All about...#2 - The Iberian Union


The Iberian Union

A blog by MrBlogger

Lets Learn about a short-lasting country in the 1600s, shall we?

What was the Iberian Union?

The Iberian Union was the Jointing of the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal that lasted 60 years from 1580-1640. The two crowns united! This also included all the lands they had in overseas territories like Brazil, Peru, etc.

Flag of the Iberian Union

How did it form?

The Monarchs of Portugal and Spain have wanted to unify the peninsula inspired by the Visigothic kingdom that started after the Romans' collapse.

Important Acheivments:

The Iberian Union kept on expanding in the Americas and their explorers got as far as the Philippines! Now look, before this union, there was a man named Vasco da Gama who found spice routes to India. Therefore, they were used a TON in the Iberian Union and it became rich! However, the union fell apart because Portugal was falling behind in its monopoly on spice & trade. By now you can tell that Spain benefited from the union more.

How did it fall?

During the Iberian Union, Many other European Countries where taking Portugal's colonies. Because of this, Joao Vl rebelled against Philip IV of Spain and the war was called "The Portuguese Restoration".


  • The Portugese became less powerful after the Iberian Union, and Spain became richer.
  • Portugal first set up strongholds in India then in Brazil.
  • The religion of the empire was Roman Catholic
Thanks so much, tell me if there were any mistakes! Again, come back to this page for updates/or questions (and new riddles and questions!!!). The Trailer of Mr.Blogger



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Rickrolling is coming up next!
Level 43
Feb 18, 2021
Good blog, but what about put more info?
Level 43
Feb 18, 2021
And what a profound question of life...
Level 38
Feb 18, 2021
Level 60
Feb 18, 2021
Add this:

During the Iberian Union, Many other European Countries where taking Portugal's colonies. Because of this, Joao Vl rebelled against Philip IV of Spain and the war was called "The Portuguese Restoration".

Level 38
Feb 18, 2021
thanks, in what section?
Level 60
Feb 18, 2021
Level 52
Feb 18, 2021
The answers to today's life question can be found here:

Level 42
Feb 18, 2021
Nice blog
Level 54
Feb 18, 2021
Great Blog!
Level 56
Feb 19, 2021
For the life question, my best guess is making a cubical box is far more easy than a cylindrical box, as cutting curves would be harder and probably more costly. Several pizzas are served in octagonal boxes as well, which is probably better as it uses less area compared to a square cardboard, and had no curves.
Level 66
Feb 19, 2021
I also think it is to prevent sogginess
Level 51
Feb 19, 2021
How WILL you take a Pizza out of a circular box? It'll get stuck.
Level 43
Feb 20, 2021
Maybe with circular boxes will be difficult to get the pizza