The Imperium Sanctus Chronology


Cathlete's Rise to Power

Many of us were there when cathlete was recommended as leader of the freshly formed Imperium Sanctus. But why did the Mongolians suggest him and why did China agree to these terms?

The truth of the matter lies in China's political situation of the time. In August of 2021, the whole world was accusing China of being oppressive. Chinese officials knew that if they selected a leader of an overly oppressive philosophy, the Mongolia would rescind their offer. On the other hand, China knew that they wouldn't be able to pick someone that would totally change the country's political climate. This is where cathlete's status as both a Chinese and Mongolian citizen were crucial. Cathlete had been born in China, living his entire life there, though both his mother was Buryat. She had grown up in Mongolia.

It cathlete was the only political official in the Chinese State Council with dual citizenship between the two countries, he was the ideal candidate for the mongolians to select without the Chinese vetoing.

The Inauguration of the Imperium Sanctus

Ordinarily, seeing China declare itself an empire and seemingly 'join forces' with Mongolia, the rest of the world would be uneasy. However, with the creation of so many empires at the time, the UN didn't even bat an eye.

New leader cathlete was under heavy pressure to continue spearheading an oppressive Chinese regime as a puppet figurehead with little actual power. After time, however, he began to win the trust of all. Cathlete was starting to call some of the shots; China was starting to shift its focus from oppression to world domination.

Goal: World Domination

Lake Baikal

With the wild war and conflict that ensued around the world, finding stability was hard.

To show the Mongolians his support, cathlete called the order to take over Buryatia and most of Irkutsk. This meant cathlete would finally be able to visit Lake Baikal, sacred to his ancestors, for the first time in his life.

Conquering more land presented itself to be more difficult than anticipated. As we saw earlier this year, QuizzerBros ranked Imperium Sanctus to be only the 9th most powerful empire, much weaker than China's fearful power in the first half of 2021.

In order to accomplish world domination, the Imperium Sanctus would need allies. This was therefore the perfect time for cathlete to join join forces, ushering in the era of the Infinity League.

A Change of Heart

War. Conflict. Disease. ... Anger. Hate. Suffering.

Cathlete was under pressure. Everything seemed to be going wrong. He was in the midst of making preparations for an attack on Wales when everything seemed to come falling down. He had undergone a rollercoast of emotions, and it was time for change. He took a week long leave of absence, relaxing in Macao. Gambling left him empty inside, and as he walked downtown one night, he happened to walk past a church which had latin written on it, something uncommon to a Chinese. Seeing the latin inscription, not knowing what it even said, he remembered the day he assumed office. He remembered the people that suggested making him lead. It was for the people that he was chosen.

Cathlete decided it was time for change. Now that he had enough influence, he decided it was time to put his foot down and dissolve the Imperial State Council. Imperium Sanctus was now a democracy. And as Imperium Sanctus' now president-emperor, cathlete's first order of business was to declare latin the official language.

Level 74
Dec 31, 2022
See how well you know I.S. by taking the quiz of its states!
Level 60
Dec 30, 2022
Cool! Is that thumbnail the IS’s flag?
Level 74
Dec 31, 2022
Yup! :D
Level 69
Dec 30, 2022
Finally! I'm glad the DOTJE universe is moving, albeit slowly, towards a more democratic world. Now to get rid of all the kings…
Level 60
Dec 30, 2022
Which countries really do have kings or emperors that are really emphasized, though? Maybe the GIE.
Level 50
Dec 30, 2022
I guess it could soon be renamed Twilight of the JetPunk Republics
Level 73
Dec 30, 2022
Most of the entities in the DOTJE universe are empires. And their leaders are emperors. GIE, PBE, Blaze, Macedonian, GSE, EMG and Chilefornia are the most emphasised, probably.
Level 60
Dec 31, 2022
I’d say mostly GIE, Blaze, EMG and GSE, but all the empires with empire in their name, I guess.
Level 43
Dec 31, 2022
wHo sUmMoNeD mE??? 😳🤨
Level 66
Jan 1, 2023
Level 74
Jan 1, 2023
They’re coming off tomorrow? Congratulations! Your teeth are going to feel good
Level 66
Jan 1, 2023
Yes! I'm getting them off tomorrow!
Level 66
Jan 9, 2023
Nice blog by the way.
Level 74
Jan 9, 2023
Thanks. Hope your braces are off & your teeth are feeling smooooth
Level 47
Mar 28, 2023
I am kind of confused to where this whole empire thing came to be and why is there a peaceful union between Mongolia and China lol. Also, I might be terribly wrong, but I am pretty sure Imperium Sanctus should be Imperium Sanctum so the adjective agrees in gender, number, and case. But anyway who cares lol.
Level 74
Mar 28, 2023
Thank you for your latin expertise. I was worried about not having the words grammatically agree and remember trying to research to make sure it's correct, but it may not be.

Anyway, there was a Dawn of the JetPunk Empire blog started back in August 2021, where a bunch of fictional empires arose. The empires don't make much political sense, but it's all fictional fun! This blog is a spin off about my empire.

This could be a useful guide about all the empire "lore".