a few minutes of walking, he was well past the farm, in the arid savanna beyond it.  He found a shady spot under a tree he liked, and settled down for a bit.  Then he decided to go farther.  So he walked a little longer.

Before he new it, he was at the sight of one of the war’s battles.

“Let’s not go there”, he said out loud to himself.  He turned to the right and started walking again.

He came to a little hill.  It was a hard walk getting over it, but Jordan was strong and fit.  He reached the top.  Once at the summit of the hill, he looked down on the other side.  And gasped.  Because the other side of the hill was surely a sight to behold.


The treaty, having been signed right before the 2023 presidential election, causes great celebration within the country. Heading to the polls, President Qy Harrison easily secures a second term with Vice President William Mantle.

In Congress, fierce debates roar over the newly-gained territories of Nunavut and Liberia. Republicans wish to immediately admit them as states, while Federalists, including the President, hope to accept them only after a period of territoryhood.

The debate gets so heated that Christopher Bates, a Federalist representing West Island, is expelled for his rowdiness. In protest, the entirety of West Island's delegation leaves the building.

Later that night, the Supreme Court, having never witnessed a Senator's expulsion, decides in a snap decision to "closer" West Island's seats. That is, no person may represent the state in Congress until the Supreme Court allows it again.

Every Federalist-majority state is furious. Declaring it the final overreach of the federal government, four (West Island, North Fallgrass, Newton, and Bear Island) secede from the union and pull their Senators. They form a new union, the Free States of Svalbard.

President Harrison's denouncement of the situation leads to his Federalist Party membership being revoked, marking the first-ever unaffiliated president. He is hesitant to use force, however, instead attempting to contact the rebellious states and trying to reach a compromise.

Vice President Mantle is different. Despite being the one who originally expelled Bates, he agrees that the Court's decision went too far, and resigns to become the president of the Free States. His position as Vice President is quickly replaced by Republican Senator Linda Wilde, but the damage has been done.

Despite the chaos, no shots have been fired yet. And while the Svalbardian military is fairly uniform, the former United States military, under its control, is split into the two camps.

Anyways, the Union ship Marshall crosses into the Free States' waters while en route to a base in Liberia. Feeling this to be a mockery of their integrity, the Free States military fires cannon shot at the ship. This now infamous battle officially starts the Svalbardian Civil War...

Apostolic Armenian Empire

In the past six months, the AAE had undergone a brutal civil war between the Armenians, Azeris, Kurds, and Yazidis.

With Nickelz's leadership, the Armenian military was able to kill off the pesky Azeris and assassinate the leader of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan as well. The Kurds and Yazidis were deported from the AAE to the Blaze Empire, while the now 100% Armenian empire reveled in their victory.

Nickelz had organized a special concert in Yerevan to celebrate the now-peaceful AAE and the end of the civil war.

It was a jazz concert; Nickelz, a long-time jazz enjoyer, specifically requested it. The hottest jazz musician in all of the AAE, Verjnakan, was performing a long saxophone riff.

Everyone was enjoying themselves. Nickelz was sitting on a high glass-bottomed loft with the king, Wako, drinking only the finest and purest of Nickelz's favorite drink; rose extract tea.

"This is absolutely splendiferous." Nickelz chortled as he sipped his tea.

"Indeed, it is." Wako smiled and drank some of his tea as well.

Suddenly, one of the servers brushed past them on his way downstairs.

"Hello, President Nickelz. Can I interest you in a raspberry danish, sir?"

"That would be splendid." Nickelz happily took the plate from the server and chomped down on the sticky pastry.

"Yes, mm, quite delicious." The waiter mysteriously shoved a long object down into his pants.

Wako stared at him suspiciously, but decided not to say anything.

"Isn't this grand?" Nickelz spluttered as he choked down the rest of his tea.

"Yes, quite." Wako dabbed his mouth with a napkin.

Suddenly, the music stopped.

"What the-?" Nickelz gasped suddenly.

The waiter stopped on the steps and doubled back.

Wako turned around just as the waiter pulled out his gun.

