Quiz Series

Halò lovely JetPunks,

I have been a member of JetPunk for more than eight years (where does the time go?), though I have only become involved in quizmaking on a more serious level over the last couple of years. Full disclosure: it is a dream of mine to have a featured quiz some day. Below is a list of the various quiz series I have made as of the end of June 2020. Maybe some will be of interest to you, dear reader.

Level 59
Jun 26, 2020
you must get a feature one day! we'll support you
Level 95
Jun 27, 2020
When I made this blog post last night, I didn't expect many people to read it, but look at this barrage of wonderful and encouraging comments! Thank you for your kind words and your support!
Level 59
Jun 27, 2020
Yep! Many people check the Recent User Blogs page at least once a day (I usually check once an hour!) which is how many people found this blog.
Level 70
Jun 26, 2020
Huge fan of your map quizzes on Scotland and the UK as a whole. I'll keep on playing them as they come out.
Level 95
Jun 27, 2020
As I wrote above, when I made this blog post last night, I didn't expect many people to read it, but look at this barrage of wonderful and encouraging comments! Thank you for your kind words and your support! I will keep at it with the map quizzes – let me know if you can think of any that you'd like me to make!
Level 74
Jun 27, 2020
You're one of my favorite quizmakers, and I hope that you get some features soon (possibly through nominations, since your maps are incredible). You certainly deserve it. :)
Level 95
Jun 27, 2020
As I wrote above, when I made this blog post last night, I didn't expect many people to read it, but look at this barrage of wonderful and encouraging comments! Thank you for your kind words and your support! I am truly humbled to be counted among anyone's favourite quizmakers!
Level 78
Jun 27, 2020
Well done on 8 years, hopefully a feature soon, fingers crossed!

Also this blog post is an excellent way to showcase your quizzes, I may steal the idea if that is OK ?

Level 95
Jun 27, 2020
Thanks for your kind comment. As far as the blog idea goes, you are most welcome to 'steal' it!
Level 75
Jun 28, 2020
I'm sure you will indeed get a feature.... someday.... at least you deserve it
Level 95
Jun 28, 2020
You are always too kind to me. Thank you!
Level 84
Aug 17, 2020
I just read this blog after taking your excellent Crayola crayon quiz. I'm so glad to see you achieved your goal of getting a feature! It was very well deserved. Cheers.