All about...#39 - Mars



Brought to you by MrBLOGGER


Mars is a medium-sized planet located the fourth away from the sun in our solar system. Named after the Roman god of war, it has been nicknamed the "Red Planet" due to its distinct red color. Humans have been considering settling on Mars for hundreds of years, and that might soon become reality. In the meantime, this blog will tell you all that is needed to know about the planet of Mars.

The rocky ground of Mars


Position from Sun: fourth

Color: Mostly red and brown

Diameter: 4,220 miles

Mass: 6.4169 x 1023 kg

Moons: 2

Gases: Carbon dioxide, Argon, Oxygen, Nitrogen

Composition: Crust/Surface: iron ballistic rock, Mantle: silicate rock. Core: Iron, Nickle or Sulfur

Length of year: 687 earth days

Length of day: 24 hours, 37 minutes

Average distance from Sun: 142 million miles



Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun. Its climate is not the most habitable, as it is located 38 million miles from Earth. On the other side, it is 342 million miles from Jupiter and over 300 million miles from the Sun! In between, there lies the famous asteroid belt. It actually isn't that crowded there...


Mars has two moons, which are a little smaller than Earth's. They are called Phobos (the biggest one) and Deimos, which orbit next to the planet. They are named after Greek mythology. Interestingly, both were discovered at the same time in 1877 by Asaph Hall, who coined the names.


The orbit period of Mars is roughly 687 earth days. The title of the planet is 25.19 degrees.  Mars's cycle of eccentricity is 96,000 Earth years compared to Earth's cycle of 100,000 yearsThe closest distance between Earth and Mars will likely not happen for the next 25,000 years.

In culture

The name Mars even comes from the Roman god of war. And then comes the Martians. A Mars fever started after  Tesla claimed that Martians were picking up signals from Mars. Also, some people at the Lowell observatory in Arizona said they received some light signal.  This just told the world that many were exaggerating for suspense. Carl Sagan said, quote - "Mars has become a kind of mythic arena onto which we have projected our Earthly hopes and fears."

But as the world moved on, more and more people proved that wrong. Today, Mars is taught as one of the 8 planets in our Solar System. People remember it as the red planet.

There are many great books about Mars, the most famous one being National Geographic's - Mars: Our Future on the Red Planet. Written by Leonard David, it explains clearly and exceedingly the future of us and the red planet. Other books are also interesting, like the Postcards from Mars, and Mission to Mars - by Buzz Aldrin.

Carl Sagan

Physical Characteristics

Mars is about half the size of Earth, being a very dry planet with having lots of Iron oxide (rust) which causes the planet to be red. On the inside, Mars has a dense metallic core, containing mostly iron and nickel, with a little bit of sulfur. Similar to the Earth, Mars has a denser core which is around less dense material. The core of Mars is surrounded by a Mantle, which is surrounded by a crust, which causes the seismic activity on Mars.

Surface-wise, the crust/surface of Mars is mostly composed of tholeiitic basalt. This is due to the different periods of asteroid and object bombardment on Mars. Now it gets interesting. Mars actually has soil! Martian soil has a basic pH of 7.7, which is toxic to humans though.

For a long time, humans have been trying to figure out if Mars has water. Very little water has been discovered until recent expeditions. Some suggest that there have actually been fossils of water animals near the poles of Mars, which explains why scientists have found ice on Mars.

Olympus Mons
Geographic map of Mars


Ever since human beings have discovered Mars, there have been thoughts of the Human civilization exploring and colonizing Mars. Let me tell you more.


The exploration of Mars started in 1994 by NASA when it started the Mars exploration program. In 1997, the first orbiter was launched. In 2001, the Odyssey orbiter was launched too. In 2020, Perseverance was launched, with the goal of collecting dust and learning more about what we need to know to settle the planet.


The most famous man with associated with the idea of settling and colonizing Mars would be Elon Musk. He wishes to send the first to Mars sometime in the next ten years. Musk said in January of last year that he plans to send a million people to Mars by 2050. He, with his famous company SpaceX, hopes to reach that goal. However, he has claimed that it will be a tough and hard task. On the other hand, another company named NASA is planning to train & send astronauts to Mars in the next 15 years. It will be a great feat for humans if they can send lots of volunteers to colonize a whole another planet.

Fun facts

  • The name of the month of March also derives from Mars.
  • Mars is more then 142 million miles away from the sun.
  • Mars has many dust storms.
  • Mars actually has the same four seasons as that of Earth. However, their seasons each Red last twice as long as that on Earth.
  • Sunsets on Mars are blue.
  • Mars is less than half the diameter of Earth.
  • The axis of Mars is tilt 25 degrees, about 1.5 more then Earth.
  • Scientists have attempted to grow plants on the Martian soil.
  • Mars' diameter is 4,220 miles. This is not much considering it is half the size of earth.
  • Mars (sadly) doesn't have an emoji.

Ending note

Thanks so much for reading this blog! Don't forget to like this blog and subscribe to me to show support if you like this blog/the entire series. It means a lot to me.

Note: I will decide who to collab with for the Sri Lanka blog soon. If you want it to be you, type in the comments below. I already have some candidates, and will be deciding that sometime in the first week of September.

Enjoy, stay safe, and stay smart!

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Level 65
Sep 9, 2021
Nice blog, I would like to collab on Sri Lanka :)
Level 38
Sep 10, 2021
Im going with TheNatureThread!
Level 65
Sep 10, 2021
Yay, thanks :D
Level 65
Sep 10, 2021
I got the invite, can we also make a group to discuss?
Level 38
Sep 10, 2021
No, we can discuss on the page itself
Level 59
Sep 9, 2021
I think I could help with the Sri Lanka blog possibly if you need me. I just came back from my "JetPunk break" and would like to get used to blogging after over 2 months of not posting
Level 62
Sep 10, 2021