"NICKELZ! DUCK!" Wako pushed Nickelz to the ground and stood as the waiter blasted Wako in the face with a shotgun.

Wako's body flopped backwards off the balcony and onto a random civilian on the ground floor.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Thousands of attendees began screaming and running for their lives.

Some even got trampled as everyone rushed to get out of the building.

The waiter pulled down his mask, and a glowing tattoo of the Azeri flag glared on his face.

He put his foot down on Nickelz's neck.

"I- I can't..." Nickelz gasped for breath.

"It's no use. Nighty night." The waiter put more pressure until he heard a faint snap, and the lifeless body of Nickelz lay on the loft floor, with the last laugh of Nickelz etched onto his face.

The waiter laughed maniacally.


The blood began to smear around the floor of the glass-bottomed ledge, and the bright red liquid pooled around the waiter's feet, as he bent down on Nickelz's body.

He put his finger in the open fracture wound in Nickelz's neck, and scooped out some blood. He smeared it on his face, in the style of war paint.

"This... is... war." The waiter slowly ambled down the stairs, as Nickelz's body began to decompose.

Imperium Sanctus

With the Imperium Sanctus' new territorial developments from the Peace Treaty, there arose some unspoken tensions with the Empire's Empire. No one ever said anything public, but there were rumors that EE wanted to reclaim their land.

Now president-emperor cathlete wanted to reduce tensions as best he could. As the second most-populated and one of the largest empires, IS had a target on its head. Even though "peace" had been established, it was no secret that the Peace Treaty had left a foul taste in many of the emperors' mouths.

What was this new democratic empire to do? The people had too many opinions. Even cathlete's cabinet couldn't agree on a single solution. IS's newly appointed vice president, caddlatin, told cathlete after a heated cabinet meeting,

"I think we both know that the only way to keep IS's low profile and avoiding another world war is to go neutral."
"It's something I'd considered. We would have to back out of the Infinity League, turning our backs on our allies who have been there for us since the creation of the IL."

"We're a democracy. We do this for our people."

Within a week, IS had full cabinet support of neutrality; thus began IS's hermit-like withdrawal from international affairs. Little did cathlete and caddlatin know that their attempt at neutrality would be short-lived and only worsen their recognition worldwide.

Palapyan-Botswanan Empire

It was a dark night in Baku. Almost the entire city, usually a bustling metropolis, was black. Every street light was off, every home was pitch black and dead silent. The only source of faded vision was the moon that ducked in and out of the hazy clouds above.

On the outskirts of the city, near the border with the AAE, a makeshift refugee camp had been set up. It consisted of a sea of small tents, each housing an Azeri family that had fled their homeland. Volunteers tended to those who suffered from severe wounds they had administered during their chaotic flee from their homeland. All had experienced immense trauma; many had been shot; many required amputation; some wouldn't even survive the night.

Many didn't know the full scale of the genocide that had just taken place. For most it was but a blurred memory. They had heard of the Armenian's plan to achieve ethnic homogeneity by deporting non-Armenians. They had no idea however, of the lengths that they would go to in order to achieve this. Of course they were aware of the mutual hatred between the Armenians and the Azeris. Many were already considering the tough decision to migrate with their families to another country. But on that one fateful day, the decision was made for them. The order was given to the Armenian military to deport all Kurds and Yazidis, but not to spare the life of any Azeris. The Armenians had turned to a method of ethnic cleansing, purging the conflicting ethnicities from the state. The Armenian armed forces swept through the Azerbaijani towns like a tsunami. They burst their way into each home with guns blazing, and then moved on to the next. A small minority had managed to escape the onslaught. They now found their only home in the refugee camp in Baku.

The thousands of fled Azerbaijanis created a huge problem for the PBE. Not only did they have to do something about the crisis, they feared that the Armenian assault would not stop at the border. There were still thousands of Azeris just kilometres over the border - the same Azeris that the Armenian military had been given orders to kill. The Bakuvian Infantry Unit of the Palapyan Armed Forces had been deployed to the border. The QB's desperately attempted to resolve the situation using diplomacy. The tactic had failed thus far, but the Armenians hadn't yet crossed the border. To do so would be an act of war, and a direct violation of the recently signed peace treaty. So on the border commenced an intense staring contest between the Armenian military and Bakuvian garrison. The Armenians waited for order from Yerevan, whilst the Bakuvian's were poised for any act of aggression that might come their way.

