Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - An Introduction



I tend to think interesting things sometimes. They usually don't make any sense, and I guess they are not anything special, but they are just interesting. I needed a place to put these strange things so they don't bother me all day. If they annoy you, just leave. If you are entertained, stick around. I will warn you, the following posts in this series will probably be very confusing you may find yourself trying to spend a long time trying to understand them. Just know that it is not my fault if you waste your energy. 

Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 38
Sep 30, 2021
I dont know what you will be doing, as long as its decent quality im cool with it
Level 60
Sep 30, 2021
If it is going to be random things with no meaning, make the thingymajiggers private.
Level 38
Sep 30, 2021
mm, yes.
Level 62
Oct 1, 2021
Great! Can't wait for the series, sounds very interesting :)