
Hello! This is a new series I´ll be doing with the current news of Jetpunk. I thought Ill entertain you with this!

What has been going on?

Ever since the blog section on Jetpunk has been updated by Stewart, explained on this blog: The Blog Update, Jetpunk has seen a massive increase in the quality, quanity, and energy in the blog section that It has never seen before. For crying out loud, according to ethaboo444´s blog (The Blog Games Season 1: Week 1), 13 new bloggers have joined Jetpunk in the past week. Hmm...lets take a look at why.

Why has the blog section exploded?

Ha! Glad you asked heading!

This is due to one a number of factors. 

1 .  More levels gained To make a blog, you have to be level 30, which lots of players have been reaching recently.

2.  Easier to Make Obviously, with the new format, it has been much easier to make blogs with good quality.

3.  Role Models People get inspired by other high-quality bloggers. 

How do we know the blog section has exploded?

Just look at this! This is the graph of the number of blogs that came out in the past couple of years, made by stewart.


Thanks so much for your support, and you guys subscribing will make me get higher quality blogs and provide news/information for you guys!



Level 42
Apr 14, 2021
It is like a blog train instead of a bullet train. Lol
Level 38
Apr 14, 2021
Level 60
Apr 14, 2021
Level 60
Apr 14, 2021
Yeah, the blog section explodes these days compared to a few months ago.
Level 74
Apr 14, 2021
I'd be curious to see the graph dating further back (like since the beginning of the year or even earlier)!
Level 38
Apr 14, 2021
Great idea, havent done it yet
Level 68
Apr 15, 2021
Here is since Blogs existed. Done monthly rather than weekly - quite the surge in the past 12 months!

(If you want to use this in your blog, feel free to!)

Level 38
Apr 15, 2021
stewart...your the best...can I use that graph in my blog?
Level 68
Apr 16, 2021
Yes MrBlogger you may use this if you'd like to!
Level 68
Apr 14, 2021
Nice! It's cool to see so many new people come here.
Level 51
Apr 14, 2021
Cool formatting...and the graph!U!
Level 59
May 6, 2021
This graph doesn't look real. There's no way there were 50 blogs per week when the update was introduced.
Level 38
May 6, 2021
it is!
Level 59
May 12, 2021
No it isn't. It doesn't line up with Stewart's graph
Level 66
May 14, 2021
You don't look. MrBlogger's chart is weeks, Stewart's blog is months.