Statistics for 15-Letter!!! Word Chain Game

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Activities which occur outside of the regular school day, such as band, sports, etc., are said to be...Extracurricular
Myopia; Condition which might require you to be prescribed glassesNearsightedness
The process by which two or more objects operate in perfect unison, e.g. special-forces agents ensuring that their watches show the exact same time.Synchronization
Process you would need to undergo after visiting the restricted area of the Chernobyl nuclear plantDecontamination
A clear and precise approach. A path or plan free from evasiveness or obscurity. The direction you travel at an intersection where no turns are permitted.Straightforward
Engaging in behaviors which typically harm or destroy oneself. Also, the nature of the messages received by Ethan Hunt in the Mission Impossible franchise. (Usually hyphenated)Selfdestructive
A resident of Vaduz, or any of his countrymen.Liechtensteiner
The winning prize in the lottery can only be claimed by the individual with the ticket. It cannot be given to anyone else and therefore it is...Nontransferable
Lacking proper relation or symmetry, e.g. The new employee's high salary is ________ to his lack of experience. A toddler's head tends to be ___________ to the rest of their body.Disproportional
An individual who treats mental or emotional disorders of the body via therapy.Psychotherapist
The act of trying to figure out what has gone wrong with a particular system by testing various components or checking for common problems. Often performed by a mechanic on your car or by the IT staff on your network or computer.Troubleshooting
The type of force emanating from the Earth's north and south poles and responsible for the Aurora Borealis and the Aurora Australis.Electromagnetic
Che Guevera, Mahatma Gandhi, Leon Trotsky, William Wallace, Oliver Cromwell, Maximilien Robespierre, Thomas Jefferson, Simon Bolivar, George Washington, Napoleon Bonaparte, Michael Collins, Martin Luther, etc.Revolutionaries
Inflammation of the lining membrane of the stomach and the intestines which often results in cramps, nausea, etc.Gastroenteritis
A change in form or appearance, typically of an exalting or glorifying nature. In Christianity, this occurred to Jesus on a mountaintop in front of Peter, James and John.Transfiguration
Insertion of a tubular medical device into a part of the body to assist in medical treatment. Usually utilized in the bladder, arteries, and the heart.Catheterization
Overly broad conclusions drawn from limited information, e.g. "All wealthy individuals are happy," or "Every dog loves me."Generalizations
An adjective describing a situation which is capable of causing death. (Usually hyphenated)Lifethreatening
Past tense of the verb often used to describe the media taking a mundane/minor event and magnifying it out of proportion in order to obtain readers/ratings. e.g. The press ___________ the murder trial of OJ Simpson with their non-stop coverage and wild speculation.Sensationalized
An individual who takes part in an activity, usually a sport, on an amateur level.Nonprofessional
In a political environment, the concept of working together in a manner free of party affiliation or bias.Nonpartisanship
The reassignment of political representatives proportionally in accordance with changes in population distribution. Done in the U.S. every ten years after the decennial census.Reapportionment

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