Interview of a JetPunker #22 - youtubeplayer


Hello dear JetPunkers!

Today, two quizmakers reached a very symbolic amount of takes: 2 million for the famous Polish creator youtubeplayer, and one million for your humble servant. So what could we do to celebrate it? Organizing an interview of the first one by the second one, of course!


Hi my dear YtpO! Since I have chosen you for my 22th interview and you should reach 2 million takes soon, do you think we could organize it for this occasion?


Oh my God! I can't believe it. But of course I have to accept it!


Haha! Perfect, so it's time for the questions.


I'm so excited!


I hope you will enjoy. So let’s start this interview! First, could you present yourself on JetPunk quickly for our readers who don’t know you (admitting that’s possible…)?


Thanks for inviting me for this interview! I loved reading the previous ones, so that's definitely a very special moment for me. I'm youtubeplayer (aka YtpO) and I come from Poland. I live in Łódź, the third biggest city in my country and I have to admit I love it! I started my adventure here over 2.5 years ago and I used to use JetPunk every day at the beginning. I really like geography, history and linguistics and I hope I'll be able to major in one of these passions in the future. I'd like to apologize for any grammatical mistakes or some typos (not ytpos), but as you might have supposed, English is not my first language.


Today, and that’s why your interview has been published on this day, you have reached an impressive amount of two million of takes. You are the 18th quizmaker in this situation. Are you proud of it? How do you feel about this great achievement?


This is one of the most important days in my life to be honest, so I am surely proud of it. When I started my adventure here in 2020, I didn't even think I would ever create a quiz. But then it happened and it was only getting better from that point. I really like giving myself some goals and one of them for this year (2022) was to hit 1 milion takes. But I had no idea that I'll ever have 2 milion takes and it's still November! I am of course very happy and I can't wait to get 3 milion someday, even though the takes are only some numbers that don't say much about who we are.


You are in my opinion completely right, and we should all keep in mind the famous Roxy's quote:

"When you make a quiz, don't think about the amount of takes it's gonna get

Remember that there will always be at least 1 person who will appreciate your quiz"

--RoxyTheQuizzer, 19/06/2019

But it's time to continue this interview. You are the very first Polish interviewee in this blog series, and you are actually the 4th quizmaker on the Polish section of the site. Are you proud of this community? What do you think and hope for it?


I'm proud of all Polish quizmakers and I'm glad I can actually represent them when there's a need. But we can't forget about our great language admin - Roxy (formerly known as Saturn and Jenny). When I first looked at the page, I saw so many quizzes made by her (I've got a short anecdote: I firstly thought that she's another account of Quizmaster). I hope that she will have a chance to be interviewed soon because she definitely deserves it.

Talking about my hopes, I really hope that our language will expand and we won't stop doing what we currently do. To all my Polish quizzers reading this blog: Polska gurom!


Your pseudonym maybe seems weird to some JetPunkers. Could you explain it?


Wow, that's actually a good question, because I don't know the answer either! I created my google account when I was 10 and it had my name and surname as a nickname. After about a year I decided to change it to "You tube player Official". That was the first thing that came to my mind and now I don't want to change it.

Oh, and YtpO stands for You tube player Official, but I think it's obvious.


On the English section, you are mostly known for your “Countries Symbolized …” quizzes, and especially for the beautiful Christmas one. How did you get inspiration to create these quizzes? Do you plan to create more of them?


Well, it's difficult to explain but I actually had a dream with an idea for the quiz that was really similar and I liked it very much. When I woke up, I created a plain quiz with a title I wanted to have in order not to forget it. And then I got nominated by baptistegorce (I don't know if you know him, really nice guy) to his blog about the best non-featured quizzes.

Hmm, when I created my last quiz (countries inside the solar system scene, don't hesitate to check it out 😉) I thought that's all but I have an idea for another one so we'll see!


You are also the first Polish blogger by the number of likes received and blogs published. The Polish blog section is probably the third more active, after the French and of course the English ones. Do you think it could positively evolve in a near future? Could you recommend us another Polish blogger?


I'd start by saying that Polish JetPunk section isn't active at all and nobody actually reads the blogs we (as Polish blogging community) write but I hope it will change soon. Since there aren't many users, it's difficult to find the high-quality one. I'd say that Levisek used to make nice blogs but he doesn't do it anymore.


At the end of 2021, you did a huge work in translating the famous SVG Guide, Polish being, with French and Italian, one of the only languages with a translation of this very useful document. How long does it take to translate everything? Did you get any help in this project? Almost one year after its publishment, do you think that it helped the Polish creators to publish better quizzes with SVG files?


After a year since I published it, I'm glad to say that it helped many Polish quizzers. Talking about the difficulties I had, the whole project took me about two weeks of spontaneous work (when I decided that I want to translate it, I just did it) so I wouldn't say it was that much. I'd probably finish it way sooner if I wasn't focused on my biggest quiz about Polish third level subdivisions. I wanted Roxy to help me but she didn't have enough time so I did it all myself.


What is your own quiz you are the proudest of?


