Stupidest American Laws By State


1. Alabama- Illegal To Wear A Fake Mustache To Church

I can just imagine a little kid wanting to be like one of those prayer readers. Then they're escorted outside. How sad.

2. Alaska- Illegal To Wake Up A Bear To Take A Photo


We're off to a great start with these stupid laws.

But wouldn't it be smart in the first place to let the bear and you be at peace?

3. Arizona- Illegal To Let A Donkey Sleep In A Bathtub

**cricket noises**

Why? Why does this have to be a law? How in this world will you get a full on donkey in a bathtub? And even if you do, just why?

4. Arkansas- Illegal To Let An Alligator Sleep in A Bathtub

Before I start, just- 🤦🏻‍♂️.

Who'll have the brains to let an alligator (yes, you heard me right) sleep in a bathtub? What's with Arizonians and Arkansasians?

5. California- Illegal To Eat A Frog If It Dies During A Frog Jumping Contest

No comment. Absolutely no comment. These laws are getting odder, weirder, and stupider. And we're only on Number 5!

6. Colorado- Illegal To Keep A Couch On Your Porch

Sure, okay.

7. Connecticut- Illegal For A Pickle To Be Called A Pickle Unless It Bounces

Idk if that's bigbrain, but apparently Connecticut has a beef with pickles. But I didn't even know pickles bounced...

8. Delaware- Illegal To Sell Dog Hair

I knew people could sell dog hair, but apparently it's banned in a state. But I'm actually with this law, because it's just disrespectful to the dog..

Good Job Delaware!

9. Florida- Illegal To Skateboard Without A License

6 year old kid be like- "I just wanna learn to skateboard! Waaaaa!"

Police Officer Or 'Skateboard Police Officer'- "Do you have a licence?"

6 year old kid- intrigued...."You're saying I can get a license at 6 years old?!?!?!"

10. Georgia- Illegal To Keep An Ice Cream Cone In Your Back Pocket On Sundays

Trying to be like Chick-fil-A, eh? But doesn't it sound a little dumb to put an ice cream cone in your back pocket on a hot day in the first place?

11. Hawaii- Illegal For Billboards To Exist

The reason Hawaii has decided to make billboards nonexistent is for the state to maintain its gorgeousness.

That's fine, but what about the gazillions of tourists that visit you every year and need directions. Just general directions?

Google maps isn't always dependable on.

12. Idaho- Illegal To Give Someone A Box Of Chocolate Weighing More Than 50 Pounds

***mind blown****

That exists? Since when do 50 pound chocolate boxes exist? What kind of world do we even live in?

13. Illinois- Illegal To Fall Asleep In A Cheese Shop

I didn't know cheese shops existed, but falling asleep in public places is an embarrassment.

Trust me, I've tried it. (When I was like 5, but still.)

14. Indiana- Illegal To Catch A Fish With Your Bare Hands (or even a firearm)

So that means any other weapon is okay? 👀

I'm just speechless at this point.

15. Iowa- Illegal For One Armed Piano Players To Charge Money For Their Performances

Taking advantage of one armed people, eh? They have one arm, don't you think we should have some sympathy for them?

16. Kansas- Illegal To Scream In Haunted Houses

Even if you're a horror enthusiast, you'd scream if something jumps out at you. I know for a fact I will. But apparently, that can't exist in Kansas.

To Kansas I have to say, "Why you gotta be so different?"

17. Kentucky- Illegal To Throw Eggs At Public Speakers

Imagine having eggs at a graduation party, or even at some formal occasion.

As much as I wanna try that, I don't want yellow stuff all over me.

18. Louisiana- Illegal To Send Pizza To Someone's House Without Their Knowledge

That's a good idea for a prank though. Just make sure you aren't in Louisiana before you actually prank someone, lol.

19. Maine- Illegal To Keep Up Christmas Decorations After January 14th

Imagine having the police show up to your house on January 15th....and they say...."We're gonna have to take you with us to the station. You're being too festive, and apparently that's against the law!"

The last part's a joke. Obviously.

20. Maryland- Illegal To Take A Lion To The Movies In Baltimore

I laughed. I just laughed.

Number one, I'm pretty sure of the fact that lions DON'T exist in (forget Maryland or even America) North America.

Even if they did, who would take them to the movies? And why is this just Baltimore?

Do Baltimorians have no common sense?

21. Massachusetts- Illegal To Drive A Car With A Gorilla In The Backseat

Oh god....

Why can't people have the slightest common sense? Even if this wasn't a law, why would you wanna actively drive a gorilla?

22. Michigan- Illegal For Your Pig To Run Free Unless It Has A Nose Ring In Detroit

I can never imagine a pig with a nose ring. Why do they need nose rings in the first place? What if they're socially or mentally depressed and just need to run away? And what if their owners don't let them have nose rings?

