All about...#27 - Ecuador



Brought to you by MrBlogger

What is Ecuador?

 A Llama near the Chimborazo volcano 

In simple words, Ecuador is a Spanish-speaking, mountainous, but warm country located in western South America. It has an amazing landscape and atmosphere that attracts many people to it and is also buzzing with culture. In case you were wondering, the country gets its name from the equator, which passes through it. But let's divide these facts into categories:

- Political/Economic

- Physical

- Demography

- Fun facts


reference map

Today, Ecuador is a growing country. It is 50% urban, meaning the cities and towns are growing and helping the economy. The largest cities in Ecuador are Guayaquil, Quito (the capital), Cuenca, and Santo Domingo. 80 years ago, the country was only 30% urban.  As you may have known, the capital is Quito, but the Largest city with a population of 2 million is actually Guayaquil - there have been plans to move the capital there, but it's not been made yet. Ecuador has 24 zones/provinces.


The countries GDP is 62nd highest in the world, at about 100 billion. The country has an abundance of forests, lakes, and seas, which makes sense, because they are big in fishing and lumber (they care about their forests though). They also have many mining sites which is where they get gold, aluminum, etc.


Crab on the Galapgos Islands

As mentioned in the introduction, Ecuador is a very mountainous country, but it also has some geographical regions: The Coast, the Andes, the Amazon, and the Galapagos Islands, which are home to a variety of unique animals like the Giant tortoise. The highest mountain of Ecuador, located in the Andes is the Chimborazo mountain.

Make sure if you visit, mind that Ecuador is one of the countries with the most volcanoes per sq mile. It has over 27 active volcanoes!!!


Teacher in Ecuador

Let's talk about ethnic groups first - the majority of the country - at 72% is Mestizo. Afro-Ecuadorians make up 7%, and other groups include the indigenous people and the Caucasians.

Since Spain colonized it, the main language of Ecuador is, of course, Spain. But of course, they also speak English.

The country is a strong catholic nation - introduced by the Spanish in the 1500s. There are many churches in the country today. 80% is catholic, and 11% is protestant.



Like every country in South America, Ecuador was inhabited by Native peoples before the arrival of the Europeans. There were some tribes that were there before the Incas, like the: Quitis and the Canari. They were advanced in architecture, building, and pottery.


But then the powerful Incas came. Although they developed in the 1300s, most of Ecuador wasn't controlled by the Incas till the 1400s. When, however, they did come, they brought with them a culture that will never be forgotten and is used up to this day - llamas, bridges, monuments, cuisine, warriors, etc.

Spanish, Independence, and Gran Colombia

Everything was looking good till the Spanish conquistadors, led by Pizarro came and conquered the Incas. For about a period of 300 years, the Spanish occupied the area, trying to get whatever resources they could from the area. However, they did do some good things like building cities and helping the economy. But Simon Bolivar had enough of that, and he helped gain countries their independence through wars, including Ecuador. They joined Gran Colombia for a short time till independence in 1830.


Ecuador has been looking to move forward, with its president, Guillermo Lasso, who is a successful banker and businessman.

Conquistador armor

Fun facts😊

-  Ecuador is one of only two countries in South America that does not border Brazil.

- The summit of Mount Chimborazo, Ecuador’s highest mountain, is the point on Earth closest to the sun, due to it being on the equator

- Ecuador is one of 17 megadiverse countries in the world

- Ecuador was created during the time in the 1830s when Gran Colombia collapsed.

Thanks so much for reading this blog! I am so close to reaching 40 blogs - but I will take my time and make good quality blogs as you guys said. Oh...and I will probably not be making blogs for the entire summer - ill post a separate blog about it. Anyway -



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Jun 7, 2021
Great Facts! This series has been made up of very interesting blogs so I would love for it to continue :)
Level 38
Jun 7, 2021
sadly, read the last paragraph of the blog
Level 71
Jun 7, 2021
Nice job!
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Nice Blog!
Level 34
Jun 7, 2021
I like saying the word Ecuador over and over again