It has to be either "all second level subdivisions of Poland" or "third level subdivisions of Poland" because they were really time-consuming since I made the svgs myself. I'd say that I love the second level one and I'm really happy that it is my most-taken quiz at the moment.


Do you have big projects of quizzes in preparation?


Yes, I have some ideas, but I won't tell anything right now, let it remain a mystery for today.


What is the most important event in your own life of JetPunker?


The most important, right? It is probably the most difficult question out of these... I'd say that every moment in my life of JetPunker was important because I wouldn't be the same person I am today. If I had to choose only one, that would probably be joining JetPunk discord server or getting my first feature (both events happened in the same month by the way - August 2020!).


If you had to resume your JetPunk adventure in one word, what would it be?


Oh yes, philosophy time! But to be honest, I'd say that the best summary of my JetPunk adventure is the word "adventure" itself. There are some ups and downs but I do what I really love and I hope this journey will continue and I will be able to keep doing what I like.


If you had to choose just three JetPunker for their quizzes, who will it be?


So now, the moment of truth... 

The first one is without a doubt Jiaozira. I like their quizzes so much because I love linguistics (as I mentioned earlier) and their quizzes are really creative. I'm happy that I had a chance to text them a few times to be honest... Another person is overtired. I know that's not very different from other people, but I think it just shows how good he is. He's innovative and brings some new unknown mechanics. And so is the third person, Stewart! I really like him as a person and as a JetPunker and in my opinion some of his quizzes are out of this world if I can say it like that.


And for their blogs?


Without a doubt, the first personal is a user called baptistegorce (I don't know if you know him though). I really like the style of your blogs (I hope that I'm not biased). The second person is Gassu for his blogs about New Zealand. If we tried to measure his passion while he was making these blogs, it would be too high to show it! The third user is probably Fuse, whose blog about JetPunk RUB section helped us to change the whole community. To be honest, I don't follow any bloggers on JetPunk since I'm not that active as I used to be. If there are any new bloggers that are worthy reading, I'd like to actually find out more about them and maybe I'll find something for me. 


I would personally recommend Jiao, or Insaniot that you already know. But that's of course completely subjective.

What are your passions in life, excepting JetPunk?


That one is really interesting in my opinion. I'll start from mentioning the first thing that comes to my mind - reading books!  Even though I'm not a fan of fantasy or science fiction literature, I'm interested in reading all things about the past and present. My room is literally filled with many books and even now I'm waiting for the new ones to be delivered (mostly the historical ones but I also bought 1984 which I wanted to read for so long).

The second thing I love doing is spending time with my amazing and wholesome girlfriend. Without her, my life would be way worse than it currently is. We met in a very tough moment of my life and she helped me to get over all the difficulties I had, so I'm very thankful to her for everything she has done. Even though she's completely not into geography, she still motivates me to continue my JetPunk adventure and that's why I love her so much (there are also some other reasons, but let's not talk about them today :P). I like geography too (wow, totally unexpected) and linguistics so as you might suppose, I spend some of my time to develop these passions. Oh, and I'm a huge fan of Manchester United and I watch every game they play.


“JetPunk actuality question”: The notification system recently got updated. What do you think about this new feature?


I really like this new function, but I think it's gonna take some time until I'll get used to it. Currently it seems kind of strange but I love the idea itself. The only disadvantage is that I'm getting so many new notifications about recent quizzes from the users I'm subscribed to, but at least I can take some quizzes right after they're published.


You are on the JetPunk Discord server, and we can say you are a bit active on it. What do you think about this server?


Did you say active? I'm not active there at all!

But to be honest, I think that JetPunk discord community is the best one I've ever seen. I was looking for people like the ones there for a long time and I feel at ease talking to them. And of course I have an opportunity to have meet new people I wouldn't be able to talk to without discord (you're great example, but thanks to discord I got to know Jakub or Roxy who I try to keep in touch with).

My advice: if you're over 13 (important point) and want to meet some people that are similar to you and have basically the same favourite things, join the discord community even today.


You are also the founder of the Polish JetPunk Discord server. Could you quickly present it? How did you get the idea of creating it?


In fact, the true creator of Polish JetPunk server is Levisek but I was first to suggest doing it. I remember that I messaged you 2 years ago talking about this idea and I asked about some advice in managing JetPunk discord server (since you were experienced as you are the co-owner of French community server). Talking about Polish community, the server is kind of dead right now but there are some times when it is full of life again. I've met some cool and nice people there and we used to organize some events related to geography and other topics in the past.

I've got a message to all Poles reading this blog: if you want to join the server, feel free to message me on discord and I'll give you the link with an invitation.


What do you hope for JetPunk development in the next months?


It's always difficult to speculate about the future let's try... I hope that Stewart will do his best (as always) and we'll see some new, innovative and unpredictable functions related to quiz editor which will lead to the growth in number of creative quizzes. I don't have any special recommendations but I really hope we'll see something like that. I also have a hope that the youngest and least mature part of the community will change and we'll see some valuable quizzes from their sides (I'll probably be hated because of what I'm talking about but whatever).