23. Minnesota- Illegal To Cross State Borders With A Duck Atop Your Head

What if the duck wants to explore the country? Why does it have to be enclosed within it's state's borders?

Just- 🤦🏻‍♂️ .

24. Mississippi- Illegal To Walk A Dog Without Dressing It In Diapers

If I had a nickel every time I heard that. Why would a dog want to be wearing a diaper? What would a dog want with a diaper? Thank god this law is fake. Otherwise....we would be living in a world of despair.

25. Missouri- Illegal To Shave And Drive Without A Permit

I can just imagine this law was made only because a guy was late to a meeting so he had to shave in his car and he got a ticket and the police had to enforce this stupid law....

Thanks a lot guy.

26. Montana- Illegal For More Than One Alarm Clock To Be Ringing At The Same Time

What do you want? To wake up your neighbors? Don't worry, me too. Just make sure you don't move and/or live in Montana while doing so.

27. Nebraska- Illegal For Bars To Sell Beer Without Brewing A Pot Of Soup

Lmao. I thought it was a bar. Not a restaurant? I didn't know you could get soup at a bar in Nebraska. Can't wait to visit when I'm 20.

28. Nevada- Illegal To Pawn Dentures In Las Vegas

Imagine having dentures.

29. New Hampshire- Illegal To Collect Seaweed From Beaches At Night

I hate seaweed, so this law wouldn't make a difference to me. But what's different about seaweed in day then in night in New Hampshire?

Apparently, something is.

30. New Jersey- Illegal To 'Slurp Your Soup'

Ahh yes. My home state. And a law I've broken gazillions of times. Literally, I'm just eating my soup..or trying. And then I get a side comment..."Don't slurp your soup. Bad manners." But I'm like... "You're doing the same thing."

31. New Mexico- Illegal For An Idiot To Vote

This has to be my favorite. Imagine being an idiot. Can't relate.

32. New York- Illegal To Wear Slippers In Public After 10 pm

Well....people weren't lying when they said New Yorkers are super fancy. They're fancy, but they're also laid back. This doesn't help their case.

33. North Carolina- Illegal To Use Elephants to Plow Cotton Fields

I can only imagine that people went to Africa just to bring back elephants so that they can work them on their cotton fields....

But why does it have to elephants? Africa isn't the only place where big animals exist.

34. North Dakota- Illegal to Wear A Hat While Dancing

Apparently, you can be arrested if you break this rule. That means it isn't fake. But like.....why? What would be the problem if you wore a hat while dancing?

35. Ohio- Illegal To Get A Fish Drunk

Sure, okay. I don't even know how people make these stupid rules.

36. Oklahoma- Illegal To Have Tissues In The Back Of Your Car

Seems like tissues and the backs of cars are now enemies. So if you mix them together, you will have a lot of arguments. Don't say I didn't warn you.

37. Oregon- Illegal To Host A Wedding In An Ice Skating Rink

Well you don't slip. Just a bit of common

Oh, and speaking of Oregon, it's also illegal to own something called 'whistling underwear'.

38. Pennsylvania- Illegal To Sing In A Bathtub

You just can't let people be in Pennsylvania...can you...

However, it's socially acceptable to 'belt your heart' out afterwards.

Isn't that a bit weird..??

39. Rhode Island- Illegal To Throw Pickle Juice On A Trolley

Oh god. What exactly is the problem with pickle juice? I'm just speechless......

40. South Carolina- Illegal To Keep A Horse In A Bathtub

No, no, no. Absolutely not. I just wanna clear 2 things here....

1st of all: No.

2nd of all: No.

I think alligators, donkeys, and horses have their own lives to live too. They have nothing to do with humans, and they have nothing to do with humans.

41. South Dakota- Illegal For Casinos To Have Signs That Say Casino

Isn't that the point of a casino though? To be a casino? Imagine someone thinking it was a cheese shop and they fall asleep there.....

42. Tennessee- Illegal To Share Your Netflix Password

Imagine someone just trying to watch Netflix on your account in Tennessee, but you can't give them your Netflix password. Good luck implementing that one.

43. Texas- Illegal To Milk Your Neighbor's Cow

It's all about the neighbors these days. But literally, that means you can milk any other person's cow in the world, just not your neighbor's....

44. Utah- Illegal To Ride Bikes With 0 Hands On The Handlebars

I tried that once. It wasn't pretty. But to enforce that one into a rule must take a lot of injuries.

45. Vermont- Illegal For Delivery Men To Walk Frontwards Forward On Driveways of Houses Worth More Than $500,000.

I feel bad for the delivery men...

They're job must be so hard.

46. Virginia- Illegal For Police To Use Speed Radar Detectors

I can just imagine there's a wanted criminal and the police can't find them anywhere cuz they don't have radar! Isn't that the point of the police?

