9 Things Only Found In America!


1. Supersize Everything

Including the country itself, everything in America is literally huge! Anyone who has been to American restaurants would know that the serving sizes are a lot bigger. Not only that, but the meals you order have an option of X-Large (X stands for extra) fries or X-Large Cokes. You want a burger? This is probably what it would like in a standard American restuarant:

 Yeah, I know!  If you think how do people finish that, don't worry, you're not alone.

It's not just food though. Oh, no, no, no. We have supersize jeans, supersize cups, supersize malls, supersize cars, supersize houses! Just take a look at a normal lifestyle:

 A Typical Grocery Store Aisle
Typical American Mall (This Is Just One Part)

2. Spray Cheese

Ok, I now this sounds weird and confusing. But basically the backstory is, that in literally every country of the world, you'll find normal cheese. But Americans thought that it's just such a hassle to literally melt cheese or put it in the right proportions on food. However, that's why spray cheese was invented, and it's exactly what it sounds like! So you have a spray can, with melted cheese already inside of it. This way, you can put exactly the amount of cheese you want, because why doesn't like cheese?

3. Free Refills 

Say you're vacationing in the USA. and you've ordered lemonade at an American restaurant, and you drink it all. You put it aside, and then focus on your meal. The waiter comes, takes it away, You think they'd just put in the sink, but they give you a refill instead. Your mind is going wild. You might say, "I thought I finished" or "I didn't order another lemonade".

Don't worry, There's a thing in America called free refills. Even if the waiter brings you a 2nd beverage, you'll only have to pay for one 🤟. I myself have been to more than 10 countries, and haven't seen this anywhere else. Not that I'm trying to brag.

Lemonade In THe US
  Besides, what good would one do if you can have as many as you want?

4. Peanut Butter

If you're American, I was and still am just as surprised as you. After reading numerous articles or studies saying that you can't find peanut butter abroad, it's literally consumed by the millions-wait no-by the BILLIONS in the US. They are a literal staple for school lunches.

And if you're dairy-free or even a vegan, then this is for you. You wanna know why??? Because there's no butter!!!!!! Don't ask me the people who named peanut butter that, I guess because it can spread just as easily. Peanut butter is basically made of peanuts, salt, sugar, and dairy-free oils. It's so good, you don't know what you're missing out on.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then this is peanut butter:

Peanut Butter

5. Gun Shows

I also get this. People are also obsessed with their guns here. But stop🤚. Just because people love guns does not mean they're the main cause of gun shootings. These are two very different things. People who cause these shootings are just ill in the head (not that I'm saying people will be so quick to judge, but just had to say that). But going back to the "shootings" part,  I get that there is violence in America. You look on the news, you see shooting this and shooting that, But (and I now this is obvious) guns can also be used for so many other things. Those are firearm safety, portection, and etc. The point of saying all this was to prevent people from being judgemental. A huge thank you if you aren't. Anyways, now that's aside, gun shows are basically where promoters buy large venues, and basically sell guns.

Same Colored Currencies

Ok, so if you're from America, it would probably be really common to use your cash. But did you now America is the only country that has the same-colored bills? And for all the outsiders, if you're wondering which color it is, it is green. I guess America wanted to be its own stubborn self, and wanted to do it different.

7. Gila Monsters

Ok, every country has unique animals. America does too. But in my opinion, gila monsters are the most unique. Ok, this isn't your everyday animal, even for locals. They're only found in the Southwest United States, places like Arizona and Texas. What they basically are is a venomous lizards that inject their venom into their prey's bodies 👀..

Gila Monster

8. Tipping

Let's just say, America is very different. Workers here expect tips, so if you're a foreigner, you might wanna rack up the cash. Just don't be surprised to find a tip jar on a counter of an ice cream place.

Tipping literally doesn't exist in Europe. But on this side of the Atlantic, it's expected. And you might be wondering: Who gets tipped? Why should a customer be expected to pay someone extra for doing their job?  What is the correct amount or percentage to tip? You wondering all of this? Then here's a tip for you: there's no exact amount.  