The Peace Treaty may have ended a world war, but it was in no way the end of world conflict. That was the hard truth that five million Azeris had encountered the hard way...

Greater Indian Empire

After the peace treaty on the Moon, Emperor Aficionado boards the Nirbhay IV spacecraft from the Lunar Spaceport (being the only Emperor who arrived and left the Moon in his own vehicle). He bid adieu to his close allies and didn't say anything to the former enemies.

After returning back to the Earth, he gave an announcement as follows:

"Dear citizens, I have returned from the Peace Treaty organised on the other side of the Moon. And I have both good and bad news to announce. We'll first go with the good news. We have gained Vietnam, mainland Malaysia, Hainan and northern parts of Ontario. Now comes the bad news. We have lost control of two-thirds of Kazakhstan (including Baikonur and the Caspian coast), Mozambique, Azerbaijan, Madagascar and most importantly, Varanasi. I can see the anger on your faces, citizens. Do not worry, we are working on it."

With that, he ended his speech and left the Indian subcontinent to his beloved palace on the island of Seychelles. He decided to isolate himself for some time.

After two weeks, Prime Minister Ravindra flew from Delhi to Seychelles and told the Emperor about the developments the Vampires have made around Varanasi. He informed that they have erected a barrier around the frontiers of the city and have prohibited the people to leave the enclave and Indians to visit the holiest city of Hinduism.

Aficionado was angered.

Aficionado: I feel like I have lost a lot more than other countries.

Ravindra: You are correct, your imperial majesty. Countries which suffered much more have lost less land than ours.

Aficionado: We were not even so active in this war. We don't deserve to lose our lands. Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan were fine, but Mozambique, Madagascar and most importantly Varanasi were not.

Ravindra: Shall we invade them?

Aficionado: No, it's time we act with diplomacy.

Ravindra: I see, your imperial majesty. Shall we call Angbo then?

Aficionado: Yes, call him. We need to get back Varanasi. We don't need Vietnam.

A video call was made to Angbo immediately. After two hours of diplomatic talks, Angbo finally agreed to return Varanasi back to the Greater Indian Empire. He also added that he would take all of Vietnam in exchange except the Southeast and the Mekong River Delta regions, for some odd reason. Both the emperors agreed and did a virtual handshake. Within the next two days, the barriers around Varanasi were removed and new ones erected in Vietnam.

It was later found out that the people of Southern Vietnam, who were historically democratic and had been subjugated by their northern communist neighbours and later the Vampires, were much happier in the free and capitalist Greater Indian Empire.

Ravindra later asked Aficionado about Madagascar. He said that Madagascar belonged to the Greater Indian Empire since day one and is much more resourceful than northern Ontario. Aficionado was convinced by this.

The next day, a video call was made to Geopro. Aficionado proposed an exchange offer whereby he will get Madagascar back and Geopro will get northern Ontario. He also stressed that the Spaceport Madagascar is extremely important for India. It began construction in 2021 and was almost 90% completed before the treaty.

Geopro was hesitant but he was also fearful because his palace was located on the Indian side of the Moon. His palace could be nationalised and he could be banished.

Geopro finally agreed to conduct a referendum in Madagascar. The results were as follows:

Voter turnout: 98.62%

Remain with the GSE – 13.43%
Rejoin the GIE – 72.56%
Become independent – 8.95%
I do not care / No opinion – 5.06%

Geopro finally decided to return Madagascar back to the Greater Indian Empire and received northern Ontario in return.

The emperor was now satisfied that he now controlled all of the lands which belonged to India since the beginning of the DOTJE era.

