Detective Jacob White - Ethiopian Massacre - Part #1



This is my first series of stories based on Shelock Holmes. I tried making it as realistic as I could, and is staged post-Covid. Well, I hope you enjoy!

Logs: Day 1

Today was such a day! I was walking amongst the streets of New York City, where my residency is. I bought a cup of mocha and a Manhattan bagel at a local café, my favorite breakfast. I got a newspaper from a stand, and started walking home. I unlocked the house door, sat down on my leather couch, and started reading. On the cover on the newspaper it read in bold letters “ETHIOPIAN MASSACRE: ATTACKERS UNKNOWN, 327 DEAD” It sounded like a big case to me, but I’m not such an important detective, as I have only looked at minor cases, none like this one. So I really thought I wasn’t going to be the lead investigator of this story; but oh, the irony! In the afternoon I received a letter from the FBI saying to be the lead for this case. I was dazzled and confused! Me, a part-time detective part-time engineer, for a big case for this? I couldn't believe it! They said they'd transport me tomorrow to Addis Ababa, the site of the massacre. That's all I know so the logs have ended. I'll write tomorrow. Bye.

October 6, 2022, 8:06 AM

Jacob yawns, gets out his bed, and gets dressed. Today is the day he'll get transported.

The doorbell rings. Jacob answers it.

Jacob: Hello?

????: Federal Agent, name Lark Helman. I'll be your assistant throughout this case. We're going to Addis Ababa today.

Jacob: Ok, are we going by airport?

Lark: Heck no. I'm a federal agent, we're going to the FBI base in Buffalo. Let's get in the van.

Jacob: Are you sure I need anything?

Lark: Just a few changes of clothes.

Jacob goes upstairs, and gets 4 changes of clothes, his log book, and a suitcase.

Jacob: I'm ready.

Lark: Ok. The van is right here, let's go. The more time we lose, the more time the criminals can get away.

Jacob and Lark get into the van. In the front are two men in normal clothing, but with handguns in their pockets. They hit the gas.

The van looks normal but it is equipped with bulletproof glass.

October 6, 2022 10:18 AM

The van comes to a full stop.

Driver: We are here!

Agent 1: Finally!

Jacob: This place is literally a flower shop!

Lark: You see how we bought a yellow Renault, not a black van with the word "FBI" on it?

Jacob: Yeah...

Lark: You're a detective. Figure out why we parked at a flower shop.

Jacob thinks. He realizes that it isn't to catch attention. He thinks that the flower shop is a base in disguise.

Jacob: I see! It's a base in disguise, isn't it!

Lark: Kinda. The flower shop does sell flowers, but is run by our undercover agents, which also get money from the shop. In the storage room a secret room is underground where a tunnel is. Get in a Jeep that is under there, and drive in that tunnel for 10 minutes, then, a ladder appears. Climb up, then you're in the facility.

Jacob: I see. Well, are we going? 

Lark: Yep. Let's go.

Lark, Jacob, and the Agent 1 enter the shop. Inside is a cashier with a pink flowing gown and a straw hat decorated with flowers.

Cashier: I've been waiting for you.

Lark gives the cashier a kiss.

Jacob makes a disgusted look.

Jacob: You really needed to do that in front of me? 

Lark makes an embarrassed look.

Lark: Sorry, she's my wife, Martha.

Jacob: Obviously. You wouldn't be giving a random agent a kiss.

Lark: Come on, let's get to the Jeep.

Lark, Martha, Jacob, and Agent 1 go into the tunnel, and get into the Jeep that is parked for them. The car starts to run.

October 6, 2022 10:21 AM: In The Tunnel

Jacob: Who is that guy that came with us into the store?

Agent 1: I-

Lark: He's Ahmad Vrivan, a friend of mine.

Ahmad: Hey, don't interrupt me!

Lark: Sorry.

Martha takes off her flower hat.

Martha: Whoo! It's getting hot!

Jacob: Yeah. It seems exceptionally hot.

Lark: Full stop! Something is wrong here.

The car stops suddenly, almost jerking Jacob out of the chair.

Ahmad: Nothing looks wrong. Let me check the gas and plumbing system.

Ahmad opens a panel, and looks around. Right when he was about to go in more, something burst, sending steam all over the tunnel.

Steam starts pouring in. From one of the characters perspective, this is what it would've looked like.
Martha and Jacob jump in as quickly as they can. Ahmad gets in, then starts the jeep.

