All about...#1 - JETPUNK COMMENTS


All about JETPUNK Comments - Part 1

A blog by MrBlogger

Im so excited to talk about a subject that really fascinates me in Jetpunk- COMMENTS. LIKE: Did you know that the most liked comment has over 330 likes? Or that if you delete a comment, all the replies will get deleted, including some with dozens of replies ON replies?

This blog will be divided into 4 parts.

  1. rg1227ś blog
  2. My experience with comments
  3. Comment tips
  4. A question for you guys!

So without further adieu, lets begin!!!

Part 1:

The blog by rg1227 was one of the best i've seen and it is quite interesting and you should definitely check it out! As of 1/12/22, it looks like Tinklepork has the most likes of any comment at 330 likes! Back to the blog though, it is very interesting and it wonders me to start using that tracker thing he/she does! The blog by rg1227

Part 2:

Now let me talk about my self for a little bit. My liked comment only has 6 likes and it was on the ¨News¨ Blog - by sirphilippines . I do not have good comments, but I sure know some tips that will be explained in number 3. Let me know how I can improve ( like it if you want )!

Part 3:

Most of the liked comments on Jetpunk have either been jokes or corrections by the quizmaster or stewart. Here are some tips on how to succeeded in comments:

---Try to come up with a joke that has to do with the quiz

---If your goal is to get likes, try to be witty and smart! :)

---People sometimes have questions or need help with a question, if you help them, people will care and will ❤️heart❤️ your comment

Part 4:

Your turn guys! How are your comments going? WHAT WAS YOUR MOST LIKED COMMENT? DID IT TAKE SOME THOUGH TO REACH THAT MANY LIKES? How was this blog? Please let me know in the comments, and if the pinned comment gets 5 likes, I will continue making awesome blogs! I explained my goal on This blog.



btw, do you guys want rickrolling next or Iberian Union?
btw, i am definetly NOT doing a blog every day
Level 38
Feb 12, 2021
The Pinned comment, get it lots of likes!
Level 68
Feb 12, 2021
Hey MrBlogger! Thanks for the mention and I'm glad you found that blog interesting. I used a script from a friend of mine to collect comments from featured quizzes to get the information, but the process is slow and takes time to set up which is why I keep the blog post outdated. I haven't touched upon it in a while however, so comments that have been made recently aren't included yet.
Level 38
Feb 12, 2021
so glad u responded!
Level 15
Feb 2, 2024
hi, how do I comment? I only know how to reply
Level 59
Feb 12, 2021
You've become a lot better at blogging! Thanks for taking my advice :) (on your other account). Keep up the good work!
Level 52
Feb 12, 2021
My most-liked comment is hard for me to know. But I'll estimate it has 1-329 likes.
Level 55
Feb 12, 2021
I think its ur "Darn Cape Verde Comment" which has 30, mine has 19
Level 51
Feb 12, 2021
What's mine lol.
Level 75
Oct 13, 2023
Now over 100
Level 59
Feb 12, 2021
mine has 70 likes :P
Level 38
Feb 12, 2021
on what?
Level 51
Feb 12, 2021
Country Shapes Slideshow
Level 60
Feb 13, 2021
Level 75
Oct 13, 2023
Now has over 100 also
Level 51
Feb 12, 2021
Why is all of part 4 in bold characters? Nice blog! I knew most of this stuff but, it can be super helpful and informative to new JetPunkers!
Level 43
Feb 12, 2021
#BrandybucksForever! LOL! But anyway, I don't remember exactly, but I think I have a comment with 6 likes. To make a good comrntario, you also need to comment wisely and be objective. You can write something long with wisdom, but don't distort the subject too much. Write correctly, and your comments can be well liked. Alem said, comment first. People will see and like it. LOL! And beautiful blog! I liked the formatting!
Level 52
Feb 12, 2021
Mine has 54 likes and is the 2nd comment on all first level subdivisions.
Level 60
Feb 13, 2021
Iberian Union next pls.
Level 51
May 18, 2021
"btw, i am definetly NOT doing a blog every day". That's what you're doing right now :)
Level 38
May 18, 2021
Level 75
Oct 13, 2023
I'm at 31 likes on the Click the Planet quiz, because I took it as soon as it was featured and left the first comment to mention KFC.