What If Earth Was As Big As The Sun


We all know the sun is big, right?? Even from 150 million km away, the sun still looks gigantic. Now, let's imagine what would happen if you're standing next to the colossal star. Could you ever imagine what Earth would be like if it was that size?

It seems almost impossible to imagine living in an Earth that seems so different; and since the sun contains almost 99% of our entire solar system, it would take approximately 1,300,000 Earths to fill the entire sun! Enough facts. Let's get to the fun part. What on Earth would Earth be like if it were that big? Glad you asked.

  What On Earth Would Happen?

To start off, all the continents would expand. Not only that, but over populated areas such as the current China or current India would get much more relief. It would also be much more affordable and possible to own a big chunk of land then today.

But let's take it from a different aspect.

What would the Earth's physical features look like? For one, the oceans would have more area to cover, which means lakes, rivers, streams, and etc would become shallower and more vulnerable to evaporation and eventually drying out. But for all the marine life that are in the oceans, it would be bad news for them. Shallower waters means they're more likely to gain heat from the sun, threatening sea creatures which need colder waters to survive.

If we head back to land, a lot of wildlife would most probably need to relocate, especially those in deserts because of the water drying up. Another option for these guys would be to travel much farther for fresh water, which also puts them at risk.

Humans would be in an equally hazardous position too, if you're wondering. We would all start fighting over what's left of the water, but more importantly, our crop production would start shrinking as well. Since food crops need a certain amount of soil to germinate, they wouldn't be able to absorb the nutrients they also need.

If we just imagine our world as big as the sun, then, our soil would need to spread out to cover much larger spaces. Less soil means less food; while the demand for food will still remain the same.

If we travel to outer space, however, we would also be questioning our stake of survival. If the Earth was the same size as the sun, we would pretty much lose the moon since it wouldn't be able to cover as much as it does now. But the larger the planet, the stronger the gravity (gravitational pole for nerds). In this case, the gravity on Earth would be much more more strong then it is now.

If we look at the big picture, we'd see that the current sun's mass is so great that it actually forces other planets into its orbit; and since all the planets have been used to this orbit for billions of years, we'd be disrupting the solar system. So if the sun stays where it is, but the Earth is now its mass, that would mean the both would have a share of 49% of the solar system's mass. But who knows? Earth and the sun start revolving and orbiting each other?

This would most probably mean we're more likely to be hit by asteroids, and many objects in outer space would crash down into the Earth in a matter of seconds! Meanwhile, many structures on the Earth would start collapsing.

Only trees or bushes with roots stuck deep into the ground would remain standing, but it's not likely anything else could. Us humans would be a lot heavier, and most probably won't be able to stand up, or even walk anywhere.

For example: Weighing 100 pounds on today's Earth would be like weighing 2800 pounds on a sun-sized Earth. This is because as gravity increase. However, due to the location of the planet/space object, the time will slow down. That's why different planets have shorter/longer days and shorter/longer years. We'd probably be able to live longer, which is just not worth it. But we don't have to worry about this crisis right now, because Earth would never be the same size as the sun. This is especially because our world weighs at least 1,000,000x times less. However, the contrary is true! Our planet is only getting smaller! Our atmosphere is leaking every day, exposing much more weight to outer space.

So we should take a moment to be thankful our world isn't as big as the sun, because as well all know, it would look like a very different place. I appreciate you reading, and I'll see you in my next blog. Peace.

Level 74
Jun 27, 2021
Neat blog, wish there was just another section explaining sort of like if it was just a proportional scenario too, instead of just the realistic scenario.
Level 55
Jun 27, 2021
Thanks yallz!

I used research though, so I don't think so...unless if it's a mighty coincidence.

Level 54
Jun 27, 2021
Great blog! :)
Level 40
Jun 27, 2021
It's the sun that'll only expand and destroy everything in a couple billion years-
Level 65
Jul 28, 2021
Includes JetPunk...oh no!
Level 38
Jun 27, 2021
You could add a thumbnail. Nice blog!