Lark: What was that? Is that some poisonous gas?

Ahmad: I don't think so.
Lark: Phew! This couldn't be over because of some gas burst.

Right after Lark said that, the gas dissipated.

Ahmad: I better report that to the "Machine Fixers" or whatever.

The Jeep takes a full stop.

Lark: Ok, let's get up this ladder.

Jacob: Ok, although this is too much for one morning.

Ahmad: Same for me. I've never been so scared being "attacked" by harmless gas... but it is the first time, so it's not really a record.

October 6, 2022 10:35 AM: In The Facility

????: Welcome Lark, Martha, Ahmad, and Jacob! Welcome Jacob, I've heard of you on the Atlantic City killing, and how you figured it out with a smashing 2 hours!

Jacob: Thanks. And it wasn't a hard case at all, the murderer, Stanley Pizzaro, was very bad at hiding tracks. Like he just left the knife there! The fingerprints on the knife got scanned immediately!

????: Oh wait, have I forgot to introduce myself? I'm José Ortiz, the leader of this facility.

Jacob: Hi, José.

José: I like to be called "General".

Jacob makes the "oh, sorry" look.

Jacob: Hi General.

José: Your plane is in the runaway.

Lark: Ok, let's go.

Jacob, Lark, Ahmad, Martha, and José run to the runaway.

José: Here's the plane! The Army lent us a plane for this case. Come on, what are you waiting for? Get in!

Jacob, Lark, Ahmad, and Martha get in the plane.

Almost the look of the plane but the plane in the story it fits about 4 people.

Lark: I'm the one piloting! 

Ahmad: Ok, but it isn't like it's dibs.

Martha: One second, I need to change out of this dress!

Martha exits the plane, and goes into the facility restroom.

About 1 minute later, Martha comes back with a business suit and enters the plane.

Lark: Ok, time to get this baby off the ground.

Lark: It's on.  Get your helmets on!

Martha and Ahmad rush to get their helmets.

Lark: Everybody ready?

Others: Yep!

Jacob: Wait! General?

José: Yes?

Jacob: You have a pipe to fix in the tunnel. Ok, now I'm ready.

Lark: Ok, we're launching in 3...

Lark: 2...

Lark: 1...

The plane lifts off the ground.

Lark: Liftoff.

Lark makes a smile.

Jacob: To Addis Ababa ho!

October 6, 2022 10:50 AM: Back In The Facility

Facility Worker 1: They're out of sight.

José: That's good. I hope they're safe on their trip.

A beep comes from a control panel

Facility Worker 2: Wait general, we're seeing something on the radar. Coming from the west side.

Facility Worker 1: I've got that too. It looks like... A WAR PLANE!?!

José makes a surprised look.

José: WHAT? Where from?

Facility Worker 2: Not sure, general. Wait, it looks like it is equipped with-

José: With what?

Facility Worker 2's eyes bulge, and starts yelling.

Facility Worker 2: MISSILES?!?

José: Everybody stay calm! Get to the tunnel!

Everyone runs to the hatch.

Facility Worker 1: It isn't opening, It's jammed!

José: What a great time to have it happen!

Facility Worker 2: They're dropping it on us. It's too late.

José: Well, we tried our best. Thank you for working with me, it was an honor. And good-

The End.


You've read it all! What will happen next? If you'd like to, put your predictions in the comments below! But did you focus? I have made a pairing quiz with it. Try it out!

Wait: One More Thing!

I am celebrating # 4,500 on the ranks! (yay Felicits says all of you guys because it is a competiton). Anyways, that's the end of the story. Tune in for #2! Bye!

Level 66
Apr 30, 2021
haha Felicits to myself!
Level 60
Apr 30, 2021
Felicits to you!
Level 66
Apr 30, 2021
Thanks! Maybe try the quiz :)
Level 66
Apr 30, 2021
Thanks for trying out the quiz!
Level 43
Apr 30, 2021
Nice story! And felicits!
Level 66
Apr 30, 2021
Level 43
Apr 30, 2021
Whoops, I meant... FIT LICES!
Level 51
Apr 30, 2021
Level 51
Apr 30, 2021
Finally, a long story in the R.U.B.!
Level 66
Apr 30, 2021
Level 60
Aug 10, 2021
When second edition?
Level 66
Aug 10, 2021
I’m hoping I’ll make it some day