Thereafter, these non-territorial developments were made:

  • Establishment of friendly relations with the Imperium Sanctus and Svalbard.
  • The Wenchang Space Centre, Hainan (which previously belonged to the Imperium Sanctus) was converted into a spaceport capable of human spaceflight. The Imperium Sanctus was invited to use it as well.
  • The island of Hainan, while still belonging to the GIE, was declared as a border-free zone for the citizens of both Hainan and the Imperium Sanctus. It was also made a free economic zone.
  • Construction of Spaceport Madagascar was completed, eliminating GIE's remaining dependence on Baikonur.
  • Establishment of the fifth city on the Moon, Vijayanagar (Sanskrit for "Victory City"). Settlers from the Imperium Sanctus and the Veggie Caliphate populated the city in big numbers, along with the usual Indian settlers.
  • Saigon was developed as a free economic zone to compete with Singapore as well as to increase its geopolitical dominance in the South China Sea region.

The tiger has gone to rest again. Its next moves, as they have said since the last two years, no one other than the Emperor Aficionado knows.

Macedonian Empire

After the peace treaty was signed, people poured onto the streets throughout the empire, as they felt that they had been cheated in the treaty. Many also wanted thegoatisgoaty gone after his embarrassing failure in the resurrection of Alexander the Great. To try and reduce tensions, thegoatisgoaty visited many major cities, telling citizens that the Macedonians would have vengeance on those who had wronged them, especially the Grande Empire and the PBE for taking away the holy city of Jerusalem. One night after visiting Athens, thegoatisgoaty went to his trusted advisor, the talking goat named Julius.

"You know, I don't really know what else I can do right now. The entire world would turn on me if I started another war, and even if we were supported by our allies I don't know if we would have the strength to regain our stolen land. After visiting each city, the people just seem to get more and more agitated. I need to do something to get the support of our citizens back, I just don't know what to do."

"Sir," Julius replied, "I think I might just have an idea. My Daddy goat named me after a historical leader, a leader much stronger than any other general ever, including the mighty Alexander himself. That leader is Julius Caesar. Say we found the people who helped bring back Alexander, but instead bring back Caesar, whose skills as a general have never been matched by anyone, including Napoleon himself. If we could actually control him, I think that we could get back what we lost and more, once again earning the title of a superpower..."

After pondering the idea for many weeks, thegoatisgoaty realized that he didn't really have any other options. He knew that soon the protestors would start becoming angrier, and was fearful of a coup taking place leading to a radical ruler taking power. He came to the conclusion that his only choice was to bring back Caesar and hope it turned out better than that fiasco with Alexander, which had caused him plenty of hate and was one of the main reasons for the start of WWIII. He began preparing a speech that he would give from his imperial palace in Moscow, knowing that this was his last chance to keep the throne.

(Weeks Later)

"Hello, my dear subjects, I also want vengeance on those who have unrightfully taken our lands and disgraced our country. I have come to a decision on what to do going forward. This was not an easy decision, and it could lead to disaster, but I believe that this was the right thing to do. While it involves the regeneration of another important historical figure, I would imagine that this time it turns out better. After all, my cabinet and I have decided that we will control this person, not the other way around, to avoid the disaster of Alexander the Greater. This person is Julius Caesar..."

Empire of the Minas Gerais

The Orb was back to its place, locked for the eternity as a symbol of glory to such a vast land of empire. MG expanded his troops to Paraguay, and peacefully signed a treaty to take their land. The Paraguayan economy was not doing well, and many good would be offered to them. He sold the Chobe National Park, as it was useless territory, and he would have some revenue from it. The fact that the Parliament was conspiring against the empire, was not known to the population at all.

Parliament decided attacking after the war, so they wouldn't be labeled as cowards. They tried killing MG once, twice, thrice, but it was not going as expected. His opponents tried censoring free speech multiple times, but it was not worth trying. The Empire of the Minas Gerais had to move on. Unexpectedly, some of the Parliament found where the Orb was, and after difficulty, they got it.

