Basics of a city #1 - Chicago


Basics of a city - Chicago

Brought to you by MrBLOGGER 

That gut feeling just made me make another blog - forget the epilogue! I don't even know what Im doing with my blogging on Jetpunk. I just love it. LOL. Enjoy! I guess this is a new series.

Flag of Chicago

Summarize Paragraph

Chicago is a bustling and modern city on the banks of Lake Michigan. The city is very lively and has played a crucial role in the economy of the United States. A lot is done in this state, whether it is making, building, visiting, or just enjoying the landmarks Chicago has given us, like one of the tallest buildings, the Willis Tower or the iconic The Bean. Whatever it may be, Chicago will have to thank the French who helped found this prosperous city with a metro area of over 9 million - and growing.


Population: 2.6m proper, 9.5m metro

Area: 234.21 sq mi

Country: United States

State: Illinois

County: United States

Time zone: UTC Central

Climate: hot-summer humid continental

Highest elevation: Blue Island

Lowest Elevation: Lake Michigan

Founded: 1780

Government type: Mayor-Council

Mayor: Lori Lightfoot

Language: English, with other minorities

Demonym: Chicagoans


Nicknames: Windy City, City of the Big

Fun facts

1. Chicago actually isn't the windiest city in America, even New York City has more wind annually.

2. Nuclear power started in Chicago

3. Gotham City is modeled after Chicago

4. The famous route 66 begins in Chicago.

5. The famous Walt Disney, founder of Disney was born here.


Navy Pier
The Bean

I hope you had fun with my new series!


Here are some handy links:

My blog page: MrBLOGGER'S blog

All about series: All about blogs!!!!

News Page: MrBLOGGER NEWS - Official Page

Level 43
Jun 29, 2021
So... you will still blogging?
Level 38
Jun 29, 2021
*sigh*, idk.
Level 14
Jun 29, 2021
He still will. He doesnt know
Level 14
Jun 29, 2021
Hello, I am MrBloggers assistant!
Level 62
Jun 29, 2021
I thought you said you were taking a break from blogging.

Did you also get permission from JackQuizzer to make this blog?

Level 14
Jun 29, 2021
He didnt have too. JackQuizzer's series was basics of a state. MrBlogger has the right.
Level 54
Jun 29, 2021
I dislike the "Goodbye, I leave for a long time." and then "Hey, I'm here." two days after. It sounds like a bad movie. I don't criticize the quality of the blog at all, just the process used to get the attention of JetPunkers.
Level 38
Jun 29, 2021
It was an honest mistake
Level 40
Jun 29, 2021
he changed title of his 'goodbye'' blog to ''could be gone????'' and made an blog saying hes back

it was a lil weird but ok

Level 42
Jun 29, 2021
After Moscow will you do Dubrovnik. It has amazing city walls, pebbly beaches, old towns and home to the Game Of Thrones tour.
Level 39
Jun 29, 2021
Great blog MrBlogger! (Please do Yaren after Moscow I am serious)
Level 39
Jun 29, 2021
Also United States is not a county lol
Level 40
Jun 29, 2021
Please do Buri Ram, Thailand!!
Level 59
Jun 30, 2021
Chicago without any mention of the L is a disgrace to the City