The Preschool Carnivals of Norway



People who have lived in Norway since their early childhood may remember that there is a special celebration in February each year. It is called Carnival. The carnivals focus on costumes and dancing, and usually have a party. Both portions of the Carnival are wildly enjoyable for young children. These include dressing up, receiving sweets and spending time with friends. However, the plethora of schools and kindergartens often have various characteristics that make them unique.

An example of Carnival at a Norwegian kindergarten

The History

The carnival celebrations have origins that date back hundreds of years. Carnival precedes Lent (or Lenten), which is a 40-day fasting period before Easter. Carnival has origins in Ancient Egypt as a pagan festival to welcome to the change to spring from winter. During the Middle Ages, people would eat food plentifully for the last time until spring produce was available for consumption. As winter ended, some food stores (such as lard, butter, and meat) would begin to run out, and the remaining had to be consumed, or they would otherwise rot and decompose. The feast evolved and developed through the centuries to become the modern-day Carnival. In the present, places from Rio to Venice, from Oslo to Frankfurt, and from France to the United States commemorate the annual tradition.


In Norwegian schools, kids dress up in various outfits, such as astronauts, pirates, and footballers, among others. Face paint and masks are usually part of their outfits. They often have parties and eat food like popcorn, sweets, and biscuits. They also go to parades, and they sing and dance there.

Children playing "Cat out the barrel" in 1937 Denmark.

Some kindergartens celebrate Carnival with a game called, “The cat out the barrel.”  In this game, children beat a barrel until it breaks into pieces. In the past, there would have been a live cat inside the barrel, which would have jumped out after the barrel was broken. Now, the barrel would be full of candy instead. There are multiple other games that are played on this day. However, there are other segments of the celebration that are unrelated to games or physical sports. One of these is the decoration of branches. It is called ‘fastelavnris’ in Norwegian and is created out of birch sticks and decorated with colorful feathers and ribbons.


In 2016, there was a controversy relating to the celebration of carnivals. Vikaasen kindergarten near Trondheim cancelled its normal carnival, as they didn’t want to encourage specific gender roles. Renate Kvivesen, the head of the Vikaasen nursery previously said that they didn’t believe that requiring children to fit in with certain gender roles fit in with their values. These include boys dressing up and pretending to be superheroes and girls being princesses. Some parents agreed with the change, while others didn’t.


Well, I suppose I have taught you about the Norwegian festival of Carnival now. Thanks for reading and I will see you later. -

By Surajrocks99


1) Carnival - Wikipedia

2) Jenter kler seg ut som prinsesser og gutter som superhelter – nå dropper barnehagen karnevalet (

3) Karneval: Celebrating the Carnival Holiday in Norway (

4) karneval – Store norske leksikon (

Level 63
May 24, 2023
I like to learn about the culture of countries, and then there's Norway, thank you! I would like to know more, you provoked, and then closed the topic.
Level 63
May 24, 2023
Maybe I'm a nasty backward conservative homophobe, but I'm surprised by the decision of this kindergarten. But it makes it easier that this is the practice of only one kindergarten with some kind of "ideology" that parents probably know about, and not the whole country. But I feel sorry for children who have been forced into this since childhood without their will.
Level 69
May 24, 2023
I too am surprised. So what of gender roles?
Level 34
May 25, 2023
I agree
Level 65
May 24, 2023
Nice blog! How do they pronounce it lol, like కాణవల్?
Level 78
May 25, 2023
Nice blog, wouldn't it have made more sense to allow the children to dress up as they wanted, nothing wrong nowadays with boys dressing as princesses and girls dressing as superheroes. Just let the kids decide.
Level 56
May 28, 2023
no one can escape the truth :)
Level 68
May 28, 2023
A game of Cat Out the Barrel sounds really fun honestly, but of course, animal cruelty