The despair took over. The opponents of the EMG had infinite power to do just about everything they wanted to. The moment they entered the palace, MG was looking at the sky at night. The stars where shining brightly, and one of them almost blinded him with its green and yellow colors. It was actually the Orb. The emperor was shocked on how they were thirsty for his blood. One of them threw a punch on MG, he lost consciousness. Minister Bolsonaro was lurking and found MG bleeding on the floor, while the members of the Parliament were cheering out loud. He ran, stole back the Orb, and opened it.

Some spirits flew over the orb. One of them healed MG's wounds and the other consumpted the flesh of the opponents after trying to misrepresent the crown. It was a rare moment where the Orb had to be opened. The emperor woke up, and delivered the crown to Bolsonaro after getting known about what happened. The Minister tried refusing, but MG insisted on it.

The Empire of the Minas Gerais finally had peace after long years of sorrow and fear.

And that's the Aftermath. Hopefully this will provide a launching pad for new spin-off blogs in the second DOTJE Era.

Level 65
Mar 31, 2023
Much thanks to MiecraftMan, Qy, Nickelz, cathlete, QuizzerBros, Aficionado, thegoatisgoaty, and MG17 for writing the parts of their respective empires.
Level 67
Mar 31, 2023
Nice. I'll have to finish reading during my lunch break!
Level 65
Mar 31, 2023
Level 67
Apr 1, 2023
Thanks heaps MKF for setting this up as well as all the other emperors that wrote into it!
Level 74
Mar 31, 2023
The big blog! Exciting to hear about what all has happened since the "Peace" Treaty.

(I wonder if there has ever been a blog with as many collaborators.)

Level 65
Mar 31, 2023
Ask Stewart, he'll know
Level 68
Apr 9, 2023
Nope, we don't have this kind of data
Level 69
Mar 31, 2023
It seems the tide is shifting from international conflict to civil war.
Level 60
Mar 31, 2023
They all have conflict or foreshadowing besides the GIE (counting my blog for the VC instead of this blog’s story).
Level 43
Mar 31, 2023
Sorry for being so late in sending this. It should’be been on much earlier if not by me lol
Level 60
Mar 31, 2023
All these stories are great! Well, except for mine lol, I mostly wrote it just because I needed it for the next part of the VC story (leading off of my blog).

And props to you MKF for bringing this all together.

And obviously, many thanks to Geopro for making this all possible even if he’s passing the torch to the community!

#dotjeneverdies!but nickelz does/

Level 60
Mar 31, 2023
MG… do me a favor and destroy the orb lol.
Level 66
Mar 31, 2023
I enjoyed writing mine. It was quite fun to let my imagination run wild for a little bit.
Level 65
Apr 1, 2023
Yes, it will be interesting to see what you do now that you've killed yourself, and MG is brainwashed, and MCM is exiled
Level 66
Apr 1, 2023
I'm going to write my own story about it.
Level 67
Apr 1, 2023
Wait... Ravindra Jadeja is PM of GIE???
Level 73
Apr 7, 2023
No, not him 😂

It's Ravindra Thapa (fondly called Ravu), a former citizen of Nepal who joined Indian Army and was an instrumental part in the coup that established my empire.

Level 67
Apr 1, 2023
@tgig I'd prefer diplomacy to settle Jerusalem. I'm willing to discuss a trade for it. No need for Caesar to attempt (but fail) to take it by force.
Level 60
Apr 3, 2023
Neat idea! Nice to see how DOTJE will look after the peace treaty. Also sorry to those screwed over in the treaty, especially @Aficionado. Idk why I even gave the Vampires Varanasi anyways, but I'm glad you got it back through diplomacy.
Level 73
Apr 7, 2023
Level 42
May 6, 2024
A reboot would be great! Is it from the territory claimed from the end.
Level 65
May 6, 2024
Level 60
May 14, 2024
Also my original reboot idea was that the actual countries of the world (in an originally named coalition called the 'League of Nations' or something else that no one has ever thought of before) decided they wanted to take back their rightful territory by force.
Level 67
May 23, 2024
Yes we'll return to the action
Level 67
May 23, 2024
Although I noticed the use of Caliphate in your comment. Just a heads up we have officially changed to Empire instead 😀