47. Washington State- Illegal For Lollipops To Exist

Every child's dream....vanished.

48. Other Washington- You Can Get a Parking Ticket For Parking In Your Driveway

Isn't that the point of a driveway? Who would want to pay money just to park a car in front of their house?

49. West Virginia- Illegal For Children To Go To School With Their Breath Smelling Like 'Wild Onions'

Wild onions, eh? I just don't know what to say anymore. I have trouble getting words out now.

50. Wisconsin- Illegal To Sit On Cars 

At first, I thought it said in cars. And I'm like- 🤦🏻‍♂️ .

But I guess this law makes sense.

51. Wyoming- Illegal To Not Close A Fence (Unless You Want A Fine Of $750)

In simpler words, it's illegal to not close a fence in Wyoming. Nobody wants to pay $750 just because of one stupid mistake.

Level 65
Oct 14, 2021
Lol, these are amazing laws. I was hoping California's would be something I could do, like the Pizza one, but no...
Level 60
Oct 14, 2021
It’s also illegal for billboards in my city, Santa Barbara, but not the whole state obviously
Level 75
Oct 14, 2021
I wonder how and why did they come up with all this.
Level 75
Oct 14, 2021
Also, I disagree with 20

I would surely love to take a lion to the movies in Baltimore

Level 60
Oct 14, 2021
Level 60
Oct 14, 2021
HAHAHAHAH. Do these people have no common sense lol. Why in the name of the world would anybody want to do these things or want to make a law prohibiting them. This is just amazing.
Level 60
Oct 14, 2021
Regarding 20, does this include stuffed animals?

“Mommy, I’m going to take my lion to the movies so he can watch Lion King with me”

“Sorry, that’s illegal son”

Wait…, would you even be able to WATCH Lion King in Baltimore?

Level 60
Oct 14, 2021
weird laws
Level 60
Oct 14, 2021
Wait lol that legit worked.
Level 68
Oct 15, 2021
I had no idea on many of these! Wow

You could do one on Britain too, as we have many weird and old laws that make no sense (some of which Tom Scott has covered, like the fact it's illegal to carry a salmon suspiciously)

Level 75
Oct 15, 2021
I wonder how would they determine whether someone was carrying a salmon suspiciously in an objective manner
Level 55
Oct 15, 2021
@Stewart Oh my god, I can't believe you're here!

I'll see what I can come up with. Thanks! :)

Level 68
Oct 15, 2021
I read all your blogs Beckette, they're usually interesting and somewhat well written :)
Level 65
Oct 15, 2021
Now I need to know whose blogs Stewart reads...
Level 65
Oct 15, 2021
Just be careful of Fuse, Saturn, and Dekkie :)
Level 78
Oct 15, 2021
Why me 👀
Level 65
Oct 15, 2021
Aficionado’s comment got deleted, but he was sharing his blog and I told him to be careful about your special gift, which you gave me when I self promoted lol
Level 43
Oct 15, 2021
In the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo, it used to be prohibited to eat watermelon. This happened from 1894 to 1991. That’s because it used to believe that watermelon would transmit typhus and yellow fever. And these are really strange laws!
Level 78
Oct 15, 2021
Brilliant, very amusing. As Stewart says there are similar laws here in the UK, not quite so specific but bizarre nonetheless.

It would be interesting to know some of the history behind these laws.

Level 59
Oct 15, 2021
Nice blog! I really enjoyed it and it is really funny how stupid some laws can be across the US. Although people from Arizona and Arkansas are called Arizonans and Arkansaeans.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2021
That made my day! Yes, you should do an international one too.
Level 60
Oct 15, 2021
This is a pewdiepie video right?
Level 55
Oct 15, 2021
uhh no.......
Level 62
Oct 15, 2021
In South Carolina, it was illegal to dance or work on Sunday, or for minors to play pinball, but they were repelled a few years ago.
Level 62
Oct 15, 2021
Interesting and hilarious blog! For Arkansas, you should also add that fact that it's illegal to pronounce the name of the state incorrectly while there lol.
Level 68
Oct 15, 2021
I laughed so loud! LOL. Great Blog
Level 68
Oct 15, 2021
Waiting for Part 2
Level 55
Oct 15, 2021
First I will work on the English edition of this blog with Fuse, then will upload part 2. sorry for the inconvenience.
Level 65
Oct 15, 2021
This isn’t English?
Level 65
Oct 15, 2021
Ohhhh, you meant England 🤦‍♂️
Level 40
Oct 16, 2021
hope part 2 comes soon!
Level 55
Oct 16, 2021
It will be uploaded tomorrow!
Level 65
Oct 17, 2021
*it is illegal for you to give someone a box of chocolate weighing more than 50 pounds*

I guess if you really want to express your love to a chocolate eater, you'll have to give them a box weighing 49.9 pounds instead.