Random Events In History #1

Well, we have lots of history here, Punkers, but it is random and some are not useful.

Stuff before AD/CE 1500 might have estimated or wrong dates.

Note: I use MM/DD/YYYY

BC/BCE 300: In Pelle (in Macedonia), the artist Gnosis makes a mosaic floor decoration called Stag Hunt an.

AD/CE 30: Jesus dies

AD/CE 536: Most of the world was covered in darkness.

AD/CE 1225: The Mongol Empire conquers Kyrgyzstan.

8/5/1785: Vincenzo Lunardi of Italy becomes the first person to fly a balloon over Scotland.

7/3/1890: Idaho is founded as a U.S. state.

5/29/1942: "White Christmas" (by Irving Berlin) is recorded.

9/24/1968: eSwatini joins the United Nations.

12/25/1977: Charlie Chaplin dies.

9/1/2006: Roblox is founded.

12/7/2020: 79th Anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attacking

P.S., This will be the weekly blog topic instead of country ones, I'm working on the Moldova one :/


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Level 46
Dec 8, 2020
Why eSwatini?
Level 66
Dec 8, 2020
Because that is it's official name.
Level 51
Dec 8, 2020
cool blog
Level 66
Dec 8, 2020
Level 60
Dec 8, 2020
This really is random, but I like it.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2020
I wonder how you figured that one out