2 Years Of JetPunking: My Jetpunk Story


This blog is very special to me. It won't be like the ones I've been uploading. I can't believe by just searching up "Countries Quiz", I would be taken on such a wild adventure with Jetpunk. But I'm very happy to say that it's been exactly 2 years since I first found Jetpunk.

At first, I thought I wouldn't take it seriously. To be honest, the site didn't seem like I'd enjoy it. After my first time taking the "Countries of the World Quiz", I took a huge break from Jetpunk (like 2 months).

After those 2 months, I somehow miraculously realized, "Oh my god! I haven't seen this site in so long!" All of this was in late December of 2019.

I was hesitant at first, but I thought to myself maybe there could be the slightest chance of making quizzes and eventually blogs; and then that moment was when I made my account.

For a while, I only took quizzes. I had very low self-esteem in myself.

But then, in the summer of 2020, I made my first quiz. I knew it took forever, but I was proud of myself.

Right now you may be wondering, why am I telling you all of this?

If that is something you are wondering, the reason is because I owe many people here a very big thank you. I would have been worth practically nothing on Jetpunk if it wasn't for the people who showed their support through comments, discord messages, and even people who know me in real life.

I know sometimes it feels like I'm a huge try hard and just want attention. I won't blame you, I really can't. It's okay to hate a person.

Anyways, thanks to everyone. Even though I'm just 13 years old, I finally feel confident. And it's just an amazing feeling to have.

Now comes the discord server. Yes, I was banned. Twice. But, I owe practically all of you guys an even bigger thank you. If any of you are reading this, I just want to say, thanks for accepting me into the Jetpunk Discord Community for the time I had there.

Fast forwarding to right now, it's just been such a wild adventure...but every moment of the adventure was worth it.

Thanks for reading everybody! :)

Level 43
Oct 29, 2021
Congrats on 2 years! Coincidentally, I marked two years since the first quiz I created in October 17th (or 27th...) :)
Level 65
Oct 29, 2021
Congrats! Thank you for all of your blogs :)
Level 65
Oct 29, 2021
Level 65
Oct 29, 2021

Stewart — 2021/08/21

Unfortunately, we have had to issue another ban this morning. This was Ayaan / Beckette. It came to light last night that Ayaan joined the server intentionally with an alt in the past, and didn't disclose this information until now. The rules are clear, and after deliberation of this behaviour and his prior offences, it has been decided that he is banned from the server for now.

He will have a chance to return in the future when we do an unban poll, so this is not a permanent resolution, but for now he will not be returning.

Level 65
Oct 29, 2021
you scared me, i thought someone got banned again
Level 65
Oct 29, 2021
Level 54
Oct 30, 2021
he was banned in discord server
Level 55
Oct 30, 2021
Thanks for the comments everyone!

And Angbo...I knew about that message the day after I was banned. Thanks anyways.

Level 75
Oct 31, 2021
Congratulations on 2 years of Jetpunk! Here's to many more years of quizzing :)
Level 54
Oct 31, 2021
Level 62
Oct 31, 2021
Congrats! :)
Level 59
Nov 1, 2021
congrats! thats the same way i found jetpunk too
Level 55
Dec 5, 2021
Sorry about late replies but thanks!