Mediterranean Quizzes

Take a Random Mediterranean Quiz
Twenty-one different countries border the Mediterranean Sea. How many can you name?
For each selected flag, name the country that borders the Mediterranean Sea.
With the help of an empty map, can you name all the countries which border the Mediterranean Sea?
Name the most populous urban areas within 10 miles of the Mediterranean Sea.
Name the capitals of the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea.
Click the name of each highlighted country on the Mediterranean Sea.
Try to guess each country that borders the Mediterranean Sea based on its shape.
Try to name the largest islands that lie within the Mediterranean Sea.
Difficultly level: hard. Name these cities that appear on the map of the Mediterranean.
Name the cities, rivers, islands, coastlines, territories and seas of the Mediterranean.
Based on a clue, can you guess these cities that border the Mediterranean Sea?
172,777 Mediterranean Countries Quiz
98,243 Flags of the Mediterranean
72,184 Mediterranean Countries with an Empty Map
69,483 Biggest Mediterranean Cities
62,878 Countries Bordering the Mediterranean - Map Quiz
62,165 Capitals of Mediterranean Countries
49,766 Biggest Mediterranean Islands
46,219 Shapes of Mediterranean Sea Countries
45,562 Mediterranean Cities by Map
29,841 Mediterranean Geography on a Map
23,044 Cities on the Mediterranean Sea by a Clue
9,745 Mediterranean Foods
5,911Geography by Letter on the Map of Mediterranean Sea - A
4,585Mediterranean Islands Map Quiz
3,809Modern-Day Countries of Ancient Carthage on a Map
2,130Mediterranean Countries in 1501 with a Map
1,57110 Biggest Countries Bordering the Mediterranean Sea
1,268Mediterranean Geography by Letter - A
1,205All Mediterranean seas
1,112Mediterranean Geography by Letter - C
1,069Mediterranean Countries Map Quiz
1,005Non-Bordering Countries Closest to the Mediterranean Sea
998Mediterranean Cities Map Quiz
939Mediterranean Geography by Letter - B
880All 100k+ Cities on the Mediterranean on a Map
712Trace the Route of Odysseus on a Map
706Mediterranean Geography by Letter - E
653World Capitals Closest to the Mediterranean Sea
642Mediterranean Geography by Letter - J
621Mediterranean Geography by Letter - I
619Mediterranean Geography by Letter - D
569Mediterranean Geography by Letter - H
546Mediterranean Islands larger than 200 km2 with a Map
535Athens City Trivia
522Mediterranean Geography Quiz
329Word Ladder #16 – Largest Mediterranean Islands
28810 Most Populous Mediterranean Countries
224Countries Settled by the Ancient Phoenicians
214Mediterranean Countries by Picture
212Countries That Touch the Mediterranean Sea
208Mediterranean Country Flags - Tile Select
159Genoa City Trivia
127Almost Mediterranean Countries
122Countries Bordering Mediterranean Countries
119Name the Pizza Toppings
116Mediterranean Islands by a Clue
95Mediterranean Countries With a Map
77Mediterranean Coast
75Italian Islands Quiz
69Mediterranean Country Subdivisions Quiz
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