9. Cream Cheese

I was surprised by this too. If you're American, don't worry, I know what you're thinking. Cream cheese is basically a spread you can put on like bread, bagels, and other foods. And for some reason, cream cheese is soooo addicting. So basically, cream cheese is made from lactic acid bacteria (!Q 2000), giving it that tangy and acidic taste. The closest thing you'd find is mascarpone cheese also found in America but really popular in Italy; but cream cheese is just so much better. Again, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's cream cheese:

Cream Cheese


If you're American, and surprised by these things, don't worry, there's even more. If you're non-American, what are a few things only found in your country? Leave them in the comments, I'd love to look! Hope you enjoyed this blog, and once again, thank you for reading! :)

Level 66
May 13, 2021
At Burger King the US small drink is larger than the UK large
Level 59
May 13, 2021
yes we are spoiled :)
Level 65
May 13, 2021
The malls in Southern California are much larger than the one in the image on average.
Level 65
May 13, 2021
Cream cheese is disgusting. In my opinion at least.
Level 40
May 13, 2021
Free information about Gila Monsters cuz why not ;>

- Gila Monsters are one of the only two venomous lizards in the world

- Gila Monsters have a silent "G"

- These are the largest lizards native to the U.S (Komodo Dragons are the largest monitor lizards native to Indonesia)

- Gila Monsters have venom that can be as powerful as a Western diamondback rattlesnake's venom.

Idk what that was but nice blog, got me to realize how weird but unique the United States really is :)

Level 71
May 13, 2021
How unique you mean
Level 75
May 13, 2021
When I was on a mission trip in Zambia a few years ago some people were able to find peanut butter at the store and consumed it strait out of the jar.
Level 60
May 13, 2021
There is absolutely, definately, 100% peanut butter in Australia if not anywhere else, but I'm not a fan at least.
Level 43
May 13, 2021
Well, some of them we have in Brazil, but they are unusual. By the way, regarding your question at the final, we have some things. I found many websites with Brazilian stuff. They are in Portuguese, but I think you should see. I’ll put the links (too lazy for hyperlink).







Level 43
May 13, 2021
I also saw other link, but I was on notebook, and I’m currently at cellphone. I think I can send just tomorrow.
Level 43
May 13, 2021
Oh, number 6 is super common, and at 3, they usually put the juice jar, the water bottle, or the soda can on the table.
Level 43
May 13, 2021
I found it! By the way, I didn't write (because it looks) that. Was the columnist of the journal.


Level 56
May 13, 2021
"Capitalism breeds innovation."

The innovation in question: Spray cheese

What a shame.

Level 68
May 13, 2021
I didn't know peanut butter was an American thing. Good blog!
Level 62
May 13, 2021
How often do Americans eat homemade food? Is ordering from / dining outside the norm?
Level 59
May 14, 2021
I don't think so, I rarely go out to eat
Level 66
May 18, 2021
From books I've heard that some people just buy a fancy kitchen and only use it to heat leftover takout
Level 54
May 14, 2021
MG, I am waiting for Brazil version
Level 43
May 14, 2021
Let’s see if happens!
Level 37
May 14, 2021
Amazing blog! Btw, we've got something similar to cream cheese in Poland and it's so good :D
Level 54
May 14, 2021
Great Blog!
Level 61
May 14, 2021
the people are larger too lol
Level 59
May 14, 2021
Great Blog! Can you include why tipping is such a big thing in America. It's because waiters and waitresses typically get paid a lower amount and depend on tips as their living.
Level 19
May 14, 2021
Interesting items! People tip here in the Southwest US, but it’s so much more intense on the East coast. They actually put out jars, and have signs. If you go back a number of decades in the US 10% was considered a standard tip, similar to some other places. It then became 10-12.5%, then 12.5-15 etc and now some places even suggest 20%. When I’ve asked why has it changed…people usually reply “inflation”…but then I point out that restaurant prices have risen much faster than inflation so it is already adjusted and they are rewarded even more. Some countries I have been to the restaurants add a service charge in place of tipping. Be aware if this before leaving a tip.