Do you have a message to pass to the whole JetPunk community (or at least to the few users reading these blogs…)?


The final message for all JetPunk users is: don't pay attention to the haters if you think you do well. I had some unpleasant experience at the beginning of my adventure here but I didn't give up and thanks to that, I can still do what I love to do.

To sum up, I'd like to thank you Baptiste for all the time you put in formating and writing this blog and  of course for inviting me. I had truly great time answering the questions and I hope that all of the readers will also enjoy it!

I'd like to thank all of my JetPunk friends and my lovely girlfriend for supporting me mentally throughout the whole JetPunk adventure.

If you have any further questions to me, don't hesitate to write them in the comment section or on discord in my dms and I'll try to answer them all as soon as possible... Thanks again and have a nice day!


It was my last question. It was a pleasure for me, YtpO!


I hope the blog won't be too short lmao.


It was perfect. Thank you very much for your implication!

And that's fianlly the end of this interview. What a great occasion to publish one!

If you are interested in knowing more about our common celebration, YtpO and me, you have to know that we also made the choice to publish two complementary quizzes about Poland and France, our respective countries. You can check them thanks to the links below:

French People with Polish Connections

Polish People with French Connections

One more detail: the 23th was actually chosen to be the 22nd one, before I decided to finally interview youtubeplayer for his 2 million takes, so the 23rd interview shouldn't take that long to be published.

Thanks for reading!

Level 37
Nov 27, 2022
Thanks again for inviting me, Baptiste! It was true pleasure to answer all these questions!
Level 54
Nov 27, 2022
It's me who have to thank you. You were a very implicated interviewee, fitting perfectly in the difficult delay of this specific interview (sorry for that, by the way). It was a pleasure!
Level 66
Nov 27, 2022
Finally, the RUB is waking up!
Level 69
Nov 27, 2022
Indeed.. not really sure if the school year is helping or hurting that.
Level 54
Nov 27, 2022
It seems that, to stay on the sleeping lexical field, as we say in French, "la nuit porte conseil".
Level 65
Nov 27, 2022
wow i found the one phrase i know in french being used in the wild lol
Level 43
Nov 27, 2022
That’s why I still believe that we have to make a User Quotes Page!

I can remember exactly of the day YtpO was celebrating his 50k takes or were them 500k?. His growth it’s impressive by the how quick he got 2mi, but not impressive considering the high-quality quizzes he makes for us :)

Finally the dictator is back with an interview now let’s wait for the next year!

oh well, how in the hell do you write lódz??? i hate polishhhhh aaaaa

Level 54
Nov 27, 2022
Youtubeplayer have been really impressive in the few past months, that's undeniable. And the Polish boost confirmed this very positive trend.

Next year? Who said you would have to wait that long...? 🙃

Level 43
Nov 27, 2022
The trend, proportionally speaking :>
Level 65
Dec 7, 2022
lol MG you were slightly burned there...
Level 54
Dec 8, 2022
Completely, you can say.
Level 65
Nov 27, 2022
Yay for interviews! Yay for linguistics! Yay for more JetPunk languages!

Congratulations youtubeplayer!

Level 54
Nov 27, 2022
Yay for nice comments!
Level 37
Nov 27, 2022
Yay for congratulations!
Level 43
Nov 27, 2022
Yay for yay!
Level 60
Nov 27, 2022
Yay for for!
Level 66
Nov 27, 2022
Level 65
Nov 27, 2022
Level 43
Nov 27, 2022
Level 65
Nov 27, 2022
Congrats to you too baptiste! Sorry, I didn’t realize at first.
Level 67
Nov 27, 2022
Very well done again, of course, Poirot! Congrats on 1M takes! And congrats to YtpO for 2M!
Level 37
Nov 27, 2022
Thanks so much!
Level 54
Nov 27, 2022
Same for me: thank you very much!
Level 67
Nov 28, 2022
No worries at all guys, both very well deserved ;)
Level 58
Nov 27, 2022
Once again, amazing blog baptistegorce!
Level 58
Nov 27, 2022
Also congrats on one million takes:)
Level 54
Nov 28, 2022
Thank you very muc for both the compliments and your inconditionnal support!
Level 78
Nov 28, 2022
An excellent interview, as always! It's been too long since the last one.
Level 54
Nov 28, 2022
Haha! Thank you very much, my dear toowise. Maybe too long, but still less than for the 21st. ;-)
Level 54
Nov 28, 2022
Good to know more about ytpo
Level 54
Nov 28, 2022
Glad you liked it!
Level 71
Nov 28, 2022
Congrats to both youtubeplayer and you!
Level 54
Nov 29, 2022
Thank you a lot, my dear Watson! That's always a pleasure to read your comments.
Level 65
Nov 28, 2022
a rare treat when an Interview comes out!

great work baptiste and congrats to youtubeplayer for getting interviewed!

Level 54
Nov 29, 2022
And for having survived to my deadly questions, of course. ;-)

Thank you very much for the comment!