War in the Veggie Caliphate : Capitulation and Such

A map of the VC

Subdivision of Sciurus, Veggie Caliphate

Dozens of armed troops wait behind a cluster of boulders, ready to spring out at an unsuspecting group of tourists viewing the Caliphate Falls.

“Alright men.  This is quite important.  This will be the first battle on Sciurus soil, and hopefully the whole subdivision will capitulate soon after.”

Seven or eight VC troops stand guard, watching for any signs of disturbance.  Many fear that Sciurus would be the next under Yemeni siege, and MiecraftMan placing extra troops there did nothing to ease their worries.

“Ready, aim, fire.”

The Caliphate Falls were stained red that night.

Subdivision of Rwanda, Palapyan Botswanan Empire

At a border post of Burundi, Vampire Empire, a small task force of Veggie troops invade.

“Alright troops,” said a general, “let’s invade.”

The border post quickly falls, and the Veggies move into Burundi.  Burundi quickly falls to the VC.  Burundi being a Vampire exclave starting without V, was highly neglected and oppressed.  The Vampire troops and citizens were happy to be free of the rule and many of them joined the Veggie Army.

With the newfound strength of Burundi in the VC army’s numbers, MiecraftMan himself leads an assault to take back Sciurus.  Sciurus is retaken, and many of it’s citizens are so happy that yet again, more people join MiecraftMan’s army.

State of New Baltimore, Svalbard

Plans are being made, actions are being taken

Advisor to Qy: Your Presidency, MiecraftMan has taken more and more land to be put under his oppressive rule.

Qy:  This is not good!  And amongst all of that the PBE is helping them.  Another oppressive country where lefties treat righties like dogs!

Advisor (mumbling): Err, i don’t think they’re exactly treated dogs, I doubt anybody really cares of that rule.

Qy: What did you say?

Advisor: Nothing…

Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
Not sure if this is canon information.
Level 69
Oct 4, 2022
Svalbard has begun to land soldiers at Sudan, Arabia, and Israel; we have also supplied the Yemeni rebels with much-needed support. Airstrikes against various cities in Nigeria and Arabia have done considerable damage, and Santa Barbara has been placed under siege.
Level 69
Oct 4, 2022
Additionally, aircraft carriers have been dispatched from their bases in GrandOldLand and are headed towards Nigeria. In the home front, missiles are being set up, some of them nuclear.
Level 69
Oct 4, 2022
This war is of course very expensive, but we do have a plan to pay it off, just you wait.
Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
1. Supplying Yemen will turn half the world against you, including GrandOldLand

2. Santa Barbara is under Chilefornia occupation and therefor you are now at war with them as well

3. Israel is part Macedon, so again, another country who you angered.

4. Geopro hasn’t even said you have all this. It’s unlikely and unrealistic for this to be true, as you just made your appearance like a week ago. GrandOldLand didn’t even know you existed before then

Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
One thing I hate is that so many people act like my army is nonexistent. How in the world did half my country capitulate. You wouldn’t be able to set a foot in Nigeria without me using my nuclear weapons on you. I only need to eliminate a tiny archipelago. I have the land advantage
Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
Nauru has the power and army of USA. Just because some small country says they came from USA a century ago doesn’t mean they have the same power. Nauru has USA, it’s been like that since Episode 2.
Level 69
Oct 4, 2022
1. That's fine by me. They won't declare war anyhow.

2. You had better change your map then.

3. See above.

4. Geopro has agreed all this to be canon. None more unrealistic than a supersoldier, a eleven-year-old running a country, or a "JetPunk Day."

5. You also have the entire American military to deal with, even if you have the land advantage.

6. See above.

Level 69
Oct 4, 2022
I mean, it makes sense for us to have the American military's power. Geopro has agreed upon our history, and how would a tiny island nation conquer the United States without the military being evacuated somewhere else?
Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
1. Fine that your empire will become the next Korea? If so, enjoy prison with the orcs.

2. I asked them to occupy it

4. I don’t believe Geopro to agree to that, but whatever. I don’t even have a JetPunk day, and how is that unrealistic? It’s a literal blog series on JetPunk.

5. How in the world do you house that much military? GOL isn’t nearly big enough.

America is a horrible, twisted country, and I will do whatever it takes to see it out of this world

Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
As for your last point, many things in DOTJE are not realistic. But you can’t cancel out one unrealistic thing with another unrealistic thing like saying a tiny archipelago not even on the COTW map has 2000 nuclear weapons
Level 69
Oct 4, 2022
Not to prolong the argument but your statement about America being a "horrible, twisted country," you live there man. What an America bad moment.
Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
Ik lol.
Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
If you’re going to magic up an entire army then how about this: the VC is launching their entire military to blast Svalbard into next millennia. Chilefornia is readying their vast army to obliterate your so called American military. The PBE is launching a fleet of Alpha Soldiers to inflict some lefty madness upon you. The GIE is using their great influence to turn more of the world against you. The blaze empire is mobilizing the Inferno. The Macedons are gonna beat Grande and then turn their wrath to Svalbard. How ‘bout that, “America”?
Level 69
Oct 4, 2022
How's about instead of random logical fallacies, we just ask Geopro about the matter.
Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
Good idea
Level 71
Oct 4, 2022
I'll be forced to declare war on you then, you might want to re-think your decision
Level 69
Oct 4, 2022
Go ahead. We've still two million soldiers, we can take on the fight.
Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
Now you see what I mean?
Level 69
Oct 4, 2022
About the world turning against us? Not exactly ideal but I'll deal with it. A few treaties, now and then.
Level 71
Oct 4, 2022
I'll only declare war if you support Israeli rebels, but I'll still oppose your choices.
Level 69
Oct 4, 2022
That's fine. By the way, I'm suspending all news about the war until Geopro reports on it in the next episode.